magician in town

Chapter 617 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 617 Gift from Ancestors (7)

The sun fell on the hillside, and the clouds drifted across the gentle mountains, casting a cloud shadow on the distant mountain tops.At the foot of the mountain is a field of golden sunflowers, burning in the fiery sun.

An old tape recorder in the backyard playing a lazy old song, why dose the sun go on shining ?
why do the birds go on singing?
why do the stars glow above?
don`t they know its the end of the world?
Guan Xinyue listened attentively, the singing sound was like the hot fog from Futian Mountain, making people feel suffocated and not wanting to move.She remembered that this was her grandfather's favorite song, but she couldn't remember when it was often played at home.

"Is this sunshine?" asked a voice.

She turned her head suddenly, and there was only a little girl sitting on the low wall in the backyard behind her.She has long, lush hair and wears a checkered skirt with a panda pocket slung across her back.She looked no older than ten, with fleshy arms and legs and a plastic Disney princess crown on her head.

Guan Xinyue should have felt terrified, but the girl looked at her with worried eyes, and she suddenly forgot the reason for her fear.

Before she could answer, the little girl asked again, "Is this your home?"

"Yes." Guan Xinyue said, "Where are you from?"

The child sighed, "I am the first person."

"What is the first person?" Guan Xinyue was puzzled, but for some reason, she automatically talked to the child, "You mean, are you lost?"

"Oh, I'm lost, so to speak," said the little boy. "I'll come and see your home."

"Then I'll take you home to find your mother..." Guan Xinyue was interrupted by the child before she finished speaking.

"Your grandpa is dead?"

Guan Xinyue choked.

"Tong Yan... Wuji?" The child immediately said tentatively, as if he was not sure of his words.

Guan Xinyue laughed, "Well, my grandpa is dead."

"Your heart hurts so much." The child pointed to her heart.

"People are like this. Others will be sad when they lose someone who cares about them."

"The end of the world?" the child asked thoughtfully.

"It's my own end of the world, and others will live in a happy world for a long time." Guan Xinyue said involuntarily. "If the people who care about me are gone, then my own world will come to an end. But a child like you..."

"Then I'm at the end of the world." The child interrupted her again. She was small in stature, with pure and direct eyes, but her tone of voice carried a faint authority, as if she was born to be a queen.

Just when Guan Xinyue felt something was wrong and started to think about it, the child said again, "Your grandfather died...won't he give you the gift of life before he left?"

"What is the gift of life?" Guan Xinyue asked, she had never heard of such a saying from mages, and mages don't have much tradition.

"My ancestors, before they left, they should leave me a lifetime of knowledge and experience. That is the gift of life." The child said.

"Are you talking about teaching me to be a man? That's true. I was brought up by my grandfather. He taught me knowledge and taught me all the principles of his life." Guan Xinyue said.

The child thought for a while, then nodded with enlightenment, "It can also be said that a part of life has been passed on. But I don't know where my parents have gone. I didn't get much gift of life, only some vague and incomprehensible gifts. The part that was robbed."

Guan Xinyue thought for a while, and changed the child's old-fashioned and childish words on her own, "You mean... are you an orphan?"

"Orphan?" the child asked in surprise, staring at her with a pair of dark eyes, as if she couldn't understand the word.But as if looking into her eyes could interpret her, the child understood in a flash, "Oh, you said orphan, um, you're right, I'm an orphan."

Guan Xinyue felt sorry for her, "Where do you live? Orphanage?"

The child looked at her again in surprise, "Why do you feel distressed again?"

"I..." Guan Xinyue didn't know how to explain it, and she was embarrassed to explain that she sympathized with and loved a helpless child.

"Oh." The child looked at her enthusiastically, "You love me, so am I your sister?"

Guan Xinyue looked at her in surprise, she was indeed a child, and children are very cute.She couldn't help but said along with her, "You are my sister."

The child jumped off the low wall, reached out and took Guan Xinyue's hand, and put his little hand on Guan Xinyue's palm.Guan Xinyue smiled and took her hand.

"You're lonely, you've been among the non-kind," said the child, "and so have I, but I'll have many sisters. They'll have some gift of life too, and when we find each other, we'll be big boys Yes. You're my first sister, ah, though I'm not your first sister. You're looking for your sister, aren't you?"

"Why do you..." Guan Xinyue didn't ask, she couldn't remember what she wanted to ask halfway through the question. "Roach knows where she is. But I don't understand why he doesn't want to say it. He said it wasn't the time, and now he forgets it. When the time comes, he'll remember it. Sounds like bullshit."

"The words of those mages are unbelievable," said the child. "They are terrible. When I grow up, I will help you find your sister."

Mahjong suddenly took a step back, "Where's Guan Xinyue?"

Luo Qi didn't even look back, he was watching Liu Ziyu's magic, and said casually, "She's right there."

"I feel that something is wrong with her." Mahjong turned around and walked out the door.

"Medical entanglement?" Roach turned around this time, hesitating for a moment, "but I feel she is very calm."

"Is she conscious? Are you still monitoring her? So intentional..." Mahjong paused, "Why can't I seem to feel her?"

"Impossible. She is in the corridor behind the wall, her mind is as calm as water." Roach said, but decided to follow Mahjong out to have a look.

Mahjong stepped out of the room, looked around, and became anxious, "Where is she? Guan Xinyue!"

Luo Qi hurriedly ran out, looked over according to the direction of his mind, but saw the tall figures of several mages. "Boss Zhao? Uncle Yu. What are you doing?"

Mahjong cursed in a low voice and rushed over. Guan Xinyue was surrounded by several lotus burner mages. She stood in the corner with her head down as if terrified. "What are you doing?"

"Wait." Leader Zhao smiled and turned around to stop him.

"What are you waiting for?" Mahjong said violently, trying to push away the murderous cult leader.

The clownfish turned his face to look at him coldly, his footsteps stopped, and he suddenly raised his hands to cover his head, the sudden severe pain made him tremble all over.

"Oh my god, let's do it!" Roach chased up from behind, attacking the clownfish intently.The clownfish swiftly withdrew the mental attack on Mahjong, and the severe headache moved away from Mahjong's temple.

"Don't get excited." Hierarch Zhao came to persuade at this time, "No one wants to hurt the little girl. We stopped the doctor because he didn't want him to act rashly and hurt the little girl. Luo Qi, you should come and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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