magician in town

Chapter 519 Who lost the memory

Chapter 519 Who lost the memory

Chapter 20

It rained all day in the woods the next day, and no one knew what kind of plant growth environment the highland mage was simulating. Maybe he wanted to test whether moss could grow on the lowland mage.

Roach attended the hearing on the last day and had a small long table under the barrier that blocked the rain, sitting next to the big round table.Du Zhengyi sat with him, expressionless and slightly tired.

Roach himself was sleepy.He was taken back to the bedroom by Du Zhengyi last night. Du Zhengyi didn't ask him anything, maybe because he trusted his brother, or because he was worried that he would have to arrest him if he asked.Luo Qi didn't want to think about these things, and when he climbed back to bed, he complained to Du Zhengyi that Liu Xiuyun's room was very big, and his magical ability was not worthy of Du Zhengyi's shoes.The world is so unfair, Liu Xiuyun can use magic to make himself comfortable, but Du Zhengyi can't use magic at will.Then Du Zhengyi told him to shut up, because he didn't want to be complained that the house was too small before he got married.

This sentence was too shocking, Roach closed his mouth resentfully, and then fell into a deep sleep.

It started to rain in the dream.

In the dream, Roach was sitting in Du Zhengyi's car, with pea-sized raindrops hitting the roof all the time, holding a Starbucks paper coffee cup in his hand, taking a few sips from time to time.Through the window, he could see a pair of glass doors with a green Banshee logo on the top. He bought a cup of coffee from there 10 minutes ago, and Du Zhengyi drove him outside.Now he was watching the black glass door closely.

There was another person sitting in the driver's seat next to him, his mind was on the door of Starbucks, and he didn't think about who was behind him.The man spoke to himself, "What are you doing?"

Roach shushed him impatiently.

It's a pity that he failed to "shh" the man, and the man said unrelentingly again, "Are you working with Du Zheng? Are you a battle mage too?"

"Of course!" Roach turned his head angrily, "Can you be quiet, so as not to delay my business."

He was a little dizzy, and there was a chuckle in his ear, "So is this your fantasy? Team up with Du Zheng and do some things to catch the high-anti-mage. Your dream is as ordinary as a broken man in the urban-rural junction. The house is at most [-] square meters, and there are three generations of people."

Roach calmed down, as if his fever had subsided, and his surroundings became clearer. He saw the clownfish sitting in the driver's seat and looking at him mockingly.

"You entered my consciousness?" Roach asked, but he wasn't too nervous.

"It's just a dream." The clownfish said, "I am the opposite you created yourself, and I use it to remind you."

"Then I must have lost control and let myself destroy my dream." Roach said silently.

"Such a shabby scene is not a dream." The clownfish smiled, and the smile was as infuriating as he remembered.

"I must be schizophrenic to create your image to disgust myself," Roach said.

"I am the most dangerous enemy in your subconscious, so when I appear, you are in danger." The clownfish said.

"I know." Roach said without interest.

"So you must not be far from schizophrenia." The clownfish smiled, "Your subconscious mind, which is me, reminds you again—your house is too messy, you need to tidy it up...slow down, I I understand, you don’t have the ability to sort it out. You have eaten too many things. The memory of the alien group, the memory that Mr. Shi gave you also contains the information of several generations of black market managers. It is too much to eat the memory of any family alone. There are too many, and you ate them all. No wonder your body recovers so slowly... How pitiful..."

"From the opposite side, you can see clearly. When you don't have emotions, you can see everything clearly." Luo Qi said lazily, but ignored his words.

"Will you be swallowed by other people's memories?" the clownfish said. "It's not good to be up and down in Frankenstein's monster."

Luo Qi didn't want to listen anymore, he turned his head and glanced out the window, the door of Starbucks was closed, and Du Zhengyi still didn't come out.He was a little disappointed, "I'm leaving."

"You are avoiding me." The clownfish said bluntly, "You are avoiding your own problems."

Roach closed his eyes and left the deep consciousness. It was too tiring to sleep like this. He might as well wake up completely.He began to blur his dreams, and the fog obscured the scene of the street, and the coffee shop disappeared.He struggled to swim toward the space of waking consciousness, ignoring many mists and phantoms of memory along the way.

But a fog of memory still dissipated, and before Roach could break free from the memory, a mellow and leisurely sound of the flute broke free from the restraint, lingering in his mind.The tune became clearer and clearer, and he just remembered that it was "Journey to Gusu", but finally he couldn't help but take a look at it.

The fog dissipated following the direct direction of his consciousness, and he was stunned to find that he was standing at the bridgehead of the ancient town.The damp water vapor made him shiver, and the figure of a strange ghost was about to emerge from his memory.Roach really didn't want to recall those monsters anymore, especially when he was still in a state where the surface consciousness was basically asleep. At this time, he was a little fragile.

He hesitated for a moment in the dream, and the clear flute sound just reached the joyous moment in the second half, the flute sound became more mellow, and most of the chill in his heart was blown away.It suddenly occurred to him that the scene of a lonely flute flying secretly in the ancient town was not in his memory.If anyone else had walked in here, he might as well stop and take a look.

Suddenly, the scenery around him changed, and he stood outside a house.Roach took a closer look and recognized that this was the courtyard of the Mind Society, and inside was the library of the Society.He strolled past, observing the surroundings all the way, it seemed to be the way he remembered, but some details were hidden in the dark and could not be seen clearly.It seems that someone deliberately extracted the memory, deliberately dimming the background that does not need to be noticed, and perhaps compressing the size of the memory to save brain space.

Roach didn't know whose memory it was, or if it wasn't whose memory it was. It was a bad situation. His brain began to assemble memories randomly, forming hallucinations.

He took a few steps across the courtyard. There was a lamp burning in the library, and the flute player was in another courtyard, but now someone was upstairs.Roach stepped up the wooden stairs in his memory, and immediately saw the light of a candle in a library on the left.

Roach hurried over and pushed the half-closed door open.A slender man was standing in front of the bookcase with his back to him, holding an ancient scroll in his hand.His heart relaxed, he was so familiar with this figure from the back, he immediately let go of his guard.

"Brother, why are you here? So I'm still in a dream?" He breathed a sigh of relief and put his hands in his pockets.He was slightly uncomfortable without the cat in his pocket.

Hearing this, the man turned his head and gave him a gentle look.The candlelight kept flickering, and Roach couldn't see Du Zhengyi's face clearly in the shadow of the bookcase.Du Zhengyi's eyebrows and eyes seemed to be softer than usual, without so much icy sharpness, but because of this, he was a bit unlike Du Zhengyi.

"What are you doing here?" Roach asked, knowing that this place is either a memory or a dream, but opening his mouth is actually better than nothing.But when the words came out, he froze for a moment, as if he had known each other before, as if these words had been uttered from his memory.

Du Zhengyi smiled slightly, his brows and eyes were gentle. "I don't seem to know much about mind mages."

Luo Qi shivered from the cold. It is impossible for Du Zhengyi to have such a gentle personality. He has been notorious for his misdeeds since he was a child. "Are you crazy?"

Du Zhengyi didn't respond to him, and Roach became more suspicious. He wanted to get closer to take a closer look at Du Zhengyi, but he kept a distance from him, standing in the shadows.After struggling for a while, Luo Qi suddenly realized that this was someone else's memory. In this strange memory, no one could pull the camera and change the depth of field.

Roach stopped tossing, memory stopped, and the chapter was broken.It may be that he was nervous for a while just now, and fell into a state where the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't remember it. Du Zhengyi stood there and looked at him all the time.

He was extremely irritable, and when he woke up from a nightmare, the incomparably real Du Zhengyi kicked him several times with a face full of irritability.He lay depressed and didn't dare to sleep anymore, if he woke up Du Zheng again, he might be strangled to death.

So now he sits behind the censored desk, yawning.

(End of this chapter)

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