magician in town

Chapter 584 Mage Mage

Chapter 584 Mage Mage

Someone threw a pack of energy beans, Shi Qian caught it casually, and handed it to Roach first.

Roach looked up and saw that several battle mages made the mage's rations and water, and distributed them to others.Some people, like Wen Lin, did other magic that they were good at, such as strengthening the security, or making sleeping bags with tables and chairs for resting their feet.It seemed that because it was getting late, only their small camp was stationed in the deserted wilderness, and these people became much friendlier.

Luo Qi's eyes were attracted by a person, Zhou Ruisi, and Luo Qi remembered his name.He had been standing not far away since just now, trying to get his attention.

Roach nodded towards him, but felt a little strange in his heart.This person is actually quite young, no, it should be said that he is young.Roach stared at his stiff face, his sparkling eyes looking familiar, like a frightened rabbit in a wilderness documentary.He walked towards Roach. In Roach's impression, it was really rare that someone walked towards him with bright eyes, but there was no malice in his heart?

Luo Qi looked at the person indifferently, but his heart was at a loss.He leaned back on the chair, a position he had designed, and let all his muscles relax, as if he was fearless and in charge.Only eyes stared at the person coming, secretly pondering every posture of his body.

This young rabbit seemed devout, like a five-year-old child defecting to his parents, so he walked towards him with heavier steps, kicking and kicking up a layer of floating dirt.Du Zhengyi, who was listening to Wen Lin, turned his eyes and glanced at him. Zhou Ruisi must have noticed Du Zhengyi's indistinct glance.Don't underestimate the sensory nerves mobilized by the rabbit because of fear and timidity. Du Zhengyi's glance is not so easy to detect, but he feels it, and the facial nerves of the whole face are tense, making him look a bit like a stroke precursor.

As a result, this instead attracted Du Zhengyi's attention, and the general psychopath would look like him when he planned to launch a thunderbolt.Du Zhengyi stopped talking with Wen Lin, half turned around and looked at him.Now Du Zhengyi's cold observation became dominant, as if [-] swords of Damocles were facing him, he was at a loss, so he involuntarily quickened his pace and came straight to Roach.This misled Du Zhengyi even more, and Du Zhengyi frowned and took a step forward.

Roach laughed out loud.He could predict that the mental oppression would soon make Zhou Ruisi scream, which is really ridiculous.His laughter just relaxed the tense nerves, and Zhou Ruisi froze for a moment, looking a little silly.Du Zhengyi also stood still, and after a while, Du Zhengyi turned his head and continued talking to Wen Lin, as if nothing had happened.Zhou Ruisi took a breath, and finally walked the original distance of only ten meters, approaching Luo Qi to a normal social distance.

"Don't want to warm yourself?" he said, putting a good-natured smile on his face.He was pretending to be casual in a clumsy way, as if he met by chance, and made a conversation by the way.Roach didn't speak, he didn't want to give people this step for free.Shi Qian raised his head and looked at him suspiciously, but he was not in the mood to talk at all, and was thinking of finding an opportunity to walk away, and then fell into absolute silence like a stone.

Zhou Ruisi glanced at Shi Qian, cleared his throat unnecessarily, and then looked at Luo Qi, who watched him quietly.He became nervous again, as if recalling what he said just now, "Well, of course, of course, this place is now in the enchantment of warfare, the temperature is suitable, and there is no need to light a fire. But, um, I mean, in the wild, you always have to Make a bonfire, it's more comfortable, a small fire..." He closed his mouth, knowing exactly that he was like a fool.

"Comfortable little fire." Roach finally said, he pondered for a while, "It can also roast a delicious wind snake."

Shi Qian glanced at Luo Qi in confusion, Luo Qi smiled teasingly, and Zhou Ruisi blushed. "I... I also play games occasionally."

"Which server is it?" Roach asked.

Just as Zhou Ruisi was about to answer, he suddenly realized that the battle mages around him were all looking at him, and finally realized that Roach was teasing him, so he closed his mouth.

Roach suddenly asked him again, "What is your occupation in the game?"

"Mage." Zhou Ruisi couldn't help answering this question anyway.

"You mean you are a mage, but you are still a mage in the game?" Roach asked calmly.

Shi Qian gave a short laugh and lowered his head.

Just when Zhou Ruisi was completely uneasy, he suddenly heard Luo Qi say, "Sit down."

As if pardoned, he quickly dragged a chair over and joined Roach's inner circle.

"Eat beans?" Roki handed him a pack of cat food beans from the other hand.

Zhou Ruisi took it graciously, ate one politely, and swallowed it with a frown.

"I'm not a battle mage." Zhou Ruisi said after eating the beans, "I've never slept in the wilderness, although strictly speaking, it's not like sleeping in the wild now. There is a suitable temperature, humidity, and force field protection here, even if it rains. It will fall into the enchantment. But I have a bit of spatial phobia, and I can't fall asleep in such an open place visually."

Roach looked at him silently, but his heart was still at a loss.According to Roach's idea, he can only dig a hole on the spot and bury himself in it, which will solve the problem of spatial phobia.Or, he could weave a tent by himself, but Roach thought he might not have the ability to materialize complex objects like a battle mage.But no matter what he thinks, he doesn't need to tell him. Could it be that he expects himself to dig a hole with him?

Luo Qi remembered the days when he was learning mahjong. He didn't learn anything else. He was very good at digging holes and filling soil very quickly.

"I mean, can I go back first?" Zhou Ruisi asked Luo Qi.

Roach looked at him blankly.

He eagerly explained, "My hands-on ability is not very strong, there is really nothing that needs me here. To be honest, the only thing I can do here is to eat beans."

"That's true." Roach said hesitantly, restraining himself from showing any confusion.He must appear to be experienced and in control of everything, it is impossible for him to understand everything a [-] says.But after all, why did he come to ask him to understand?Do you look like a bosom sister?

"Look." Roach said thoughtfully, actually trying to explain the situation to him, "It's not very safe here, and it's tens of kilometers away from the nearest usable Pendragon orbit terminal. No one can act alone. Safe. Can you cross? I don't think so. You stay here, then."

Zhou Ruisi lowered his shoulders and looked at Roach prayer, "I really have non -combatants, and in this case in accordance with Qionglin's regulations, non -combatants must evacuate. You cannot send two combat mage to send me me to me Station? Can I evacuate from the station?"

What the hell?

Roach looked at him in astonishment... Me?group?Two battle mages?

(End of this chapter)

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