magician in town

Chapter 552 Environmental Problems

Chapter 552 Environmental Problems (2)

"Oh," said Roach, putting his hands in his trouser pockets, "nerd."

Hearing this, Liu Ziyu looked up at him, his already dazed eyes stared blankly for a while, and mumbled a few words in his mouth, which seemed to be interrogative sentences.But she always asked and answered by herself, she suddenly had an epiphany, and the confusion on her face unfolded layer by layer. She tilted her head and looked at Luo Qi, "You are very similar to Teacher Pei."

Roach's spine trembled, and both hands in his pockets were stiff, "How can I be like a Venerable? How can I be like him?"

"They all have a ton of love for my senior brother." Liu Ziyu said with disgust.

Luo Qi's face froze, and suddenly his mind turned a few times, "What kind of person is Pei Shouzun?"

Liu Ziyu thought for a while, it seemed that the problem was easy to solve, but it was very difficult for her to explain it to people.She said with some difficulty, "Have you...have you watched "The Story of Yitian Slaying the Dragon"?"

Roach nodded, of course he had seen it.

Liu Ziyu's face brightened, "It's easy to say, Teacher Pei is like Zhang Sanfeng. We like to be by his side very much, just like the Wudang Seven Heroes love Zhang Sanfeng. However, among us, the teacher likes the elder brother the most. Zhang Sanfeng likes Zhang Cuishan the most."

But Zhang Cuishan later ran away with a little witch, Luo Qi silently complained.

Liu Ziyu shook his head again, "That's not right, senior brother is more promising than Zhang Cuishan, and senior brother is more like Zhang Wuji."

That's even better, and after running off with the four little witches, Luo Qi added silently.

"That is to say, Venerable Pei is like Zhang Sanfeng. His martial arts are astonishing in the past and the present, and his virtues are still shining through the ages." Luo Qi whispered, "He is such a good person."

"That's right," Liu Ziyu said, "Teacher Pei is a high mountain. I can't praise him enough. I can praise my teacher without blushing. If you have the opportunity to learn from him, you will say the same."

Roach didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to raise any objections. He even thought of the man who was like a lion when he met him for the first time, the leader of the magic world, like an ordinary old man who loves his children and grandchildren, lovingly and slowly wiped out Du Zhengyi's thesis curling.

There was a cry in the inner pocket of his coat, and the needle-like emotion in his chest pricked his cat. He quickly reached out to help the little black cat not crawl out, and stroked the kitten's chin to comfort it.Liu Ziyu looked at the kitten, and his love was overwhelmed. Luo Qi and the cat, who could telepathize, both felt the warm tenderness. The kitten betrayed Luo Qi and frantically hinted at Liu Ziyu's direction.Roach had no choice but to let go, and his cat jumped into the little girl's arms, purring a little, asking the little girl to pet it.Roach rolled his eyes, he could hear it, it also adjusted a Hz range, the girl couldn't restrain the temptation of this voice.

Liu Ziyu hugged the little black cat tightly like an ordinary girl, and kissed and rubbed it, "Little baby, what's the name of the little baby?"

"Luo Ruiqi, the English name is rich luo." Luo Qi said.

Liu Ziyu raised his eyes, "Same generation as your father? Isn't Dr. Luo's name Luo Rui'an?"

"Yes." Roach said, when he named it, his heart was full of anger at his father, and now it's really boring to think about it.

Liu Ziyu didn't say anything, Luo Qi estimated that she wouldn't care about these small things, she was also a weird girl.

"It really isn't a cat." Liu Ziyu said suddenly.

Roach put his hands over the kitten's ears and jokingly said, "Shh, don't hurt it."

Liu Ziyu raised his head suddenly, and the fingers stroking the kitten also froze, falling into her own delusions. "If there are not only Qiongqi, but also such cat-like magical creatures... There are oviparous, viviparous, cold-blooded, and warm-blooded, are they all frozen storage? These environmental parameters are obviously not low-temperature environments, and they are not only temperature parameters. …Let's see, I've seen them preserve seeds here at the Highland mages."

"Did they even show you the core secrets?" Roach asked subconsciously. It seemed that the only secular life that the highland mage was interested in was planting trees.

"Highland mages are an open group." Liu Ziyu said.

That's true, of course Roach knows how they are willing to accept him, but he has not yet reached the level to change "I" into "we".He put aside the highland mage and gave Liu Ziyu more information cautiously. He knew that it was impossible for Du Zhengyi to say so much. "If this is a warning message, what about the warning message that has been sent out for 100 years?"

"Is there any warning information that will last for a hundred years?" Liu Ziyu asked, but Luo Qi was relieved that all the difficult questions Liu Ziyu asked did not require mortals like them to answer.He looked at Liu Ziyu's eyes, and murmured, "Only this world can be counted in a hundred years. But the monitoring information of this world is in my hands, and there is no... oh I see, there is another world, It’s not our world, it’s our world again.”

"What?" Luo Qi couldn't understand at all, Liu Ziyu handed him the cat, and he quickly took it back.The little black cat didn't use him to pick it up, and became angry from embarrassment. After slapping him, he climbed up the crown of the tree and disappeared into the bushes. "what?"

Liu Ziyu didn't seem to hear Luo Qi's question, and forgot about the cat. She hurriedly opened the laptop on her lap, and said to herself, "It's the earth."


"Geological information." Liu Ziyu corrected his words, "I want to compare the human data, which is... oh, it is mainly geological information. It seems normal, because it does not exceed the normal environmental range, but... …This is……"

She stretched out her left hand, attracting a crystal to approach, and then countless symbols that Luo Qi could not understand were precipitated from the crystal, transforming into rapidly changing information, and Liu Ziyu compared the information with the computer. "The core data has appeared in several human papers, it may be... I can't say..."

"Please, just tell me the result, no matter how wrong you are, you are more right than others!"

"I can't tell, but the main data has repeatedly appeared in human research in recent years." Liu Ziyu bit his lower lip and made a final judgment violently, "In the field of human research, it is related to the melting of glaciers. .”

"The glacier is melting?" Luo Qi thought quickly, Liu Ziyu shook his head in disbelief, but Luo Qi grasped some key points, "The permafrost is melting."

"But I don't understand the knowledge of human beings." Liu Ziyu said.

"You don't need to understand, as long as you know that the melting of glaciers and changes in the permafrost will bring about serious geological changes." Roach clenched his lips, and he remembered the location of the real ancient dry state, which is different from the human dry state. The state is not far from the meeting point of three plateaus.The Kongsang Mountain is within the range of the Qilian Mountains, most of which are in no-man's land, and the weather conditions are harsh. It doesn't take much human knowledge to judge that if the glaciers melt, the geological disasters there will intensify.So... "So, what's inside is coming out."

Liu Ziyu raised her head and looked at him, with some hesitation on her face, " mean... Qiongqi?"

"I don't know." Roach shook his head. He thought that this might be the case, but now that a layer of proof was suddenly added, his heart suddenly became heavy.

Liu Ziyu lowered his head and typed a few times on his notebook, "According to human records, they believe that some ancient viruses were released after the melting of glaciers, and animals have been infected with viruses in Siberia. Oh, it looks like a curse. Keep up with the ancient If it is related to the mage... I may need to report to the teacher... Do you mind?"

"Ah, of course, of course there is no problem." Roach said, it is impossible to expect this matter to be hidden from the chief venerable mage.He was still not sure what Pei Shu meant, he was here yesterday, Du Zhengyi may or may not have reported to him.But Zhou Quan knew about it, and the highland mage also watched it. It is unrealistic to say that what Roach did can still be a secret under such circumstances.But up to now, Pei Shu has not expressed his position or participated in it. They have left everything to be explored by themselves, and Qionglin's system has been allowed to operate as usual.But since Pei Shu tacitly allowed him to toss as much as he wanted, he will definitely toss to the final boundary.

"If there really is such an ancient mage's legacy," Liu Ziyu pondered and said, "I really want to see it. Is my brother going to investigate this? He may need an experimental mage, but a battle mage can't handle this."

Just as Luo Qi was about to speak, he suddenly "heard" a familiar consciousness, accompanied by a strange and foggy consciousness.The crystal on Liu Ziyu's wrist flickered, and Liu Ziyu raised his head. "Someone is here." She said, and smiled, "It's Xinyue."

Roach recognized her too, and she was happy, excited, excited, and shy.

What the hell, did she shake hands with the idol?

Footsteps approached slowly, and a soft and funny male voice said, "Can I show you my world? Do you know that your music can create a world for others?"


Roach sprinted to the edge of the branch, staggered but condescendingly looked down at the two people passing by below, and shouted angrily, "Don't touch her consciousness, you seven-year-old peacock! Compared with you, she's even worse!" It's a baby, so you can flirt with such a big age difference?"

(End of this chapter)

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