Chapter 56

Chapter 55

Roach walked slowly through the woods, and every time the noise sounded in his ears, he chose to walk in the opposite direction.He didn't know how long he had walked, whether it was cold or tired, his legs became stiff, and he moved mechanically, not daring to stop.There were voices everywhere in Qionglin, as if thousands of people crowded into the woods at once.They were rowdy and chattered incessantly, and didn't mind being overheard in the slightest.

Most mages have a silent personality, and Roach is one of the rare ones who make noise.But the current noise made Roach feel astonished, as if a human tourist group had just unloaded people here.

But Luo Qi also suspected that he was crazy. In fact, Qionglin was still silent, and what he heard all came from his own hallucinations.Even the things he experienced in the dark underground, he didn't dare to say that those things were true.The longer he walked alone in the woods, the more blurred the experience became.

For a while, he remembered that he had killed someone. A middle-aged mage stood in front of him tremblingly, drawing a weak energy circle in his hand, and the shield was fragile and vulnerable.He didn't know where the huge power came from, smashed the shield, and then killed the mage.

He was trembling with fear, and the feeling after the murder was still left in his hands. After he trembled and convulsed like an epileptic for a while, he regained his strength, regained consciousness, and was able to convince himself that those were all hallucinations.He couldn't have the ability to kill a magician who can make a shield, and he has no intention of killing, he is just an ordinary person.

But after a while, he suddenly found himself reciting profound magic theories endlessly. He recited the formula of time travel, and recited the method of synthesizing energy crystals at length, and he couldn't stop.After he was able to stop, he realized that he actually didn't understand what he had memorized at all, so these things might simply be his imagination, not a real theory.

But thinking about it this way, these were all hallucinations, and the scene where Zhao Zhiyan strangled his neck in his memory must also be hallucinations.Soon the experience under the ground became vague, and he began to believe that none of that happened.

But he still avoided the noise in his ears. Those people talked too much, complaining about the cold weather, and complaining about the idiots who assigned them to the forest.There is also fear, someone is chattering about why Qionglin's defense is turned off, who can turn off the defense, maybe the end of the world is coming.At least, this continent is almost finished.

Roach couldn't tell the truth from the fake, and didn't want to hear these words.What's more, I occasionally hear someone say that if he finds a stranger in this forest, he must kill the bastard first!Because I was put in such a cold place, wandering around the woods like an idiot, all because of this dead man.

Whether this is true or not, it is enough to make Roach panic.He ran like a driven animal, avoiding these sounds.

In addition, there is another terrible reason tormenting him, but he has been unwilling to admit it.If he admits this, either he is crazy, or the world is no longer his world.The truth he didn't want to admit was that he only heard voices speaking, but he didn't even see a single figure.

Red clouds weigh heavily on the top of the tallest tree in the forest. There is not even a breath of wind in the forest. There is only a strange message mixed in the slightly warm air. A blizzard is coming.There seem to be countless ghosts floating in the white forest, they scream, they are noisy, they whisper, they are in twos and threes, they are everywhere.

Roach felt a bit of pain, which was the loneliness and panic that seemed to be expelled from the living world, and that pain even surpassed the cold and physical exhaustion.He walked blankly, getting farther and farther away from the human voice, and the forest became more and more sparse around him.

Crawling on hands and feet, he squeezed through the bushes among the trees, and suddenly his eyes opened up, as if he had walked through a forest gate.There was still a world of ice and snow in front of my eyes, but among the forests in the distant mountains, a large frozen river shone in the dim light of the sky.

Luo Qi stared blankly at the river, not knowing what to do for a moment, he remembered that the scope of Qionglin was bounded by the big river.The forest within the river bend is the magician's paradise, and the mountains and forests outside the big river are pure nature.There were no more voices here, his mind became clearer, and he was able to vaguely start thinking about problems.

He vaguely remembered that Qionglin was defensive.No one can step in or get out without permission.When he thought about it this way, he didn't know which memory was brought back, which automatically confirmed his memory and reminded him of additional details.The Qionglin is densely covered with the words of the devil, which will be activated by chasing the energy of the mage, so no one can escape from the prison. As long as the prisoner walks into the Qionglin, he will be recognized.

Roach covered his temples, he didn't know when he knew these things, and he didn't know why no one came after him now.If there's one thing he's sure of, it's that he's out of prison now.

Moreover, he was lucky enough to reach the border of Qionglin.Just cross the river... but there must be defensive barriers on the river, and maybe traps.

If he was lucky enough to cross the glacier successfully, where could he escape?He looked drowsily at the silent mountain forest on the opposite side, wondering if it was a psychological effect, the mountain forest on the opposite side looked more barbaric.When he walked in, he walked into a wild world.There are neither magicians nor humans.It wasn't within the range of his feet, and he couldn't tell the direction. He could escape Qionglin, but he would still die silently in the primeval forest.

At this point, he is no longer afraid of death, he just doesn't want to die so ridiculously.

Just when he was hesitating whether to step on the river, he suddenly heard another voice, and Roach couldn't help trembling.The voice was more indistinct than a human voice, as if speaking another language, some long and short strange signals, mixed with anxious intentions and a touch of cruel bloodthirsty pleasure.

Roach didn't know what he felt, but he turned his head suddenly.

Behind him, at the edge of the forest, stood a dull-colored beast.

Roach's first reaction was that he saw a tiger. It might still be a Siberian tiger at such a height, but then he realized that it was not a tiger.Its skeleton and height may be similar to a tiger, but it does not have the elegant lines of mammals. Its structure is rougher and its shape is more primitive. It is covered with something that looks like fur, but it is shorter and sharper than fur. The harder stuff between hair and scales.

The shape of its skull is weird, its forehead is huge, and it has flat and wide corners. At first glance, it looks like a pair of failed horns.Its eyes were ginger yellow, and its teeth protruded from its mouth, like a saber-toothed tiger but uneven, not even following the common phenomenon of biological symmetry.And on its shoulder blades, there are two black withered wings hanging down, somewhat like the wings of a shriveled unsuccessful bat.

This thing is completely a failure in biology.

(End of this chapter)

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