magician in town

Chapter 567: Red Spring Ditch

Chapter 567 Red Spring Ditch (5)

It took a total of 35 minutes for the Toyota to be towed out, including the time to take up the line.The rescued man in white shyly thanked Du Zhengyi and Mahjong for their help.

He just took out a stack of RMB, wanting to repay the kindness of rescue in the wild.Du Zheng waved his hand and refused, that was against the rules, he knew that human beings like money, but he also knew that few human beings would accept money in this place at this time.Human beings occasionally have some complicated and logical rules, and human nature will shine a little when it is not necessary.In the end, the man took out a box of canned food from the car and stuffed it into Du Zhengyi's car without any explanation.Mahjong was very interested in the canned food, so he went over to take a look, and sent half of it to the car behind.

Du Zhengyi invited a strange man to smoke a cigarette together, but the man did not refuse.They leaned against the Toyota car and finished smoking the cigarette. The man told Du Zhengyi a few jokes in the field of off-roaders in a thin and low voice, as if he didn't know how to thank these sudden saviors. He also presented Du Zhengyi with some advice on his journey.

Du Zhengyi said very little, and he looked at that person while listening.The way a man smokes is skilled, but the pose is rare.His thick fingers were curled up, and the whole big hand was held empty, clumsily grasping a thin cigarette in the way of holding a stick.If a giant gorilla in the Democratic Republic of Congo had a penchant for smoking, it would definitely use this rude gesture.

The strange man fell into a moment of hesitation. Shy and introverted men would hesitate before speaking, for fear that what they said would be laughed at.But Du Zhengyi is just suitable for introverted people to speak up. Although he is serious, he doesn't seem to be good at arguing, so he doesn't have the hobby of belittling and accusing others at will.

"Do you see how the road we're on now came from?"

Du Zheng glanced at the road under his feet, "To be honest, I don't know. I have never seen such a thick wheel, and it is more than four times wider than the wheel of an off-road vehicle."

"I saw it in the mine." The man said shyly, as if knowing more things than others would make him particularly embarrassed. "However, the ecological environment near here is very fragile. It is a nature reserve. The relevant departments do not even allow hunting, let alone mining here."

"Is there someone stealing here?"

"They are more ferocious than poachers. Depending on the situation, there are more of them. Those who can drive large machines here must have good hands and eyes. If you encounter them, it is best not to stay and look around, it is better to leave as soon as possible." He elaborated Advised softly.

Du Zheng nodded, "If I encounter it, I will notify the relevant departments. Doing good every day is a citizen's responsibility."

The man smiled. "Yes, civic responsibility."

The chat was almost over, Du Zhengyi put away the remaining cigarette butts, and suddenly glanced back, "Those idiots!"

"What's wrong?" the man asked.

Du Zhengyi frowned, looking gloomy at the commercial vehicle parked a little far away. "The idiots who caused trouble, restless all the way, I always suspected that they had guns. No, don't look too obvious, don't let them notice. Are they playing with guns in the back seat? What an idiot, it's a good idea to watch a movie gone."

"Not like." The man seemed a little nervous, and looked around, "They did get together, but they should be prying open the can with a knife."

Du Zhengyi breathed a sigh of relief, "A group of idiots who have never seen the world, I am laughing at you. I really don't want to take them with me anymore. No amount of money is worth giving me as a guide for idiots in no man's land."

The man smiled shyly, as if he was too embarrassed to comment on it.Du Zhengyi patted him on the shoulder, "Then I'm leaving. If I want to stay in a village with people before dark, we will meet again by fate."

"Okay." The man smiled slightly, "We will meet again if we are destined."

Du Zhengyi nodded friendly, turned around and walked slowly towards his car.He stopped in front of his car door, put his hand on the handle, and stopped.He hesitated for two seconds, then looked back at the man.The man was still standing there, and when he saw him turn around, he waved to him.Du Zhengyi nodded in response, and this time he opened the car door and got in.

He started the engine, accelerated slowly, bypassed the Toyota, and drove back to the dirt road that the giant wheels had crushed.He looked back from the rearview mirror, and the strange man in white was still standing in his original position, seemingly not even moving.Du Zhengyi's face turned cold.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Gan who was sitting in the back suddenly asked, "Is something wrong?"

Mahjong raised his head in confusion, "Who? Du Zhengyi?"

"We have met a mage." Du Zhengyi held the steering wheel and looked at the road ahead.

"Who? Was that mage just now? Why didn't I feel it?" Mahjong asked in surprise.

"Only a mage can see what the two people in the back seat are doing from such a long distance through the filmed glass. Humans can't see clearly at all, and mages often don't realize how big the vision gap between humans and mages is." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

"Damn it." Mahjong said, "Then what's wrong with him? A mage can't make a car by himself? A low-level mage? A mage is disabled?"

"The low-level mage can't hide the magic smell on his body, but he didn't leak a trace just now." Du Zhengyi frowned, "He seems to be here waiting to see us, he makes me feel very dangerous .”

Others were okay, but Yan Hao, who had paid special attention to Du Zhengyi, was extremely nervous now. "Master Du, how did you find out that he might not be a mage in the first place? How did you think of testing him?"

Mahjong turned his neck and looked at him amusedly, "Is today an experimental class? Have you brought your notebook?"

Du Zhengyi ignored them, "I've been dominated by others for the whole day today, I don't like this feeling."

"I don't like him either, he looks like a pervert." Mahjong immediately expressed his opinion.

"Why don't we try to take him down?" Yan Hao actively suggested, not caring about Du Zhengyi not answering his question. "Anyway, he is also suspected."

"It's not necessary." Du Zhengyi said, "This is a long story. It's too tasteless to explode here without looking at the back."

"Ah?" Yan Hao stared at the back of Du Zhengyi's head in astonishment, not knowing what to say for a moment. "but……"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's best to keep silent." Du Zhengyi said impatiently, "I won't answer questions. You'd better pretend that you don't exist, or I'll kick you out of the car right now."

Yan Hao shrank back in embarrassment, but fortunately Xiang Gan gave him a comforting look, and was kind to him, which made him feel better.

At this moment, Du Zhengyi's expression froze, he suddenly glanced at the right window, and subconsciously turned the car to the left to avoid it. "I seem to see something?"

"What?" Mahjong asked reflexively, turning his head to the right window immediately.

"Shut up!" Du Zhengyi said unbearably, "I seem to be leading a tour group on a life-and-death mission. Fuck, what did I do wrong to deserve this crime?"

(End of this chapter)

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