magician in town

Chapter 594 Magical Powers

Chapter 594 Magical Powers

The sun finally left the top of the snow-capped mountains, and the sky on the plateau was covered with pure dark blue again. Roach put on his coat carelessly, patted the mud spots on the coat, and went straight to Du Zhengyi.

"Aren't you in a hurry to start?" Luo Qi opened his eyes stiffly, and glanced around the people around hastily. His blurred eyes paused on Guan Xinyue's face for a few more seconds, before Guan Xinyue fired at him. Pulled his eyes.He smiled flatteringly at Du Zhengyi, "Pineapple buns or salmon rice balls, which one do you want?" Du Zheng glanced at Roach's raised hands, and the initial magical energy that condensed the food was ready in his palms. send.He hadn't eaten breakfast, he'd had enough magic beans, and finally someone willing to delve into culinary magic. "Salmon rice balls."

"Uh...I can only make pineapple buns." Roach said.

"Then what are you asking?"

"Isn't it a gentleman for me to ask this? If you choose pineapple buns, why don't you just have them?" Roach said without blushing, "Or would you rather eat Oreos..."

"No Oreos." Du Zhengyi said quickly, he was fed up with Oreos everywhere, "just pineapple buns."

Du Zhengyi stared suspiciously at a piece of bulging bread that slowly swelled above Roach's palm. Grid lines evenly appeared on the caramel-colored belly of the bread. From the appearance, it was indeed a pineapple bun.

"Ladies, do you want it?" Luo Qi turned sleepily to Liu Ziyu and Guan Xinyue.Guan Xinyue felt nauseous all the time, so she feebly declined, and Liu Ziyu shook his head vigilantly.

Roach ignored the others, took a big bite out of the bread, and continued to ask Du Zhengyi, "Which would you like to drink, latte or black tea?"

"Black tea..." Du Zhengyi looked at Luo Qi's eyes that were about to stand up, and said with interest, "It's better to have a latte."

Roach said triumphantly, and made two cups of latte, "Standard espresso with sixty degrees of milk."

Du Zheng looked at the coffee cup, "It seems that there is no milk foam."

Roach's face turned green, "I don't know how to produce bubbles, how about you add some Oreo crumbs? Oreo is really a versatile condiment."

"Thanks, it's still a latte without milk foam." Du Zhengyi said hastily.

Roach narrowed his sleepy eyes, broke a piece of bread for his kitten, and yawned over the mellow coffee.Some people walked straight to the small circle they stood in, which was a rare situation in a while, and Roach lifted his spirits a little.

"Son, are you okay?"

Luo Qi raised his head and saw Xiang Gan's concerned eyes. Her jaw line was too firm, and her frame was thicker than that of ordinary women. Only a pair of eyes shone with gentle and stable brilliance. "Morning, grandma, would you like a cup of coffee?"

Xiang Gan glanced at him, "You slept soundly, like a human child."

Roach grinned at her, people are better than cats.Another person next to Leng Buding interrupted in a daze, "It looks like he has fallen into chaos. Have you heard of it? The frequent illness of mind mages, the mind is trapped in chaotic fragments, unable to recognize reality, the performance may be Sleep or schizophrenia."

Luo Qi suddenly felt a mouthful of bread stuffed in the middle of his throat, and turned his head angrily to stare at Zhou Ruisi, that ignorant nerd who liked to talk about the knowledge in his head.

"It's all because of the biological clock. I usually wake up much later than this." Roach said thoughtfully, and secretly glanced at Du Zhengyi, not knowing whether Du Zhengyi was paying attention.Du Zhengyi looked down on Zhou Ruisi a bit, Zhou Ruisi talked too much nonsense, maybe Du Zhengyi didn't listen to him at all.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ruisi couldn't agree with what he said in theory, and was quite addicted to debate, so he replied to Roach with one sentence. "That's impossible. The biological clock can only exist in a natural state. In terms of the physical characteristics of our mages, so many people are moving and talking, and the noise caused is equivalent to human beings being woken up immediately when they hear a train passing by. Luo Mage, are you slightly in chaos? I think you are."

Luo Qi squeezed the bread, wanting to hate this idiot, but he had nothing to say, this outspoken stupefied young man couldn't tell the difference between his brows and eyes.Luo Qi couldn't believe that he had suffered such a big loss. He looked at him and then at his own bread, but he was still speechless, and the muscles on his face were a little stiff.As soon as Du Zheng put down his coffee cup, he glanced at him silently.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ruisi still didn't let him go, just like a good student who refused to give up his knowledge, "I saw Master Du calling you several times, and even shaking you a few times."

Roach didn't want to be really angry, it would be too embarrassing, but his old face is starting to turn red now.At this moment, Guan Xinyue finally put down her hand on her forehead, and looked at Zhou Ruisi impatiently, "Why are you so aggressive towards Luo Qi?"

"" Zhou Ruisi was taken aback, and looked at Guan Xinyue in surprise.

Guan Xinyue frowned and blew fire at him, "And what do you mean by comparing humans? To you, the movement of such a little human is like humans hearing the train? Such delicate ears, listen It’s the same with dog ears, what’s there to be proud of?”

"I... I didn't mean to offend." Zhou Ruisi looked at Guan Xinyue uneasily, a little girl who was not frightened was accusing him, and he was a little flustered.

Guan Xinyue "cut" impatiently, and poured all her anger on Zhou Ruisi, "Don't say it as if you know people very well. Indeed, our ears are much worse than dog ears, but when it comes to We are all different when it comes to sleeping. Someone wakes up because someone is walking in slippers upstairs, someone lives next to the railway and still sleeps like hell."

Zhou Ruisi didn't say a word, and even held his breath a little bit, looking around in embarrassment, no one wanted to rescue him.Roach continued to eat the bread in silence, and took a sip of coffee leisurely.

Zhou Ruisi's uneasy look made Guan Xinyue vent her anger, so she stopped talking about him.Zhou Ruisi didn't know whether he wanted to resolve the embarrassment or something, so he asked Luo Qi again, "What is our task today?"

Roach looked up from the bread, "Huh? I don't know."

"Then... Master Du and Master Liu's magic experiment didn't work?" Zhou Ruisi glanced at the magic circle in the corner of the camp in wonder.

From the corner of Luo Qi's eyes, Du Zhengyi and Liu Ziyu looked at each other indiscriminately, swallowing the nonsense he was about to say, "Do you want a cup of coffee?"

Zhou Ruisi looked at him worriedly, "Master Luo, why are you not paying attention at all? Don't you have any spells to try here? Theoretically speaking, mind mages can drive ancient magic, I think you should try Establish a connection with the ancestral magic, and actively stimulate the background magic here to respond to you. Yes, I think it is the background magic, there must be some activated magic sleeping here, otherwise we won’t all feel a little uneasy.”

Roach swallowed the bread, which seemed to be stiff in his stomach this time.He knew how to open the door, and probably knew the possible directions, but in terms of form, he was neither qualified nor possible to know these.That's all for nothing, why did this blunt-eyed stunned-headed green sentence focus on the key point, he really ran into such an idiot when he went out and didn't look at Huang Li.

This time it was Xiang Gan who spoke, and she looked at Zhou Ruisi in confusion, "You are talking about the records in ancient documents, right? No one believes these in the past few hundred years, and the sources of ancient documents may not be reliable."

"Yeah, it's too dogmatic." Roach followed up, and swallowed the bread in two or three bites, "What do you misunderstand about me? I'm a junior mind mage. Elementary! A novice! What do you expect from me? Say a spell and the world will collapse. Has the ancestor appeared?"

But today Roach was doomed to be unlucky. Just as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky. He raised his head subconsciously, thinking that his eyes were dazzled.Then there was a huge thunder from the iceberg, and everyone looked up to the glacier. A spherical blue lightning flashed across the peak again. The thunder resounded through the valley, and the ground under everyone's feet trembled.

"Fuck!" Luo Qi murmured, facing Zhou Ruisi's suspicious eyes, looking at the snow mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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