Chapter 572

Yan Hao looked at the team he met in this barren land, and when he saw the quality of this team clearly, his jaw almost dropped in surprise.He knew Wen Lin, this curvy woman was very beautiful, but she was famous in Qiong Lin's Tactics not because of her beauty, but because of her domineering.Shi Qian beside her always followed her like a dog licking her.

Needless to say, Liu Ziyu's name, in several battle meetings that Yan Hao participated in, Liu Ziyu was responsible for the technical explanation.But this was the first time Yan Hao saw her go out to work, it was unbelievable, and she might break her knee on the flat road later.He didn't know the girl next to her, she looked too young, she was still a young girl, who would bring the girl here?

What surprised Yan Hao the most was that he saw Wusu, Great Master Wusu—no, it was Great Master Wusu, he always called it wrong behind his back—he had a very high status, and he would never appear in the first place. line.Standing here now, it's like leading an inspection that will make everyone uncomfortable.But he didn't even stand in the main position, his expression was very restrained, and he looked calm and calm, as if he was brought by a friend to a friend's friend's house as a guest, so he had to be more reserved.

These people are like a cross-border combination, with a young boy surrounded by stars.For the first time, Master Ancestor, it was the first time he saw someone would throw himself into Du Zhengyi's arms willingly. Dogs are no different.No, wait, it's not a golden retriever by size, it's a Pomeranian at best.

Who is this kid?Did Pei Shu have a baby?Hidden marriage?Which little mage gave him such a child?

A few minutes later, Du Zhengyi raised the sound-proof shield. Yan Hao looked back at the battle mages. They finally looked less like walking dead. Although everyone's face was still covered with a frost mask, after all, everyone All eyes stared at the young boy openly and secretly.He and Du Zhengyi were having a small meeting as if no one was watching, and they didn't know what they were arguing about.It is always good for a mage to live for 200 years, for example, to see someone who dares to argue with Du Zhengyi and challenge him.It's not that Du Zhengyi used to really beat up everyone who talked to him like a bully, it's just that Du Zhengyi ignored it for a while, but now he's really answering.To be precise, it is back to noisy.

Although he couldn't hear the sound, he saw the frequency of Du Zhengyi's speech with his own eyes.How should I put it, he thought of a great literary masterpiece of human beings, in which a grass said that after it was reborn, it would return the tears of its life to the person who watered it.Well, right in front of you, Du Zhengyi must have owed that boy something in his previous life, and he will pay him back all the insults in this life.

That kid didn't know whether he was stupid or awesome, he kept laughing, and was in high spirits after arguing with Du Zhengyi.They were standing in an unknown slaughterhouse, waiting for the God of War to finish their fight, Yan Hao almost lost his patience.Why didn't Du Zhengyi just punch him down?The child looked insignificant, he didn't even need magic to attack him, and using magic was useless, so why did he have to talk nonsense with him.

"Yan Hao!"

Yan Hao was taken aback, not knowing when the sound insulation magic had been put away.He met Du Zhengyi's gaze, but he didn't find anger in Du Zhengyi's expression, and the boy looked at him quietly, as if the fierce quarrel between the two of them had never existed at all.He subconsciously nodded to Du Zheng.

"Call Zhou Ruisi over," Du Zhengyi said.

He hurried to pick up someone, Zhou Ruisi was stuffed in the car and carried all the way, like a piece of medical waste, and he didn't know what Du Zhengyi was going to do.If there is a real battle, I don't know if this second-level executive mage can protect himself.

He didn't know what Du Zhengyi wanted Zhou Ruisi to do now. Zhou Ruisi was bumped by the car just now. He didn't know why his altitude sickness was so severe. He didn't look like a mage at all.

Zhou Ruisi was instinctively afraid of Du Zhengyi now, and his eyes were a little flustered when he was called over.He was still wearing uncomfortable brogues, and the reddish-brown sand on the ground after the run had covered every eyelet in his shoes. "Master Du, I..." He swallowed, "Do you have any questions?"

Yan Hao saw Du Zhengyi's chin nodding toward Zhou Ruisi. This signal was for the boy beside him.The young man smiled. He may be a very smiling boy, with bright eyes and fair skin. It is really unbearable to see him standing in this desolate antelope activity area.

The young man looked at Zhou Ruisi, and Yan Hao suddenly felt that the young man's eyes were too clear, too clear, and too deep, and a chill ran down his spine.The boy smiled at Zhou Ruisi, as if the doctor was trying to stabilize you before doing something to you.You see the doctor smile, and then you are even more afraid that the pain may be pushed over.Zhou Rui looked at the young man suspiciously, and involuntarily looked into the young man's eyes. Suddenly, his shoulders trembled slightly, very slightly, as if he was just breathing.

The boy blinked, and turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi almost immediately, "He has had his memory deleted."


Yan Hao almost took a step back.Zhou Ruisi looked at Du Zhengyi blankly, and looked at them in disbelief.

"Who did it?" He heard Du Zhengyi ask without doubt.

"The technique is very familiar." The boy said, "I'm an old friend."

"Why didn't they just kill him?" Du Zhengyi asked, "They killed Lu Qingshan."

"Maybe it's compassion, and that person is not a lunatic." The boy said calmly, "Or these are just an opening to attract you step by step, and their target must be you."

"Wait a minute!" Zhou Ruisi shouted suddenly, "What do you mean? You, you said that my mind has been modified?"

The boy turned his head and looked at him, "You don't have altitude sickness."

"What did you say? How did you know I had altitude sickness? No, wait. Why did you say that?" Zhou Ruisi said confusedly.

"You have had your memory erased. The discomfort you feel is the sequelae of being brain-strapped. The person who cast the spell made you believe that you have been suffering from altitude sickness. Your discomfort is due to altitude sickness." The boy said, turning to Du Zhengyi again, " He may have seen faces, they didn't kill him, but they didn't want any witnesses."

Zhou Ruisi couldn't accept these words for a while, and stood there in a daze.

Impulsively, Yan Hao couldn't help asking, "Are you a mind mage? A doctor? How could you check a person's mind so quickly?"

The young man turned his head to look at him, the smile in those eyes disappeared, "I can. I can feel that your will is not enough to be a Predator, do you want me to run through your brain to prove that I can ?”

Yan Hao was speechless, as if an invisible spear had pinned him in place, and a slight numbness came from the back of his head.

"He didn't mean any harm." Du Zhengyi said suddenly.

Yan Hao was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Du Zhengyi who was speaking for him, and the numbness in his head disappeared after he recovered.

Du Zhengyi suddenly said, "Is there a toll on the village road?"

This question was asked to the young man, Yan Hao looked at them in surprise.The boy said without thinking, "How is it possible? Is it the village road in Liangshan?"

Yan Hao immediately felt that his throat was dry.

Du Zhengyi asked again, "Have you heard of the Association for the Elderly?"

The boy's eyes lit up somehow, "Which idiot paid the membership fee to the association?"

Du Zhengyi nodded Yan Hao with his chin, and Yan Hao blushed, the boy looked at him and laughed, "That's the underworld."

"They are all old people." Yan Hao said incredulously.

"Growth does not necessarily mean virtue." The boy said, and added, "I suggest you go to the human police station to report the case, and do a good deed every day."

(End of this chapter)

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