magician in town

Chapter 502 7th Hearing

Chapter 502 Seven-Day Hearing (3)

Chapter 3 Seven-day hearing (3)

Liu Xiuyun tried his best to overcome his dislike of Barida, and focused on the data about the testing sandbox.In his notepad, the test data of the mind mage is the key evidence, which can almost determine life and death.What he should do most is to find doubts on this data.If Barida is willing to find fault with this evidence, he believes that the investigation committee can spend a little time to allow Barida to find fault. The test data should have been repeatedly demonstrated.

But it was this crucial piece of evidence that they passed in just two and a half hours.

After Zhou Quan summoned evidence and witnesses, his own niece appeared in the temperate garden of the highland mage.Liu Ziyu stood in front of the committee's table, spoke coldly, and discussed the entire test evidence with impeccable rigorous logic.Bai Lida had no chance to fire at all, he, Peng Ruxin and Fan Ning all tried to ask a few questions, Liu Ziyu coldly threw the perfect answer in their faces, the effect was like pouring swear words without swear words.Because, obviously, they couldn't fully understand Liu Ziyu's words at all, and they looked like a group of mentally retarded.Those profound magic theories and unpredictable magic effects are very limited in what they can comprehend.This can be seen from Sanchun's face, he is lying on the table and smiling like a wretched mole.

Liu Li didn't ask any questions. It seemed like she didn't listen at all. She was sorting out the materials in her hands throughout the whole process.Liu Xiuyun suspected that she might have been grading homework for the students, but he didn't have the courage to prove it - and he didn't want to know the truth at all.

In the last half hour, there was only one person who asked questions, and that was Miharu, the monster of the experiment committee.But Liu Xiuyun was 72% sure that Sanchun's questions were all about technical issues, and he didn't care about Luo Qi's credibility at all. What he discussed with Liu Ziyu were all about technical issues.This is a precious sandbox, a rare treasure, and even rarer because someone will smash the box.Sanchun and Liu Ziyu discussed with Liu Ziyu the boundary effect of the damaged sandbox and the security magic that they did not expect that the sandbox was still operating. In the end, the energy ran for [-] hours, perfectly ensuring that the people inside left safely. .His niece's attitude towards Sanchun is much better, at least she doesn't use mentally retarded eyes to assist communication.

Under this kind of pressure, no one wanted to ask Liu Ziyu any more questions for himself.Liu Xiuyun thought about it carefully for a while and finally gave up.She grew up in Qionglin, so he is not close to his niece, but he also understands her abilities very well. Since she is standing here, she must have prepared everything. She has the ability to ensure that everything has no loopholes. They are sure Can't find anything wrong with this.

At the end of the day, the only request from Barida was for Roach to attend.He may also find that he cannot make a breakthrough from the rigorous Liu Ziyu, but it is reasonable to ask Luo Qi to answer the question, and Luo Qi himself may expose some problems.

Liu Li did not reject Barida's request, and Barida's request was indeed reasonable.But the person Zhou Quan sent to summon Luo Qi returned without success, and only brought a message from the attending doctor Ma Jiang——Roch is in the process of self-healing in a deep sleep, and it is impossible to wake up to answer the question.

The first day of the 30-day hearing passed like this. At the end of the meeting, Liu Xiuyun found that that young old man Wusu caught up with Liu Ziyu to talk, and he couldn't help feeling annoyed.Wusu looks in his early 90s and may look only ten years older than his niece, but this old thing has actually lived for [-] years, and if he seduces his niece, she may be a widow for a century.

Annoyed, he chased after them. The two had already returned to the hall through the teleportation point, and he hurriedly followed them back to the hall.Wusu turned a corner in the crowd to chat with a highland mage, and his niece walked in the other direction, standing behind a group of highland mages to talk to others.He breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down, and glanced casually again.

Just then the team of loosely robed Highland mages passed by, revealing the figure of the man who had been talking to his niece.He stopped subconsciously and glared at the young man involuntarily.He was a real young man, and his appearance might not be easy to distinguish, but his eyes hadn't been caged with boredom and numbness because he had dated too many women, tasted too many failures, or drowned too deep in the wine jar. luster.But anyone would be foolish to think that scorpions are not deadly because they are smaller than elephants.

It was not the first time he met Du Zhengyi, but he had become famous the first time he saw him, his appearance and inner core had grown at the same time, he was quite a precocious person.Interestingly, even in pre-pubescence, this deadly mage never attempted to prove himself a tough character.Every time I see him in Qionglin, he is gentle, personable, and well-dressed, and he especially likes to wear suits that are inconvenient to move. The style of the suit is between the court and the rock stage.He ignored everyone, and it seemed that no one could annoy him, but in fact Liu Xiuyun noticed that almost all mages who were within 50 years of his age avoided him.He is the youngest God of Plague in the mage world. Whenever he appears, there is almost no one in the five-meter radius circle around him, as if his breath carries the virus that almost wiped out the mage world.

In the end, he got involved with that "little baby of the times", and even got involved with Liu Ziyu.

Why did Liu Ziyu meet him at this sensitive time?The doubts and vigilance in Liu Xiuyun's heart were magnified at the same time.

Du Zhengyi seemed to be listening to Liu Ziyu's words seriously, but suddenly he felt something out of thin air, and he turned his head.From a distance of 15 meters, his eyes were as sharp as blades, coldly cutting his face.Liu Xiuyun's scalp went numb, and at that moment he had an illusion, as if the 15-meter distance between him and Du Zhengyi was suddenly shortened, and Du Zhengyi's icy cold pressure came suddenly.That feeling is like a sudden cold wind blowing on the face in summer, shivering under the bright sun, but after careful investigation, nothing happened, the sun above the head is still bright, but there is a seemingly non-existent numbness on the back.

Du Zhengyi had already turned his face away, said something to Liu Ziyu, and then disappeared without a trace, as if this person had never appeared before.Liu Xiuyun is not a sensitive person, but in the foreign land of mages, Du Zhengyi was different from everyone else, coming and going without a trace, which gave him an absurd illusion, as if the existence of Du Zhengyi itself was just his illusion.

While he was still in a daze, Liu Ziyu turned around and looked at him warily.He came back to his senses and walked towards Liu Ziyu, thinking all the way how to communicate with this unfamiliar niece.

"What's the matter?" As soon as he approached, Liu Ziyu asked first, "If you want to ask me something, you should ask it at the committee hearing, that's only fair and just."

"Ziyu." Liu Xiuyun interrupted her, "Has Du Zhengyi threatened you?"

Liu Ziyu's face changed, and she looked up at him, "He doesn't need to threaten me. If they think it's necessary, Luo Qi can directly modify my brain. You all think he has this ability, don't you?"

Liu Xiuyun was stunned.

Liu Ziyu was in this gap, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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