magician in town

Chapter 525 Tendency

Chapter 525 Tendency

Liu Xiuyun stood up.

It's a gesture, expressed physically, and he's formal and doesn't flinch.To Roach, that might mean a red exclamation point.

Liu Li could see it more clearly, she looked at Liu Xiuyun and let out a helpless sigh, her eyes were full of disappointment, and maybe she was a little tired.However, His Holiness of the Supreme Council perked up, and her voice softened, more like speaking to a colleague she respected. "You've been disturbed by Roach. You see, he's still a child. Our only hope is that an adult he trusts can restrain him. Unfortunately, the adult who restrains him has just grown up himself. Are you really going to let the two Is a child headed for us?"

Luo Qi secretly glanced at the other person she was referring to. He didn't discuss with Du Zhengyi beforehand, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking now, but no matter what Du Zhengyi thought of, he didn't express anything. The frost mask hung firmly on his face.

"Thank you for your reminder, Venerable Liu. But I guarantee that all my thoughts come from my own mind. I can think independently. Roach didn't interfere with me."

Luo Qi turned to look at Liu Xiuyun who was talking, his face was very firm and full of guard, just like when they were talking last night.

"I know, I believe so." Liu Li nodded in agreement. "Roach said what he said today because he was a kid, and a kid responds directly to any injustice. To take action, this is... we can call it the heart of a child. Master Liu, the reason why you are moved by his words is because you are also an upright mage. I believe that is the only reason. But... use a sentence As the old saying goes, we have to think about the long term, what Roach said is far-reaching, and it is by no means something that can be widely discussed in the face."

"I agree with this point." Liu Xiuyun said, but everyone could tell that he had ambush a lot of disagreements.Most of the archmages looked at him worriedly, especially Peng Ruxin from the safety committee, whose expression was extremely bad, as if he was about to have a heart attack. "If all the secrets are deeply hidden, I don't have any intention to know the secrets. As Master Peng said, sometimes ignorance is a blessing. But the question now is, I want to ask, what is the secret? How many people still don’t know? Fan Shi is suspected of attacking a battle mage serving Qionglin. We didn’t know the details before. We only know that psychic beasts were used on a large scale. All of us take it for granted. I thought it was lions, tigers, wolves, bears, any beasts that can be found in human nature reserves, not this kind of thing!"

His finger pointed in a direction of nothingness, and the illusion created by Roach was still there.Liu Xiuyun said, "In case His Majesty blocks Roach's vision, let me describe it. This kind of stuff in nightmares can make people have a stress response just by looking at it. I thought Qionglin's scavenger was The most disgusting magical creature—ah, I originally thought that the Scavenger was the only magical creature. Now it seems that I have been re-washed enough common sense these days. It turns out that there are really sealed ancient beasts in this world , and, it turns out that mind mages can also be hidden by seals."

Sanchun nodded in agreement, and muttered, "Yes, yes, everything is possible."

Roach frowned, but he didn't say anything. Things were fermenting. He had to wait quietly, and there was no need to distract them now.

"Obviously, Qionglin's operation is out of order." Liu Xiuyun came to his conclusion.Roach also knew such a conclusion, but the same words were said in public by a senior mage, and the weight was really different.What's more, this sentence has been circulating in the hearts of all the great mages, and now someone says it out loud, it's like all the echoes echoing together. "Sealed beasts must be Qionglin's deepest secret. I can understand that Qionglin keeps them, but now a venerable can mobilize them. I want to know what the original follow-up of the matter should be? In a high-powered battle mage Try it out, and use it as a sharp weapon to eradicate dissidents, and finally want to replace the committee system and try to be the monarch of mages?"

"Perhaps..." Yun Maoran said hesitantly, wanting to ease the situation and smooth things over. "Perhaps we should concentrate our efforts and find Venerable Fan Shi first?"

Fanning raised his head uneasily, he seemed to be frightened now. "I don't know where he is! Honestly, I never knew it was this serious, I..."

Liu Li made a calm and unflappable gesture to appease Fan Ning, "We all know that the connection between your brothers is not deep, and you are not close. It is a good reason for you to come here as his agent to your own obligations to the family."

Fan Ning nodded and relaxed a little. No one challenged him. The archmages all sat calmly at the round table, and even Master Baili spread out sickly on his chair.

"There is one more thing we have to pay attention to." Liu Xiuyun said worriedly, "I think Qiong Lin's abnormality is related to a newly rising magician organization."

"Master Liu." Liu Li tried to interrupt him.

Wusu opened his mouth leisurely, "Is it the lotus burner?"

Peng Ruxin resigned himself and said, "Is there any other organization? The other newly established magician organization is the Culinary Association. I really don't think this association has any interest in the beast, unless the beast is delicious."

"Don't talk nonsense." Liu Li said sternly, Peng Ruxin was her student in the past, and when she spoke to him, she always brought out her school style. "Pei Shu has already started investigating the lotus burner, Master Peng, he should have informed you."

"Yes." Peng Ruxin said bitterly, "but I don't know much, maybe because there is no one in Qionglin who can trust it now. Please, we don't have to pretend that we don't know much about the lotus burner anymore. Okay? Now that we have a home and can’t go back, we have to squat in this rainy woods and have some second-five-eye meetings. Is it really because we are afraid that Fan Zun will attack one of us in Qionglin? Isn't he just afraid of the lotus burner? After all, no one knows how deep the relationship between the lotus burner and Fan Zun, a Qionglin venerable, is, and whether he is burning lotus or not. Lian Zhe. Aren’t you afraid? Anyway, I’m almost scared enough to pee my pants.”

"So..." Sanchun blinked, and for some reason his spirits rose, "So maybe the lotus burner has already obtained a part...of a Qiongqi-level killer? Maybe in the middle of the night one day, a The archmage who married a human wife will have his head cut off on the bed by that thing?"

Roach listened quietly, this miserable rain really made the woods suffer to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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