Chapter 601

The never-ending wind was boring and irritable, and Roach was annoyed by the bad weather like a baboon whose bananas were swept away, not only bored but also irritable.The increasingly severe hypoxia may also have played a role, as well as Du Zhengyi's calm face, a standard expression of thinking behind his back.

As we all know, in non-critical moments, Du Zhengyi is more like a bad-tempered and impatient baboon.But whenever the situation is serious, he will appear more calm, and because of his high concentration, he has no time to be in a bad mood.Roach put his hands in the pockets of his coat, and the clothes were not buttoned. He wrapped himself tightly in the strong wind with his two pockets in his arms and crossed his arms. He stood on a big rock and stared at Du Zhengyi closely, looking like A horned eagle with its wings folded.

Du Zheng hesitated for a moment, Roach's narrowed eyes suddenly widened, and he almost jumped off the rock.After getting along for a long time, it is clear at a glance what anyone thinks about the other party.One was sent to the first army and had no choice but to modify his plan and try to add some guarantees.The other is nothing more than a crude "fuck you dare", but in full view, the two of them acted like a silent movie pantomime.

Complicated communication, in fact, is just a moment of lightning.Before Luo Qi jumped off the rock, Zhou Ruisi suddenly grabbed his arm and said something.Roach didn't hear what he said in the strong wind, and he could vaguely recognize it from his mouth-"Boss, I can't do it."

"Huh?" Roach looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm dying." Zhou Ruisi said, "I'm dying, my arm is numb, and I'm very dizzy."

It was only then that Roach realized that his face had turned livid, which was abnormal for anyone to see at a glance.

"What's wrong with you?" Roach asked.

"I... lack of oxygen..." Zhou Ruisi said desperately.

"You've been standing here the whole time, and you didn't charge." Roach said in surprise, but he knew from his expression that he wasn't lying.

Yan Hao shook his head and said to them, "He is the first one, and his body is too weak. But there will be a second one soon, and the battle mage will soon be dead."

Roach bit his lip, and began to hesitate between fighting and retreating, how to fight, and whether there was a chance to retreat.At this moment, Wen Lin waved her hand to attract his attention. She had been on guard against the monsters in the valley just now.Roach glanced at her and knew that there was bad news again.

"The oxygen drops too fast, and I might be the second." She glanced at Zhou Ruisi sympathetically and said, pointing to the valley below, "There are three more monsters below, I believe this should be a decisive battle. They haven't attacked for so long, they should be gathering."

Roach gloomily looked down at the less than 1000 meters below, where the half-worm, half-beast monster moved anxiously, "The psychics below must be adjusting their deployment, this time they don't want to fight with the monster at close range, Now we are fine-tuning our minds and issuing combat orders, just like pre-war mobilization."

He also had to admit that Wen Lin's observations were correct. They realized that guerrilla warfare was not an advantage, and they were determined to gather troops to fight a frontal battle.

Wen Lin looked at Du Zhengyi expectantly, counting on Du Zhengyi's heroic attack to subdue the enemy. "Qionglin doesn't know what we are facing. Now is the time to use the ultimate magic."

Du Zhengyi didn't answer right away, but the enemy remained silent. Wen Lin's face showed some surprise and disappointment, or rather surprise and disappointment.Luo Qi's anger flared up again. Did she think that Du Zhengyi was deliberately pushing back and refusing to contribute?When was it her turn to express her disappointment with Du Zhengyi?

"I can try..." Du Zhengyi looked down at the valley and said thoughtfully.

ah?Roach looked at him in surprise.God, Du Zhengyi, do you still want to show your abilities to women?Really?So naive and so primitive? How dare you succumb to your instincts and show your "ability" in front of the opposite sex?Damn, do you want to do a hoop of fire in front of the ladies?

Luo Qi's sharp associations were not over yet, and the half-dead Zhou Ruisi over there shook his arm again begging for help, "Boss...boss...I...I can't do it..."

Roach really wanted to gag him.

"Okay, let me try it. It's just a few bugs, there's no need for Du Zhengyi to make a move at all." Luo Qi jumped off the rock and walked towards the edge of the earthy cliff manically, wanting to stay away from people and get more Mental clarity.He originally positioned himself as a guarantee, and he believed that he would definitely find a breakthrough point, a monster's breakthrough point, and a psychic's breakthrough point.As long as there is a breakthrough point in the mind of a creature, as long as he finds a breakthrough point, he can solve their entire front.A force fell on the back of his collar, and someone carried him back.Except for Du Zhengyi, no one else would dare to strike at him, the new master of mind.

"Everyone is quiet." Du Zhengyi said, "Everyone calm down. I need to kill all monsters and psychics at the same time, and I need to set up a complete protective shield for everyone before attacking."


"...Even killing the mage? It's too cruel."

"Is there such a large-scale destructive magic?"

Luo Qi, Zhou Ruisi, and Yan Hao called out to Du Zhengyi at the same time, and Du Zhengyi was stunned for a moment. He had been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he had never led such a chattering pre-war sightseeing group, so he really felt a little uncomfortable.

Luo Qi endured it and asked again, "Why is the protection shield so powerful?"

Du Zhengyi's gaze fell on the shield covering Liu Ziyu and Guan Xinyue. Liu Ziyu's shield was working steadily from beginning to end, and even Guan Xinyue was not disturbed by the lack of oxygen.Roach couldn't help but sigh the magic of this shield, what kind of ancestor mage would design such a detailed magic protective gear.

But... "But this kind of advanced magic should have strong limitations, and the magic energy needed to spread to everyone must be quite large." Roach estimated and said cautiously.

No one refuted him, he glanced at Zhou Ruisi who was about to pass out, and the walking database also nodded regretfully.

If this magic could be activated easily, Liu Ziyu would have already taken everything else under his wings for protection.But to Luo Qi's surprise, Liu Ziyu turned to Du Zhengyi after hearing the words, looked at him appraisingly, and said relaxedly, "If senior brother can use magic to recharge, I think it's okay to last for a few minutes. "

What does it mean?Luo Qi looked back and forth between Liu Ziyu and Du Zhengyi in surprise, and found that their brothers and sisters looked at each other secretly.

It seems that getting up late really has its disadvantages, Luo Qi silently thought, there must be some excitement that he missed.

(End of this chapter)

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