magician in town

Chapter 592 Devil

Chapter 592 Devil

The wind seemed to be quiet for a moment.

"We all thought that the treasure house of the ancestors does not need to be preserved." Mr. Shi sighed in a low voice, as if he forgot that she was leaving a message to an unknown junior, she was immersed in her own emotions.

Luo Qi understood what she was talking about. Du Zhengyi's old captain once said that he had followed Pei Shu to several sealed places. Pei Shu went in alone and cleaned up and destroyed those sealed places.Now Luo Qi understands why Pei Shu is obsessed with this matter, and personally clears the sealed place.

"Devils shouldn't stay in the human world." Mr. Shi said, "But who is the devil? Could it be that those low-level animals are demons? They are like jackals, tigers and leopards to humans to us mages. When do we see them? Human beings label wolves, tigers and leopards as demons, and elevate them to such a status?"

Luo Qi looked at the female mage silently, and a strange feeling jumped into his heart, and the things in his heart began to churn.

"Devils are always in the world." Mr. Shi turned his head and looked at exactly where Roach was. Her skin was wrinkled, but those still beautiful eyes looked at Roach.Luo Qi looked back at her cautiously, not knowing how much charm Wushan's education would engrave into his soul, he was afraid that he would be persuaded involuntarily.But he knew in his heart that he had already looked back into the abyss, and only those who could be persuaded would be persuaded. The ending of the story was already doomed when the first stroke was made.

"I don't know who you are, where you come from, and how much that child in the yard will weigh on you in the future." Mr. Shi stood up and walked towards him under the tree. They were almost face to face.She looked into his eyes with a hint of pity on her face, "But since I chose you, then you must be Pei Shu."

Roach was shocked by this sentence.

"You are another Pei Shu, and you will become Pei Shu."

"Because you have also reached this path, and you are about to make a decision. It is to believe in common greatness, give your friend a hand, and completely kill the Du family."

"Or try to break free from fate?"

"I don't know what choice you will make. We may not be friends, and I must not make a reliable guess. Now that you have not appeared, then I may not have time to understand you. If I am careful, I can still live For a while, but death will eventually find me. After we met, death may have come to me immediately. I don’t know what happened to those behind. After a lot of use and deception, you don't like to be manipulated. If you want to blame me in the future, just think that I have watched everything in my life, but I can only wait and see. Even if there is a plan and a glimmer of hope, I will not die Know what the result is. Thinking about it this way, don't you think it's fair?"

Luo Qi stared at the phantom of this memory without moving. She was like a devil coming out of the dark to greet him, but she was the guidance he could only wish for.

But in the real world out there, she's dead now?Roach felt his body's blood pressure rising and his heart beating faster.They or he, killed her?Because she came to meet him, was she on an appointment with the god of death that day?So even Roach is being counted by people, and there may be a god watching him in a bigger situation.

"I don't want everything to be meaningless. Death is the end, and the other side doesn't exist. Even in the dead future, I have no hope of meeting Pei Shu and Ting Xiu again." She said softly. Luo Qi couldn't get over the heavy sadness. He was spared from the pain, and the grief that did not belong to him and belonged to him at the same time threatened him.

She raised the hand in her sleeve, and Roach saw a seed appearing in her hand, and he knew by intuition that it was not the seed of reality.He didn't know how she broke through the barrier of real memory and environment, the woman pointed to him, and the seed appeared in front of him.He raised his hand, and a small, shriveled brown pea fell into his palm.

"But if a seed is planted, new branches will surely emerge in the future. This is my only belief."

At this moment, the pea flickered and exploded in his palm, and became invisible. At the same time, the path of layers of memory became clear, like a branch of a pea climbing and growing in the memory of tangled weeds, leading a winding path. curved road.Roach searched inward for his memory in surprise, the memory he got from Mr. Shi, part of his consciousness tracked the pea vines and quickly located the memory.

In the depths of Mr. Shi's memory, a memory that she locked and forcibly forgotten opened up.Roach understands the magic of this consciousness, and he has a similar lock, which is used to make himself a forgotten person, so that any advanced mind mage can't discover the secrets he knows.

The memory unfolded into some emotionless information, countless ancient symbols, most of which Roach couldn't recognize, he was a little ashamed, but soon he couldn't care about it.Countless ancient mage texts form about ninety types of magic, and there are probably dozens of sub-categories under each type of magic.Roach grabbed some of the text and interpreted it. Fortunately, Mr. Shi had already annotated part of the magic in modern language. She must have studied and deciphered it for a long time, and perhaps exhausted her last energy.

These magics may not be of much value to many mages. Roach has not discovered attack magic, and there is no valuable conversion magic. These magics are just ancient orders.For example, Roach saw "opening the door" in the first category, and he saw nineteen different spells just for opening the door.This may be for different doors, I hope it is not a fairy tale like golden door, silver door, wooden door.

But Roach immediately thought that it might not necessarily be nineteen different kinds of doors, but there might be nineteen kinds of doors in different situations, or different doors in different situations.What's more, these may be the spells that break the seal.Roach knew that the opening of the seal required two parts, the first part was the existence of Du Shi, and the second part was the mind mage to drive the spell.Pei Shu must have known about these spells a long time ago, long before he became the first master, so that he could break the seal and destroy the legacy of the ancestor mage.Perhaps his ex-wife had come into contact with this type of magic under these circumstances, wondering if he knew she'd come this far, maybe.

Roach fell into deep thought. He was sure that if Mr. Shi was dead now, these things were the cause of her death.If he opened the seal next, he was telling them that he inherited Mr. Shi's legacy.No wonder he came here so easily, no wonder Du Zhengyi was also sent here.

(End of this chapter)

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