magician in town

Chapter 637 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 637 Gift from Ancestors (27)

Chapter 130 The Gift of the Eighth Ancestor (27)

Roach watched the three mages walk down the corridor, feeling a little dazed for a while.Modern magicians vs primitive dinosaurs?He couldn't explain the sense of disobedience in his heart, but vaguely he knew that things should not be like this.

Magicians slay dragons, humans fight dinosaurs.Maybe that's the way it should be, the two worlds shouldn't be so confused.

But he has always known that the boundary is never so clear. He knows that the basic logic of things prevails in the two worlds. He has always used the human perspective to decipher the laws of the magical world.He knows that Qiongqi can also be said to be a kind of creature, and it doesn't have to be called magic. He also knows that the alien Zerg that almost killed them all has long been discussed by human beings as to the rationality of their existence.

The three vigorous adult mages are the pride of their world. If they were just dinosaurs, they should not be as difficult to deal with as those teleporting monsters they encountered at the gate of the sealed land.Then maybe the ancestor mage didn't completely create the sealed beast, just like Qionglin's experimental mage and mind mage tried to make a lion into a psychic beast for Du Zhengyi's use, the ancestor mage also used the materials at hand to make a sealed beast.

Maybe, maybe in ancient times, that was a common situation.Just like the portrait of Du's first ancestor that Luo Qi saw in other people's memories, the appearance of him caressing the wild beast in the painting is a realistic style, not just to make him look majestic, Du Zhengyi's portrait is also It could be him and his lion.

There were three first ancestors, one was lost in ambition, the other was indulged in love, and the supreme one was just seeking up and down like an ascetic monk, and he was never heard of achieving the great cause he sought.Standing in the majestic hall of the ancestor, Luo Qi wanted to ask himself if he dared to say aloud, the ancestor of the mage was just a mortal.

Not far away, the three mages released their magic, and now Roach can feel the terrifying power, and the awakened blood echoes it far away.That formidable power is intertwined with the grand and compelling aesthetic power of the sealed place, as if to ask him whether people who can't feel this existence can be called the same kind.Whether their neglect of him was unavoidable and reasonable.After finding his own origin, can he continue to regard ordinary human beings as his close kind.Who is he?Is Roach with magic and Roach without magic the same person?
"I heard that the Italians..." Roach said suddenly, as if the sound of fierce fighting and the smell of blood in the depths of the corridor did not exist.

Du Zhengyi looked at him in confusion.

Roach paused and continued to finish his sentence, "I heard that the Italians once forgot everything about their ancestors, so when they returned to Rome and saw the remains of the magnificent palaces, they did not believe that those palaces were man-made anyway. It is said that there were some Titans living in Rome in ancient times, and they built magnificent temples."

Du Zheng looked at him for a while, but said nothing.Zhou Ruisi said "ah" behind him, "I really don't know about this, is it like a pyramid? Humans say it was built by aliens, but in fact they just forgot the technology of their ancestors to build the pyramids."

"Yes." Roach replied thoughtfully.They are the same, just lost the technology of their ancestors, and the ancestor mages are not gods, just like the ancestors of human beings are not titans.

The ancestor mage... Luo Qi's spirit shook, and the shadows of several ancestor mages appeared in front of him again. He eagerly identified them.He was arguing fiercely with other mages again, and Luo Qi felt that Wusu was also seizing this erratic opportunity to use his mind magic to the maximum extent.But this time, Roach sensed another existence, and another consciousness adjusted its direction and followed it.

It's a clownfish.

Clownfish found?Roach panicked for a moment, he almost forgot that this might alarm him, how could such a mind master not be alarmed.They would have been less likely to cheat.Wait, not them.Wusu is a deliberate, neutral organization for thousands of years, perhaps tens of thousands of years, they will not easily have any tendencies.What should happen will happen, Roach calmed down in an instant.

But a clownfish is a clownfish, but at the moment he realized Wusu's hallucination, Luo Qi felt a force of thought rushing toward Wusu.Before he could figure out if it was an attack, it was like someone had dropped a flare in their sensitive conscious world.Luo Qi didn't know what it was, what kind of consciousness magic it was, he just felt that his other field of vision was going to be flashed.They were mainly Wusu, who was only affected because he was too sensitive. Wusu's mental ability increased sharply in an instant.

In the real world, Wusu didn't move at all, and his expression didn't change in any way, as if he was waiting for the outcome of the battle at the end of the corridor.But in the space of consciousness, his world exploded, and the bright light illuminated the originally dark corners, as if enlightened.The gloomy memory inherited suddenly became clear, and Roach also clearly saw the two people who were arguing through his consciousness, and the meaning of the old saying suddenly became clear.

"We lack energy"

"Desperation will blow up the stars"

“It’s not the first time a star has been destroyed“

"We have nowhere to go"

"nowhere to go"

"nowhere to go"

"The virus spread so fast it destroyed the last boat"

"She did it on purpose, she broke the boat"

"You just don't know which ship is safe"

"We're fucked"

Panic spread into Wusu's consciousness, and then along with Wusu's consciousness into Luo Qi's consciousness. At this moment, the clownfish suddenly extinguished all the lights and disconnected all the links.

Roach stood sluggishly in the world of consciousness, trying to figure out what was going on.It took him a while to understand what happened, who was the most sensitive and who was the most unlucky, the clownfish probably had their "ears" deafened by panic.Now they don't have to try.

He looked at Wusu subconsciously, and couldn't help admiring that Wusu, a young old guy, had seen the world. He looked calm and handsome—if you didn't look closely at the sweat on his temples.

"A piece of cake."

For a moment, Luo Qi couldn't tell which world the voice was from, the surrounding crowd became active, Du Zhengyi was listening to people talking, Zhao Hierarch was talking loudly, and the stench was so strong that it seemed to burst a huge ladle The worm, Roach discerned was reality, and they ended the fight.

The three mages were not unscathed. Luo Qi saw the wounds on Yan Hao and the lotus burner, but overall the victory was pretty good.Leader Zhao went to observe the sealed beasts, and several mages came over and told Du Zhengyi that there were some wreckages ahead, like other sealed beasts that had been massacred.Some people suggested checking the places where the sealed beasts passed by, counting or seeing other sealed beasts. Liu Ziyu wanted to take this time to pause and adjust the monitoring magic.

Du Zhengyi went out of the crowd to check the sealed beast. The lotus burner and the battle mage were almost piled together. Roach took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the crowd and quietly approached the door where the mage stayed in the illusion.The place where they quarreled last time was like a ward, and this time there should be something that triggered the quarrel.

Roach pushed the door nervously, but it didn't open.Wusu appeared next to him silently, without saying a word, Wusu also tried to push and pull the door once, but the door didn't budge.

Wusu said in a low voice, "The door in this corridor is different from the one in front."

Roach came to his senses. The doors in this corridor were less artistic. It looked... For example, the front door looked like a door for people to live in, and the door here looked like a warehouse door.The sooty plane of the door panel contained only a tiny Mecateron cube in the middle, followed by a series of archaic numbers that looked like room numbers.Roach touched the complicated cube, so he couldn't beg Du Zhengyi to open the door for him, could he?Even if Du Zhengyi can do it, he is unlikely to agree. He certainly doesn't like the extra problems now.Roach himself knows some spells for opening doors, which he got from Mr. Shi.

He turned his head and looked in Du Zhengyi's direction, but he didn't see him, he should be busy.The clownfish isn't there either, he's trapped by his immediate boss, and now is the time to miss it.

Roach rubbed his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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