magician in town

Chapter 514 The Night Visitor

Chapter 514 The Night Visitor

Chapter 15

The night finally fell completely, Liu Xiuyun raised his head from the pile of manuscripts, and looked at the silver pine forest in the night outside the imaginary window.A fire was burning on the side, and in front of the fire was a comfortable sofa, a small table, a rose that had not yet bloomed, and a photo frame inlaid with her daughter's photo.

The layout here is the same as his office in Qionglin, but it's too quiet here.He couldn't hear the occasional footsteps in the corridor, only the boundless silence created by the highland mage, and his heart was empty.But maybe this emptiness has nothing to do with the environment, it is the emptiness in his heart, he seems to have miscalculated and played the wrong cards.

Roach's extraordinary abilities and treacherous methods were suspicious at first, but all of these were covered up by Barida's poor targeting. The clown was noisy and caught all the problems that shouldn't be caught .He didn't have much time to delve into Roach's eccentricities during the consecutive days of meetings, and his heart was full of sympathy for a child.Barida is like a mindless, embarrassing idiot, a... unreasonable idiot whose only purpose of existence is to push everyone to Roach's side.

He was in a panic, he hadn't had this kind of kid-like panic for decades, and he didn't even know where the panic came from.He had a hunch that he had done something wrong these few days, and he wanted to check Roach's information more carefully, but he hadn't slept for two days, and now he was flustered and it was difficult to concentrate.

The fire in the furnace exploded suddenly, and he jumped in fright. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a fiery snake rushing out of the fire, wrapping around the table, and swallowing the photos of Rose and his daughter.He jumped up in shock, and rushed to get out of the desk in two steps, but the fire snake suddenly disappeared, obviously the fire that soared into the sky just now remained on his retina.

He stood still, feeling even more empty in his heart, flustered, and grief suddenly broke into his heart. He wanted to kneel on the blanket in front of the fire, wanted to cry on the ground.His mind was screaming that something was wrong, but the emotions swept through him like a storm, the intensity of emotions he had never experienced in his entire life.He had never felt such a powerful force, and he knew that his mind would open, and he waited for the catastrophic moment in fear that he could not fear.

Until... until there was a knock on the door.

It took Liu Xiuyun a while to figure out where the sound came from. The knock on the door was very real. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the chaotic and violent emotional storm just now was over, and his rapid heartbeat was his own.

Only then did he realize that he had squatted on the ground at some point. Liu Xiuyun was stunned for a while, then jumped up and walked towards the door.

Liu Xiuyun's hand fell on the doorknob, feeling the slight vibration brought by the knock on the door, restraining his doubts about the real world.He opened the door to find a pair of brown eyes looking at him softly.

"You are..." He said halfway, looking at the young man in front of him...boy, his eyes were full of joy, that was the look of a young man, and he didn't need to be classified into the team of men.He is...Of course he is Roach, otherwise who else?

As if his mind had been read, the boy tilted his head and smiled at him.He stepped back, allowing Roach to come in.Blocking the mind archmage with a door is of course stupid and self-defeating, he wouldn't do that.

The boy was still holding the cat, and smiled at him politely, as if with a little self-confidence and childish restraint. He walked into the house carefully, as if he was afraid of leaving muddy footprints on the carpet of other people's homes.Thinking of this, he realized that Roach was actually barefoot, and the T-shirt he was wearing was one size too big, so it might actually be pajamas.

As soon as the boy entered the room, he looked around curiously, taking in everything around him. The large size must have impressed him deeply. "Space extension magic?"

Liu Xiuyun nodded.

The boy looked back at him, "The room I live in is much smaller than this."

Liu Xiuyun smiled contemptuously at the sourness and pettiness in his words, and said sarcastically, "Do you think you haven't got enough? Will you never be satisfied?"

The boy shook his head and looked at him quietly, "Du Zhengyi can easily make a small magic like this, but he still squeezes me into a small room."

He believed what he said, Du Zhengyi was the best magician in teleportation in the world, which meant that he knew the magic of manipulating space like the back of his hand. "It seems that the parents of your family have been trying to be responsible and don't want to spoil you."

The boy was amused and showed his white teeth, but when he glanced at Liu Xiuyun, Liu Xiuyun shivered for no reason, he had never been stared at by such a cold and terrifying gaze.The boy let go of the cat in his hand and let the black cat move freely. He walked to the fire by himself, sat down calmly on the sofa in the most prominent position, and looked back at him like a master.

Liu Xiuyun came back to his senses and turned to Luo Qi.

"Sit down," Roach said. "I don't like people talking to me from an overhead perspective."

"What? You don't want to order an archmage..." Before he finished speaking, he involuntarily fell down on a chair not far from Roach.He raised his head in astonishment, and then looked angry.

The boy licked his lips, like a contented cat, he looked at Liu Xiuyun with a half-smile, "Isn't that all right? When we sit down, we can both be about the same height. I didn't let you kneel on the ground, Archmage , you should thank me. Because I like equality, I am not like you."

"I remember that you were once sent underground in Qionglin," Liu Xiuyun said angrily, "I thought that experience would teach you a lesson!"

Roach laughed easily, and moved into a more comfortable position on the sofa, leaning his elbows on the armrests and crossing the fingers of his hands. "Some mages went underground, not because of what they did, but because they made Qionglin feel that they smelled of gunpowder."

"Fortunately, you know very well." Liu Xiuyun said teasingly.

"Going back to the previous topic, some people are not worthy of magic at all," Roach said.

Liu Xiuyun looked at him angrily, he didn't know what the last topic was, the topic of house decoration? "You are not worthy of magic."

"I haven't used magic much at all." Roach said innocently.

"Did you arrange Barida's attack on you?" Liu Xiuyun asked.

Roach only gave him a grimace, "Guess what?"

Liu Xiuyun sighed, "Maybe your parents limited your ability because they found out that you are a devil a long time ago. Du Zhengyi will realize this sooner or later. Maybe he has already suspected it. Tonight he once suggested that I leave here , and hide in Qionglin.”

(End of this chapter)

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