magician in town

Chapter 534 Du Tingxiu

Chapter 534 Du Tingxiu

"Tell me," Roach begged.

Han Yi looked at Luo Qi suspiciously for a while, and realized that he must not know, so he smiled sarcastically, "Don't children like you know about Du Tingxiu?"

"Is it my fault? Are our mages a cultured race that respects history?" Roach said. He couldn't suppress his eagerness, and quickly fixed the topic. "The name Du Tingxiu has a sense of age. He must be a hundred years old, right? Is... is he someone like Du Zhengyi?"

"Like Du Zhengyi?" Han Yi's eyebrows burned again, and he angrily scolded, "Could it be that Du Zhengyi is the most outstanding mage? Is he the standard model of a modern mage? Ha, it's ridiculous, what about Du Zhengyi?" Can it compare to Du Tingxiu?"

"The gap is so big, so can this Du Shi twist a fireball into an atomic bomb or can he teleport himself to Mars?" Roach said.

"What kind of knowledge do you have?" Han Yi smiled contemptuously, "It really is a child, and the one who can turn the kitchen knife fast is a master."

"Of course I know..." Roach bit his lip halfway through the sentence, swallowed the rebuttal, forced himself to calm down, and humbly begged, "I really don't know much. Can you teach me?"

Han Yi's face brightened a bit, "What is the highest standard for Chinese people to evaluate people?"

"What standard? Can you make money?"

"Older Chinese."

Luo Qi thought for a while, and compared several standards, "Could it be that... the object is then known, the knowledge is sincere, the heart is sincere, the heart is correct, the body is cultivated, the body is cultivated, and the family is harmonious." , the family is well-organized and the country is governed, and the country is governed and the world is peaceful?"

"Yo, I haven't read the full version, but you can remember so much."

Roach really didn't know what to say, "But you know?"

"I think what you should say is self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country and the world. I really want to say this." Han Yi said. "Du Zhengyi is indeed very strong, but he can only protect himself alone. Have you seen him manage someone's life or death, or have you seen him lead a team? A lone wolf, no matter how strong it is, what can you do? Have you really seen it? Are you a hero who saves the world by himself? If the real Fengqi Du clans are still here today, do you think Du Zhengyi can lead them?"

"Fengqi Dushi?" Luo Qi firmly memorized this keyword and searched in his own memory. He didn't dare to open more other people's memories rashly. He didn't find this keyword in the little memory he had sorted out shadow.

"It is said that this Du clan first lived together in Fengqiyuan, so later people called them the Fengqi Du clan. This clan has many special features. Since you are familiar with Du Zhengyi, I don't need to say more. Du Tingxiu It is the head of the Du family in Fengqi, who has led the Du family for nearly a hundred years and is also the last head of the Du family." Han Yi said.

"Oh, if there are hundreds of Du Zhengyi, it will not be easy to lead. If you want to say this, this Uncle Du is indeed very powerful, and it will not be easy to organize this family." Luo Qi couldn't help but said with deep emotion.

"Hundreds of Du Zhengyi's is not true. Du's level is indeed much higher than the average level of mages, but the general trend of magic decline is a fact, and this situation also occurs in Du's family. Although Du Tingxiu's ability It will not be weaker than Du Zhengyi, but it is not true to say that the Du family is all Du Zhengyi." Han Yi said.

"So that's the case." Roach said, "Have you met Du Tingxiu?"

His eyes sank, fell on the teacup on the table, and continued gloomyly, "I hate Du Zhengyi, it's true, but even I don't want to speak ill of Du Tingxiu. He is a gentleman, my childhood friend I was fortunate enough to listen to his lecture at the Northern College once, the phrase "self-cultivation and governance of the country and peace of the world". It was in that lecture that I heard it for the first time. I was still very young at that time. At that time, I thought, if there is a gentleman in the world, then Probably someone like Du Tingxiu."

Roach thought for a while, "This evaluation is very high."

"Du Tingxiu is not a venerable, but he has a high reputation in Qionglin. Not only the Du family respects this patriarch, but also mages other than the Du family admire him. He did many good deeds at that time, which were beneficial to the entire mage world. In other words, in that environment at that time, he was the light of the mage."

"But he rebelled later." Roach reminded him.

"Yes. But the situation at that time was very complicated. Humans had just created tools that could destroy the world. In terms of energy, humans surpassed mages for the first time, posing a threat to mages. Humans were even able to leave this world and fly to the stars .Humanity suddenly began to advance by leaps and bounds. No one knows where human beings will go, and no one knows how long it will be before we are discovered by human beings. The sorcerers began to become extreme." Han Yi said.

"Lotus Burner." Roach said in a low voice.

"Yes, I believe it was at that time that they really strengthened their strength." Han Yi said, "At that time, Du Tingxiu repeatedly reminded us that we should persevere. He is different from ordinary people. He has his own systematic thinking. He helped He has passed many people and has a great reputation. He also uses this reputation to give lectures and promote his views. He believes that we take care of human beings and protect human beings, just like the mothers of human beings. Then no mother will If you have the power, destroy them. I was too young at the time to destroy them. I was too young at the time, and I didn’t know very well. These are my understandings of him when I was a child. But many people believe in him, and he brought a magic weapon to the mage. It's a different thing, not a substance to live on, nor a powerful ability."

"What's that?" Roach asked.

"Probably, he gave meaning to mages. Some mages are a little confused about why they live because they live so well. For example, they live longer than humans, and they don't have to worry about livelihood for a lifetime. As a result, many people don't know that they are alive. What are they going to do? The longer many mages live, the more serious their mental problems will be. Look at human beings, they are busy filling their stomachs all their lives, and they don’t have so much energy to get this kind of affliction.”

"So, Du Tingxiu is a rare social activist among mages." Roach came to a conclusion. "That is indeed even rarer than Du Zhengyi."

Han Yi snorted coldly.

"But he still became a traitor in the mage world. What is going on? Also, since you have said that Du Zhengyi is nothing like him, how can you conclude that Du Zhengyi is his direct descendant?" The conclusion? Because Du Zhengyi is stronger? Don’t, don’t be angry. You see, the more you say that, the more they have in common is that they are better at fighting!”

(End of this chapter)

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