magician in town

Chapter 619 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 619 Gift from Ancestors (9)

"Does my sister want to see my sister's sister?"

Guan Xinyue was pulled back from her trance by this question, she turned her head, the lights in the old house were as warm as yesterday, and the strings of the pipa sounded like a complaint.She couldn't remember clearly, as if someone was playing the pipa all the time.

"Who is playing the piano?" asked the little girl.

"It's my grandma." Guan Xinyue replied unconsciously.

"What's the name of this song?" the little girl asked again.

"Yes..." Guan Xinyue couldn't hear the melody clearly, but vaguely knew the name, "Yi Jiangnan."

"Why remember Jiangnan? Does everyone love Jiangnan?" the little girl asked suspiciously.

"That's just a distant intention." Guan Xinyue replied, and the words that her grandfather had answered her came out of her mouth naturally, "Jiangnan means that the most beautiful moment in life is the spring of one's life."

"But it's gone," the little girl asked.

"Yes, it's already gone." Guan Xinyue said, "Things are like a spring dream, and there is no trace. No matter how beautiful a flower event is, it will be over when it is in full bloom."

She suddenly and truly felt the pain in her heart. It was a pain that she had suppressed for a long time, and she was unwilling to face it.She has always been able to isolate the pain, as long as she can still work hard, as long as there is room for hard work in this matter, she has not come to the end of the world.She can still see her grandfather and her sister, and their family can go back to the past.

But now she looked at the old house and saw the family living happily as usual through the glass on the window. This false reality tore her protective shell to pieces.She had always known, deep down, what had happened.

She knew that her grandfather was dead, and when he died, he was dead, and the mage couldn't bring him back to life.She also knew that she would never see her sister again, she knew, otherwise Roach would not stop looking for her, and would not keep her mouth shut.She knew that there was no reason for her to lose her temper with Roach, and she was just venting her anger by keeping her distance from Roach.But if not... if not... she just wants to howl, she wants to scream.

Someone hugged her, and the little girl's body was warm and soft against her, like the spring sunshine falling on her body.At this moment, she was suddenly satisfied and carefree. She couldn't see the people she wanted to see, but they were by her side.The love and warm company she had been cut off from for so long came back to her, and it felt like they had always been there and she just forgot, just couldn't see it.

"What is this?" she murmured.

"It's so warm," said the child. "I'll always be there, and they'll be there too. I'll let them be here all the time."

"Don't go." Guan Xinyue said involuntarily.

"I won't go," said the little girl, "and they won't really leave, they left traces in your soul, they shaped your soul, they exist as long as you live. If you die Now, you and them will stay in the next soul that is shaped by you. If I die, I and they will stay in your soul. Let's make a contract, shall we?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Guan Xinyue laughed, "The story says that the soul cannot be used to make contracts casually."

"The contract cannot be chosen, and compatibility will be established."

"You are just a child, just like a blank sheet of paper, you will be compatible with anyone." Guan Xinyue said unconsciously.

"So when I saw you, I was smeared by you."

"You remind me of someone." Guan Xinyue said.

"Roach." The little girl said at the same time as her.


"Mahjong, what are you calling, you are just distracting my attention, it is of no benefit at all." Luo Qi said, he stared at Guan Xinyue irritably, she seemed to be dreaming, maybe he could take a look at her dream , but that wouldn't do her brain any good, he didn't do anything lightly or seriously.

Mahjong can't control so much now, "After all the impossibilities have been ruled out, the only possibility is that she was attacked by thoughts. Why can't you see anything?"

"I said there was no mind attack! I checked that her mind is very complete and safe, and she is completely safe." Roach said.

"Hey, it's a bit of a battle between human western medicine and Chinese medicine."

Luo Qi turned around in annoyance, and found that Zhou Ruisi was the talkative one, "Jack of all trades, then analyze what's going on here? Don't use human narcolepsy to make nonsense."

Zhou Ruisi closed his mouth again, "Then I don't know, I really don't know about this."

At this moment, the clownfish spoke calmly, "It looks like someone has made a mind trap, engulfing the consciousness that is most likely to be confused."

Luo Qi laughed, "I also think it may be the reason, but I'm not sure, Uncle Yu is very familiar with this!"

Unexpectedly, the clownfish looked up at him, "Why are you not sure?"

Roach is speechless.

"I haven't finished reading the book." Du Zhengyi said bluntly without saving him face. "From the situation, I also think so. But the trap that only dares to capture human consciousness is too useless. What is the reason for setting it here?"

"I don't know, there's no need to think too much." The clownfish said.

"Guan Xinyue's grandfather also set this kind of trap." Luo Qi said, "Uncle Yu, have you ever seen that trap?"

Du Zheng glanced at Roach, and then at the clownfish.

The blurred face of the clownfish makes it impossible to judge him indirectly based on any of his micro-expressions. He is always like a figure behind the curtain.He looked at Luo Qi calmly, did not answer Luo Qi's question, and went to the next step, "Does Guan Xinyue know the mage's book of spirituality?"

"She's not a mage, so is that useful to her?" Roach had to say.

"Does she know the existence of the book of souls?" asked the clownfish.

"She knows that she has seen our operation with her own eyes and heard the congratulatory speech. But she may have forgotten that many things happened after that, and that was just one of the small things." Roach said.

"Human minds don't forget anything, they just think they have forgotten, and they don't know how to summon the memory." The clownfish said, "You can summon her to have a try, and you can use your consciousness to enhance the intensity of the words of blessing piercing into her mind , she will remember the day she heard it. The consciousness trap must be broken from the inside, you'd better read the textbook twice, don't be like a high-energy fool."

Roach suppressed his anger, "I can try, but I don't think..." He glanced at the clownfish, realizing that there was no need to say this, he knew that the clownfish was right.

Guan Xinyue took the child's hand, and the dense fog in the mountains filled up, carrying the choking smell of burning firewood. "What's going on here?"

"Someone is coming," replied the child.

Guan Xinyue suddenly felt flustered, the lights in the old house suddenly went out, and a thick fog surrounded her from the mountains, and it was about to engulf her in a blink of an eye.She hurried to hold the child's hand, "Don't get lost."

"The soul is back! Go to the king's constant work,
What is more square?The place of your pleasure,
And be more ominous!

The soul is back!The East can't be trusted.

A long man is a thousand feet, but the soul is a little bit.

On the tenth day, it will flow out of gold and stone.

Everyone is accustomed to it, and the soul must be released.

Come back!You can't trust me.

The soul is back!The south cannot stop. "

"This is..." Guan Xinyue covered her ears in pain, the happy feeling of being accompanied by her relatives quickly receded in the thick fog, and the desolate soul-calling song sounded deep in her memory. "Who...don't go..."

The little girl disappeared into the thick fog.

"Xinyue?" Another girl was holding her hand, "Xinyue, are you awake?"

She opened her eyes and saw Liu Ziyu looking at her anxiously.

 Some time ago, life was difficult, and today I finally feel happy again, and continue to update the article.

  Tomorrow will update Deep Space Screws

(End of this chapter)

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