magician in town

Chapter 531 Han Yi

Chapter 531 Han Yi (2)

Chapter 32

"Let me introduce. This is Qionglin's first-level executive mage, senior battle mage Han Yi." Zhou Quan stood up with a smile, introduced the two, and invited them to sit down.

Luo Qi stood up friendly and said hello, while looking at Han Yi.In fact, this is not the first time they met. Han Yi himself was a member of the huge investigation team investigating Roach, but because he was not among the nine chief investigators, Roach only met him a few times away. On the face, I don't have a deep impression on him.It is only now the first time to take a closer look. Han Yi's age should not be too old, probably not in the first 60 years of his life, or even younger.

Han Yi has a slender body, steady steps, and a special lightness in his actions.This trait Roach has also seen in Du Zhengyi. They have better muscle control, and it seems that the influence of gravity on them is more special.Roach secretly reminded himself to remember that the other party was a capable battle mage.He couldn't help but think of the lesson Du Zhengyi taught him the day he went to the black market, and told him personally that when a well-trained battle mage was going to snap his neck, it was useless even if he was a mind mage.

But in other parts, Han Yi and Du Zhengyi have almost no similarities.Han Yi has thick, bristly hair that looks like a hedgehog, and his neck is also a bit short.His eyes were full of sarcasm, and the corner of his mouth was more like a cigarette with his acrimony.

He glanced at Roach, his gaze scanned down from Roach's face, and finally nodded to Roach.Roach guessed that this should be regarded as a very friendly and polite gesture for him, and he may have received an exceptional reception.

Zhou Quan exchanged a few simple greetings, then stepped back and sat at the next table.After Luo Qi and Han Yi sat down, Han Yi's magic permeated the entire seat, and a thick soundproof magic enveloped the place.Perhaps he also used some kind of method to disperse the humans. The tourists at the surrounding tables left quickly. When one person left, he emphasized to his companions that he had altitude sickness and needed oxygen.

"Hello." After Zhou Quan completely exited the space, Han Yi whispered to Luo Qi.

Luo Qi was flattered by this kindness, as if Han Yi had given him the only kindness that was not released in front of others.This is really too generous, and Roach also generously replied "Hello", as awkward as the two men are about to start talking about feelings.After days of fighting, Roach was a bit uncomfortable with the tone of the conversation.

He scratched his long hair and choked out a sentence, "Do you want to see me?"

Han Yi nodded, calling for the humans to come over, and served a pot of buttered tea again. "Well, I was away for a few days and came back today to hear that you're out of trouble."

"Probably." Luo Qi said vaguely, still not quite used to Han Yi's kindness, no matter what Han Yi did not put him on the side that needed to fight.

"Congratulations." Han Yi said.

"Um...thank you?"

"But I don't think there can be other results." Han Yi said.

Just when Roach thought he was going to say it, because he was an innocent man in the first place.But Han Yi continued, "Because Qionglin needs you, no matter if you are guilty or not, you will pass the test in the end."

"Uh..." Roach was surprised for a few seconds, "Thank you?"

Han Yi didn't care, and didn't explain his words at all. He drank a cup of buttered tea, "What are your plans next?"

Roach was stunned for a moment, they spoke like two acquaintances, or at least two more innocent people.

As for his plan, he intends to investigate Qionglin's secrets from Qianzhou, because it is most like a lonely mountain, and the clownfish also cares about it.No matter from which aspect, there may be a breakthrough in the Lonely Mountain model.And he hasn't had the chance to approach Gushan directly, if he has such thoughts and actions, Du Zhengyi will be the first to slap him to death against the wall.

But even taking this small step forward is very difficult, he doesn't know how to get out of here, and there are too many worries, everything may not be worth the loss.

After thinking about it, he said, "My plan...maybe to become a monk."

Han Yi finally froze for a moment, and looked at Luo Qi inexplicably.

"I mean, I will stay with the highland mage to practice. This is what Pei Shu told me just now." Luo Qi explained, and it was rare that he said it honestly.He also couldn't think of any reason for being dishonest, although he was facing a man who might very much want to kill Du Zhengyi.But in such an old teahouse, chatting about the ordinary recent situation, it seems to be a normal chat.

Han Yi nodded understandingly, "Of course Qionglin will do this. You are a unparalleled sword, but it has not been finally cast. Of course, you will not be used at this time. They will polish you carefully until you are perfect. to make."

Roach took a deep breath and said, "I have nothing to complain about."

Han Yi raised his eyes and looked at him, "Indeed. This is the best choice. Qionglin's pragmatism is justified. If you team up with Du Zheng right now, you won't be able to forge this sword." It will be destroyed. I have been worried that the venerables are too eager to use you now."

After many days of torment, Roach has lost his patience to go around in circles, and how long the progress will be delayed if he can't go to Qianzhou also burned a lot of his patience.He said bluntly, "I don't understand why you want to see me."

Han Yi said, "That's why you want to meet me. This is a good opportunity for me."

"That's right." Roach smiled and said teasingly, "I almost thought you were a person without a sense of humor."

"I really don't have a sense of humor. Du Zhengyi always thinks he's very humorous. Do you think he's funny?" Han Yi stared straight at Luo Qi, the offended anger burning in his eyes.

Instinctively, Luo Qi quickly scanned Han Yi's spiritual fortress, but he didn't find any cracks.He somewhat complained that Du Zhengyi hadn't returned the crystals of the learned ghosts to him. If there were those ghosts he rescued, his chances of winning at any time would increase by [-]%, at least not too embarrassing.

"There is an injustice and a debtor, you want to seek revenge from me, don't you?" Roach said, shamelessly and quickly lowered his threat value a little, and he did not hesitate to put Du Zhengyi in front of him verbally.

"What?" Han Yi was puzzled for a moment, then eased a lot, and his anger was forced back. "Of course, I'm not looking for revenge on you, you're just a child."

"It has nothing to do with age." Roach said, "Du Zhengyi has just grown up, and when you started to hate him, he was also a child."

"It really has nothing to do with age." Han Yi corrected his words, and he said after a while, "You are innocent and have nothing to do with you."

Roach accepted his reconciliation moderately, and suddenly a thought came to him, "Do you want to talk to Du Zhengyi? I've heard about that unfortunate incident, and no one would want to see that unfortunate outcome, Du The same goes for Zhengyi." Perhaps what Han Yi wants is to reconcile with Du Zhengyi.

It's a pity that Luo Qi soon knew that he must have guessed wrong, and Han Yi laughed when he heard this, showing his thick teeth and deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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