magician in town

Chapter 536 Du Tingxiu

Chapter 536 Du Tingxiu (3)

Chapter 37 Du Tingxiu (3)

"Do you know how many people Du Shi died back then?" Roach asked, he turned his perspective slightly, not wanting to be immersed in the fear of fate any longer.

"I don't know the specifics. There is no record in any files. I can only ask people of certain ages. This kind of memory will not be completely accurate. I estimate that the number of people including the disappeared children should be between 150 and 300. room." Han Yi replied.

"So many people!" Roach said in a low voice. After a moment of silence, he couldn't help but add another sentence, "How can their family be so productive?"

"Their family has always been fertile and prolific, so it can be considered a family talent." Han Yi said.

Luo Qi is unwilling to comment on the characteristics of Du Zhengyi's family, "No matter what happens, the family should not be exterminated. This is too extreme. If Du Tingxiu was really a traitor back then, if the Du family really followed him, But this kind of thing always has the main culprit and the accomplice, so why kill all the adults and take away the children of the Du family?"

Han Yi didn't pay much attention to this issue, "The way we treat traitors has always been cruel."

"So if you attack Du Zhengyi, you will also be considered a traitor by Qionglin?" Roach asked as if casually.

Han Yi glanced at him coldly, "Of course. It's very reasonable. As I said earlier, I'm not looking for personal revenge against Du Zhengyi."

Luo Qi nodded, made a very understanding expression, and continued, "Du Tingxiu is such a person...According to what you said, a gentleman, why would he suddenly want to kill his best friend? Even when the friend becomes During the process of being the first statue, raised the flag to rebel?"

"I believe it's not a personal grievance. People like Du Tingxiu will never kill people because of jealousy or love." Han Yi said casually.

Luo Qi suddenly remembered Mr. Shi, the old lady used to be Pei Shu's lover, she must also know Du Tingxiu, maybe also a good friend.He didn't know the details, the only thing he knew was that they were not together, and Mr. Shi, a strange woman who used to ride the wind and clouds, stayed in the black market all her life.Now that I think about it, things might be complicated here.

He didn't speak, and Han Yi continued, "I think it might be about right and wrong, they had a disagreement, and this disagreement finally tore their friendship. Since it happened when Pei Shu was about to become the chief priest, then It is more understandable. Du Tingxiu found that Pei Shu would have the opportunity to thoroughly implement the line he opposed, so he had to make the choice he thought was right—kill Pei Shu. It would be fine if Pei Shu died mysteriously. Shu was fine, and the matter was exposed. Du Tingxiu fled back to his family, trying to fight to the death. In fact, everyone knew that no matter how strong the Du family was, there was no way to change the world with this person, so Du Tingxiu's final choice was also called Tragic."

No, it's not like that.

Luo Qi's thoughts turned. Judging from his observation of Qionglin, Du Tingxiu's various characteristics indicated that he would definitely be selected and bound to become a guard of the Lonely Mountain.The logic of the wizarding world is that if a mage is strong enough and can be bound (not a mind mage), he must be bound.Because Du Tingxiu is not a mind mage and has been active in Qionglin's core all his life, no matter how much he has personal thoughts, he will not betray Qionglin, at least not to the extent of murdering the Venerable and leading the people to rebel.Unless he can decide that the Sovereign is no longer representative of the Sovereign, and the Soprano is no longer consistent with the magical world that bound him when he created the tangle.

In other words, he would attack Pei Shu only if he was a traitor to the wizarding world.That is to say, the real situation at that time must be that Pei Shu was a traitor, and Du Tingxiu and his family were the defenders of the real Qionglin.It's just that everything is the opposite in the eyes of the world. Ordinary mages don't know those deep secrets, and Pei Shu occupies the position of the first one.

But in this way, Luo Qi's curiosity focused on Pei Shu.What the hell did he do to challenge the Lonely Mountain Guard?Pei Shu has always been the best candidate for the first one. Luo Qi can be sure that the first one can get in touch with the secrets deep in the lonely mountain. Pei Shu just needs to wait patiently and everything will be logical.If Mr. Shi's leaving him is also related to this incident, then did Pei Shu do something that even his best friend and love could not tolerate?

Luo Qi couldn't figure out his actual situation. Who would know what things in an old man's complicated life could not wait for?It's not that Roach is thick-skinned, he believes that he does have a chance to become the first one, as long as he has the patience to wait for 100 years, he can also go to the lonely mountain to pick up those secrets.But he can't wait for 100 years, because Du Zhengyi definitely doesn't have 100 years.Perhaps Pei Shu also had something that made him unable to wait patiently for a few more days, and Roach could understand him.

Of course, what Han Yi said is also a little bit possible, that is, the two super mages were all for the grand blueprint at that time, and the contradiction between the two was as great as the contradiction between Confucius and Voltaire.Then Du Shi, the guardian of the old world, is gone, and Pei Shu, the reformer of the new world, should bring epoch-making changes to the mage world.But Luo Qi has lived for so many years, listening to the great tradition of the mage every day, and his life is like stagnant water without any twists and turns.

Luo Qi silently thought about these causes and effects, and the image of Du Zhengyi eventually cutting his neck couldn't go away.If that day comes, everything he does will be meaningless, and everything Du Zhengyi has done for him will also be meaningless. for an empty collection.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Yi asked, watching him, "Why do you look so sad?"

Roach was taken aback and came back to his senses

Han Yi said, "You are quite sentimental. After so long, the dead are so rotten that only bones remain."

"Leave me alone, I'll be moved to tears even watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Let's get back to serious gossip." Roach said frankly, "So, Du Zhengyi really looks like a descendant of Du Tingxiu. But you What real evidence can there be? Even if you find the evidence, a midwife vowed that Du Zhengyi is the descendant of Du Tingxiu, but as a chief priest, what if he is affectionate and righteous to his old friends? This can shake Du Zhengyi's status makes Qionglin willing to re-evaluate Du Zhengyi for sister Chu Yao? You might as well tell Du Zhengyi these words and let him kill Pei Shu to avenge his father, so that Qionglin can no longer protect Du Zhengyi Right one."

When he said the last sentence, Han Yi almost pushed down the butter tea in his hand, and raised his head to stare at him in surprise.

Roach remained expressionless, "Of course, this is only one of several possibilities."

What surprised Luo Qi was Han Yi's next sentence, "How do you know that Du Zhengyi won't come to this point?"

Roach's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in surprise, "My God, I always thought I was the craziest! Did you drink the wrong tea?"

"Du Tingxiu disappeared from the magic world for a while before rushing to Qionglin to break with Pei Shu." Han Yi laughed slowly.

As if awakened from slack, Luo Qi's heart trembled, and all his intuition told him that no matter how surprised he was by what Han Yi said earlier, they are finally getting close to the key now.Du Tingxiu's last whereabouts must be directly related to his final break with Pei Shu.In other words, maybe Du Tingxiu discovered Pei Shu's secret during the last trip. "Have you found the last trace of him?"

Han Yi nodded, and spit out two words, "Qianzhou."

"What?" Roach exclaimed in surprise.

"What a coincidence, Du Zhengyi also sent people to Qianzhou to investigate recently. Luo Qi, tell me, did he find something?" Han Yi said proudly.

Roach I said—Roach muttered in his own head—it wasn't him who found something, it was us.

"How do you know? Who did he send? Everyone knows that Du Zhengyi is a lone ranger, and there is no one to send."

"Wen Lin, a little cousin of Fan Shi's subordinates in the past, somehow got involved with him. Chi Yu once told me that she betrayed Fan Shi, and she disappeared after Fan Shi got upset. They went to I have looked for her, and it is said that she is helping Du Zhengyi, and she is in Qianzhou." Han Yi laughed, "What a coincidence, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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