Chapter 60

Chapter 59

"To be honest, I don't know." Ma Jiang looked at Luo Qi through the lens, which slightly enlarged his eyes and refracted his pupils into a blur of light. "Telepathy is the most basic and natural magical ability. This ability is innate. Babies can swallow, grasp, and feel the world with ideas. Distinguish between self-awareness, other people's consciousness, subconsciousness, Consciousness, these are gradually and naturally established. So I think that the person who blocked your telepathic ability, or those two people, should want to put your ability to sleep forever. How can I say it ? I think this is probably because Yigao people are bold, and those who do this are confident that they can do this.”

Roach thought about all his dark days, and he wanted to talk to his father, but his father's attitude was always indifferent and indifferent.Even if he said that his future life direction is to integrate into human society, his father didn't say anything.He used to think it was because his father had been disappointed in him, but now he saw it more clearly, it was actually just because his father knew everything a long time ago, and everything was under his control.

So what is he?Experimental data?

"But you don't think they can do it successfully." Du Zhengyi said beside him.

"After all, this is a job that has never been done before," Ma Jiang said, "From an academic point of view, everyone can have their own opinions, and differences are inevitable, so my opinions are only my own. Opinions do not represent final conclusions. But the opinions of most people can still be used as a mainstream reference..."

"Speak in human terms." Du Zhengyi said, "give me a clear professional judgment."

"People who do this are talking nonsense!" Ma Jiang breathed out, "It is impossible to succeed. Life will always find a way out, and the part of Roach that was strangled is also Roach, and the real him will always find a way to get out. When it comes to Li Xu's mental illness, maybe he broke through earlier, but if he doesn't meet Li Xu, he will come to this step sooner or later."

Roach looked out the window blankly, unable to say anything.He could still feel a slight noise, but after listening to it for a long time, it didn't seem to matter anymore.

"Then do you have any constructive suggestions for him?" Du Zheng asked coldly, "Besides suggesting that he go back to his infancy and remake it?"

"There is no good solution for a while." Ma Jiang said, looking past Roach, carefully assessing Roach's face that was going crazy, and said in a low voice, "I have said it all, this is what the predecessors did not do. experiment."

"You'd better not treat him as an experiment." Du Zhengyi said irritably.

Ma Jiang sneered, and said to Du Zhengyi in a lower voice, "I was not the one who used him as the experimental subject in the first place."

Du Zhengyi sighed, for the first time he began to feel that maybe he really had no other way. "If you have no choice, I can only go to Pei Shu. The risk of uncertainty is even greater. The greater risk now is..." He didn't go on, he began to have a sense of uneasiness, "Now he's just accepting ideas from the outside world. If he starts to reverse the output and he can't control it..."

"If that's the case, then..." Ma Jiang said, but found that Luo Qi cast his gaze over again, his heart trembled, and he swallowed the words that were laughing behind him.A thought turned in his mind, and he carefully checked his barriers to make sure that no one had invaded his brain, and he said it "out loud" without any consciousness. "Du Zhengyi, I suggest you contact his parents when the time is right." He thought for a while and corrected his words, "Maybe the sooner the better."

Roach's eyes wandered away again, and he looked out of the window again, as if nothing had happened.

Du Zhengyi was also looking at Roach, and he bit his lower lip. This decision was not too difficult. "I won't go to his parents. Since you can't help it, I'll take him to my place first. Anyway, no one there will disturb him, and he won't affect my consciousness."

Luo Qi suddenly turned his head and looked at him in surprise, and Ma Jiang was also staring at Du Zhengyi, "You know I can't really rate his telepathy ability, so don't be so confident that you won't be affected by it." Threat. Have you ever thought about the fact that his parents blocked his telepathic ability when he was young, is there any reasonable purpose other than his parents being perverted?"

"You mean, I'm really a high-profile anti-person, don't you?" Roach said, seeing Du Zhengyi turn his head, gave him a serious look, and signaled him to shut up immediately with a stern wink.But he felt that it didn't matter a long time ago. He had already escaped from Qionglin, but he found that he was always in a cage, and he couldn't escape the predicament that followed him everywhere. "It doesn't matter, then send me back to the underground cube."

Ma Jiang didn't speak, he didn't take this opportunity to immediately agree.In a moment of silence, Roach remembered that he was a good person, but he was actually unwilling to make this decision.Maybe he suggested this just because it was the least harmful way to others, and it was also the least harmful way to Du Zhengyi.

Roach is not an unselfish man, he just can't help it.A hand landed on his shoulder and pressed it, "You just haven't completely broken free from the despair created by Li Xu."

Luo Qi was taken aback again. He raised his head and looked at Du Zhengyi. No matter how Ma Jiang behind him put on a disapproving expression on his face, Du Zhengyi didn't look back. "It's not a big deal." Du Zhengyi said firmly, "Since all telepaths are naturally adapted to this process, you can also overcome this problem after you take a bath, eat a meal, and sleep well. .”

"I don't make such an optimistic prediction." Ma Jiang frowned behind him and said, "I will contact Pei Shu after the retreat is over."

"Whatever," Du Zhengyi said, stretched out his hand and roughly pulled Roach up, regardless of his slight trembling, his whole body seemed to be torn apart. "This is the mascot given to me by Pei Shu and Liu Li, and I will handle it."

"This is not snatching toys when I was a child." Ma Jiang said unwillingly, "I will also contact his parents."

"You'd better contact a little girl first." Du Zhengyi's fingers flicked in the air, and a string of flashing numbers were printed on his hand.

He was so hot that he gasped and glared at Du Zhengyi.

"Go to this address to pick her up and ask her if she wants to go home or come to you. If she wants to go home, you can stay near her 24 hours a day. I suspect that the lotus burner may trouble her recently. Tell her I'll call her." Du Zheng dragged Roach into the subspace as soon as he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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