magician in town

Chapter 580 Looking for Sharks

Chapter 580 Looking for Sharks

"As I said, this is a kind of magic that stays in the background. I said that this kind of magic will recur." Liu Ziyu looked at Luo Qi, and Luo Qi folded his arms to block her. Even if he didn't speak, Liu Ziyu would A "but" could be seen on his face. "Yeah, 'but' I don't know how long it takes between loops, I just don't, and I don't have enough brains!"

Luo Qi spread his hands, "Why are you yelling at me? I have no responsibility for you?" "Your expression is not even a micro-expression, it is a direct disgust expression." Liu Ziyu shouted. "You are not my boss!"

"Be rational, Junior Sister, I still like your unreasonable state! Let's talk about the practical problem, you can't keep Du Zhengyi in a state of outputting magic all the time, even a small dose of magic is not enough, what a stupid way , It is not worthy of the word method. If you want to find sharks in the vast ocean, are human beings stupid enough to cut a man and drag him under the boat? Learn from anthropology how they solve the problem. I thought you You are the smartest mage in Qionglin, what kind of idea do you come up with? If I were you, I would never say this idea, and don’t even want to write this kind of thing in my work notebook.” Roach used Said mercilessly in an angry tone.

Guan Xinyue, who had already run over just now, gave him a disgusted look, "Luo Qi, you are too much."

"Where is the point? Why did I pass? Junior sister, think about it yourself. Now you can encourage Du Zhengyi to let blood, and he will definitely respond positively, because he is famous in Qionglin for his loyalty and ignorance. Your unique skill is Isn't it to strengthen the brain? Then Du Zhengyi's ability is to eliminate the brain, you become an AI, and Du Zhengyi becomes a brainless excavator, with the world's largest engineering throughput." Roach held his arms in front of his chest and talked eloquently .At this moment, the other sorcerers had nothing to do and were drowsy, so everyone, including Wusu who was painting, looked over.

Luo Qi didn't look back, Du Zhengyi stood behind him and stared at the back of his head. He slightly raised his head to look at the battle mages standing all over the hillside, "Why are you looking at me? Are you not an excavator?"

Liu Ziyu was ignorant of the scene, and she gnawed at the knuckle of her left index finger in annoyance, "But you saw, the magic just responded to the magic of the senior brother. Everyone's magic has its own characteristics, like voiceprints, fingerprints, Iris. It responds to my brother's magic, not a certain type of magic. Now if I want to echo it again, I have to ask my brother's magic. How can this be replaced?"

"No, no, no." Luo Qi shook his head like a rattle, and stepped forward to stand beside Liu Ziyu, "There is no deadlock in this world, and all problems have solutions. Junior sister, you are the whole Qionglin You have the deepest understanding of magic theory. You have designed so many experiments that can reversely understand the magic of the ancestor mage. You are good at solving problems. Now the solution to this matter is in your mind. You just need to calm down and put the solution Get the strategy out."

Guan Xinyue yelled impatiently, "You should calm down, you actually called someone else..."

Luo Qi let out a warning scolding sound, and swung his right index finger violently in front of Guan Xinyue, as if the performer was lowering a trumpet that was too high.The look on his face made Guan Xinyue stop, and only then did she notice the thin beads of sweat dripping from Luo Qi's forehead.She stared suspiciously at Roach, who seemed to be using magic.

"We tried to capture magic before." Liu Ziyu murmured, "It was used to test the upper limit of the enchantment. I don't know if it will work, I didn't take me. In the past, we did it for fishing, trying to find a way to make the magic Leaving the mage, but I just wanted to grab a snack and watch a TV show then."

After she finished speaking, she bit her lip violently, stopped her fingers in mid-air, and glanced at Du Zhengyi very nervously.

"Wanting to be lazy is the driving force for human progress. Human beings have always done this. If human beings don't want to be idle, how can they have these machines in the valley?" Roach said, "Let's not talk too far, you can Capture a piece of magic released by Du Zhengyi."

"I don't know if it will work." Liu Ziyu said uncertainly. "I used to just put the captured magical energy in an enchantment, and let the energy stimulate the enchantment all the time, like poking a shield with a spear. How long can it last. But if I put my brother's magic in a container, the container itself has a limit, which means that I can't see my brother's magic from the outside."

Luo Qi thought about Liu Ziyu's words, "Container, barrier, container, container...can't our current world be regarded as a container?"

"I really dare to think about it." Liu Ziyu said, but she subconsciously began to bite her knuckles again, "But you are right, I can't think of any magical contradiction. In theory, of course, the real world is also a container In this way, we are indeed in the same container as the nameless cycle magic, and we also need to release a kind of explicit magic that requires spells, preferably non-aggressive, and the energy does not need to be too large, otherwise I cannot capture it stably... ..."

"How about trying communication magic?" Roach suggested. "Communication magic is magic that explicitly requires spells, and its power is small and stable."

"It makes sense. But who is he communicating with? With you? Let me think about it. Once the channel for transmitting letters is established, the energy required will be quite large. I don't know if the communication magic environment here is stable." Liu Ziyu said. "I can ask my brother to send you spam emails...but the magic will continue to wear out during use. Let me calculate how many bubbles a lowest-level magic can send and how long it lasts..."

"Wait, you don't necessarily need someone to answer the phone." Roach interrupted her, thinking, "Can you send communication requests to non-existent people in a loop? I want to declare my name in the local magic mage There must be a lot. Find someone who can’t answer the phone, and keep asking him to answer the phone. Such a magic has two explicit requirements for spells and energy, and the energy consumption is very low. It’s just that you don’t need to create magic at all if you summon it. connect."

Liu Ziyu's eyes lit up, "It makes sense. This consumes very little energy. The lowest level of magic minus the time loss can last at least twelve hours."

"How much magic is the lowest level of magic?" Roach asked.

"Oh, that's too little, the magical power of lighting a cigarette." Liu Ziyu said.

"Junior Sister, you are really great. I knew you could solve the problem. You are the brain of all of us." Luo Qi stood up, without blushing.

Liu Ziyu ignored him, and she started to draw a new magic array.

Guan Xinyue looked at him suspiciously, "Did you use magic on Liu Ziyu?"

"Can I make her smarter by using magic on her?" Luo Qi asked back, and he said naturally, "Liu Ziyu is so smart, I just gave her more confidence and helped her calm down and use her The mind crushes us. Mortals like me need only pay homage to the goddess of wisdom."

Guan Xinyue stared at Luo Qi with nothing to say, and said in a low voice for a while, "It's just your way to drive others away..."

Roach gave her a perfunctory smirk, turned around and talked to Du Zhengyi triumphantly, "I didn't do anything bad, you should reflect on why the magic here found you."

At this moment, Liu Ziyu muttered two names, causing Luo Qi to turn his head suddenly.

"The last two names that used local communication magic were Du Tingxiu...and Pei Shu? Huh?" Liu Ziyu said while watching the formalized series of communication names.

(End of this chapter)

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