magician in town

Chapter 510 7th Hearing

Chapter 510 Seven-Day Hearing (11)

Chapter 11 Seven-day hearing (11)

The entire fifth day was spent in quarrels.Everyone was stunned by Barida's statement yesterday, and it turned out that everyone else was trying to convince Barida alone, and he was more stubborn than anyone Liu Xiuyun had ever met.

For some reason, the situation slipped to the worst direction. After arguing back and forth, Xiang Gan has become speechless.She banged on the table angrily, using an unknown weapon she had condensed, and the sound was particularly loud on the hardwood. "This bullshit meeting is ridiculous! Why can't we have the majority defeat the minority? Why do we have to pass all of us to find Roach innocent? This system itself is unreasonable. As long as there is a birdman among us, this matter will be unfair It can be said."

"Shut up!" Liu Li called her friend irritably, "The archmages who can attend the hearing are almost perfect, without any flaws in character. Even if there are disputes, we are still thinking about the magic world. I believe everyone here There are differences, but the purpose is the same."

Xiang Gan stretched out both hands and made an incomprehensible movement, "Are you reciting the regulations? Repay the person? The missing person is sitting between us now!" She stretched out her hand and pointed to Bailida's nose.

Brida was flushed by her rudeness, and stared back at her sternly, "I don't have any selfish intentions!"

"Don't attack personally," Liu Li said.

Xiang Gan said, "I suggest canceling this bullshit meeting format, and adopt the principle of the minority obeying the majority!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Liu Li said, "Even human laws are in this form. Their jury system comes from the social system of mages."

"That's just the opposite." Wusu said leisurely, "The jury system of human beings is that everyone agrees to be guilty before the judge can declare the suspect guilty. Our system is that only one member of the jury finds the suspect guilty. , we must not let the suspects go. Our judicial system has always been characterized by strictness and efficiency, and we would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go."

"Master Wusu!" Liu Li growled warningly, and cast a stern glance at him, "Watch your words and deeds!"

Wusu's smile is harmless to humans and animals, and at the age of 90, he can still bring out a sense of innocence.

Bai Lida seized the opportunity and said, "Master Wusu doesn't care about anything and has no sense of social responsibility."

Xiang Gan let out an annoyed grumble, "What is your sense of social responsibility? You personally look down on telepaths, and you want to eradicate these mages? You are very similar to humans who don't know magic. I can't understand it. Gay, can't see women showing their skin, just stone these people to death. Hey, if you have a chance, don't you really want to stone that kid Roach to death?" "You bleed! Who would want to kill a child !” cried Barida.

"Roch was attacked once in the territory of the highland mage. Master Fan, I am not targeting you. I also believe that Chi Yu and Roch have personal grievances. I am explaining the status quo." Xiang Gan said.

Barida shook his head, "I have to be responsible to the magical society. Roach is not just a mind mage telepath, he is a mind mage who is not in the record."

"Master Baili." Liu Xiuyun took the words, "I have been thinking about one thing, and I want to discuss it with you. I think after the hearings over the past few days, we all know that Luo Qi is not the only mind mage who has been hidden. We vaguely know, including Roach, there are three in total, and maybe there are more we don't know. Master Baili, you have been emphasizing that those who have no ghosts in their hearts should not hide them. But please also think about it the other way around. Think about it, is it because there are too many people who hate mind mages like you, so they want to hide."

"Master Liu." Barida replied in a tone of retaliation. "Is it so easy for a mind mage to hide? All mages will be inspected by Qionglin when they were children. We have testing standards that can find out who among us A telepathic person! Without the help of an advanced mind mage, a child with telepathy can't hide his instinct at all. Luo Qi's parents are both senior mind mages. I don't know if they have helped others do such things. They Is there any purpose behind it, is there any organization? These are the things we should pay attention to and investigate thoroughly!"

"Master Baili, that was also the crime of Roach's parents, and it has nothing to do with him. We didn't find any signs of evil in a child who was not yet an adult. His entire resume shows how he is trying to survive. There are many Children born in the magical world, although they do not have magic, have an endless sense of superiority. They have endless resentment for living in human society. But before Roach broke out with magic, he even worked hard to make himself able to live in human society. Let’s live in it. This is from a fair point of view, from our own point of view to think about ourselves and our future generations. When Roach fully grows into a mind master, have you ever thought about how much he will affect our society? Is it worth it? His birth is a precious gift from God to the magician world. The most important thing we should do... Maybe not owe him too much, and don't force him to hate us. In my opinion, in this We have already made some mistakes. To test a person’s ability to resist by forcing him to a corner, is this to test a pure soul, or to tame a person?” Liu Xiuyun said at the end when he suddenly felt a burst of exhaustion , These words have been in his heart for a long time, he thought he would not say them at all for the sake of the overall situation.

Bai Lida still shook his big head stubbornly, "It will be too late when each of us loses our souls and is controlled by the mind mage."

Wusu smiled and said, "Even if you kill Roach now, as far as I know, there is still a hidden mind master who claims to be a clownfish. This person's ability is close to that of our chief venerable, not a little guy like Roach. Children can be compared. Master Baili, look at everything in the long run."

Liu Li said immediately, "If there are other evidences that we want to see, and other witnesses we want to question, we can go back to the hearing part."

"No." Barida retorted angrily, "I won't change my mind."

Liu Xiuyun couldn't listen anymore, he stood up abruptly.Everyone looked at him in surprise, and he held back his anger and said, "Then there is no need to continue discussing today, I'm going back to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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