Chapter 587

A hand wearing a gold bracelet reached out to him, holding a glass of wine. The slender-waisted dancer exuded a strong fragrance of flowers.

"Toast to my friend," said the sorrel-skinned man, extending his free hands to him.

He was unmoved, "Why did you come with the human race? What about your tribe? We haven't heard from you for a long time."

"They are all dead." The man said, toasting him persistently, "Come on, only those who drink are friends."

Disgust arose in his heart, "Don't imitate others. Why did they die?"

"Sick, old, and dead." The man said, gave up toasting him, and drank the wine from a crystal glass by himself.

"You guys did a terrible job." He said sternly, a burst of dizziness suddenly hit him, and he was dizzy from the smell of the dancing girl. "Since you came here, why didn't you report to the committee immediately?"

The man smiled, "Is your surname Du?"

Roach's chest was churning. He felt his blood pressure rising, his heart beating faster, and his breathing gradually paralyzed.problem occurs.

He had to repel the dancing girl, but the power of magic couldn't be driven by him. He couldn't condense the magic, so he had to reach out to draw the knife from his waist.Time was running out, he was dying, but the message had to be sent.

Another group of mages messed up, the same ending, and the ones who turned around were all desperadoes.

He is going to die.He's so miserable, if only he wasn't here.Where is it not here?Who is he?He remembered a distant name, Roach.Who is Roach?

In the valley of the wilderness, Du Zhengyi returned from meditation without success. He heard a sound. The black cat crawled out of the nest that Luo Qi had built for it, and the fur on its back trembled.Suddenly, it raised its head and stared at him.He also stared at the pair of cat's eyes, unable to notice that Roach was joking with him, and Roach was sleeping soundly next to him.

Maybe it's because Roach has less influence on the cat after falling asleep, so the kitten's consciousness is completely autonomous?Du Zheng stretched out his hand to the kitten, and the little black cat tentatively walked towards him.Wary of whether it was about to spray something, he lifted it cautiously and scratched the cat's chin.

Roach seemed to be having some kind of nightmare, and he didn't sleep well. He turned over in his sleeping bag and pulled out a hand, as if he wanted to hold something, but it stopped moving when it reached Du Zhengyi's knee. .

Du Zhengyi looked at him carefully, but didn't see anything unusual about him.His eyes fell on the hand stretched out near him, the wrist was thin and white.Du Zhengyi mentioned the kitten silently, and dipped one of the cat's feet in a small puddle of mud melted by the fire, and the cleanliness cat struggled violently.Du Zhengyi picked up the cat with ill intentions, and pressed its paw on Luo Qi's white wrist like a stamp. When he lifted it up again, the muddy paw print on Luo Qi's wrist was very satisfying.Satisfied, he let go of Roach's cat, and let the kitten run back in a huff, rubbing its feet against Roach's coat.

In another time and space, in the memory of others, the dying Roach was held by his right hand.He suddenly turned around, but there was no one behind him. Several magic threads were wrapped around his right wrist. The characteristics of magic were very familiar, and he had just watched it this afternoon.

Du Zhengyi?

With a sudden thought, the soul returned to its place, and Luo Qi was surprised to see himself standing in a spacious house that was about Tang Dynasty.The house has only three walls, and only a few columns on the fourth wall. The grand and magnificent architectural structure at that time is very different from the remaining ancient buildings today.The slender and exquisite dancer surrounded a thick-browed man with the style of the Western Regions. Opposite him, he was mentally attached to a dying old mage just now.

Roach looked at him in surprise, not knowing who he was, but now he was going to die.With a thought in his mind, Luo Qi suddenly thought that the person who collected this memory was coming.

The old mage is about to die, but he is the master of memory, so someone must have seen him for the last time.

"Master Du." The Persian-style mage called.

Roach shivered and turned to look at him.He was hidden in the shadow of the candle, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but even if he could see clearly, it was useless to Roach.One is that he died a long time ago, and the other is that he is a Persian. The mage chooses the companion race because of his own appearance. It is difficult for Roach to recognize the face of a different species. To him, all Persian men look the same .

He turned to look at the old mage again, he had a long bony face, he must not have been considered handsome when he was young, but he had a kind of Du Zhengtong series of eyes, which Roach could recognize.Perhaps caste tenacity was an inherited trait in their family, and Roach watched the old mage dying, trying to restrain himself from wanting to help him.Saving people in an illusory memory is as useless as YY.

"Master Du." The alien mage said, "I'm tired of protecting human beings. I'm here to share the ancestral property. I heard that you are a key to the ancestral house."

The ancestral house, the key, is about the scenery of Tang Dynasty.Luo Qi suddenly determined what time it was. Someone said that a treasure hunter opened the sealed land, slaughtered humans, and rebelled against Qionglin.Perhaps the name of the Supreme Council of Mages was not Qionglin at that time, and the rebellion destroyed the residence of the Supreme Council at that time.

Roach stared at the savage man in the candle shadow with bated breath, his lush beard looking dirty from drinking.

"You won't be happy." The old mage said in a low voice.

"I don't need your help," said the man, "but why am I telling you this? You'll know nothing in a minute. I can't let you live because I can't beat you. I can't let you die either, Surely a dead man can no longer be a key. There is a good place between the dead and the dead, so stay there."

After the man finished speaking, he stood up and put his arms around the dancer beside him, "It's time to set off."

Roach looked around anxiously. If anyone was going to collect memories, he should be here now.The old mage was on the verge of falling, and the dancer beside him was much stronger than she looked, her exquisite and slender body supported the old mage.

Roach suddenly understood that no one would come again.The illusion around him began to shake, the old man was about to lose consciousness, and his memory was about to end.The dancer, the goddess of Wushan, watched the back of the alien with vigilance.

Panting, the old man stuffed a crystal into her hand.His voice, no, it might just be his last thought when he was dying, "Hold my memory, the Supreme One will believe your words and get out of here."

Roach was stripped away by the memory, and he was eager to find the relevant memory, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't retrieve the memory.

(End of this chapter)

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