magician in town

Chapter 639 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 639 Gift from Ancestors (29)

Chapter 140 The Gift of the Ancestors (29)

The ancestor's room was brightly lit, and the corpses on the floor that were moved by magic still maintained their basic human body shape, and they did not break into parts, nor did they alarm the other mages outside.

Wusu leaned over and cast a few spells on the skeleton, trying to trace the age of the corpse.If there is a time base, it can be inferred to a certain missing archmage in modern times.

Luo Qi quickly looked at the room inside. It looked very simple here, and there were no decorative paintings on the walls. I don't know if it was because Du Zhengyi was only welcome in the sealed land, or because there were no decorative walls in this house.Roach tends to think it's the latter.The two walls at the door of the room are lined with shelves. On the shelves are some scattered crystals, a few empty crystal storage boxes, and some fragmentary objects that Roach can't tell the use and material of.It seems that only the wall facing the door is empty in this room, and there is only a small workbench placed against the corner, as if deliberately leaving the center for the projection screen...

Of course there won't be a projection screen, Roach just thinks it's functional.

According to the general situation, maybe there was a mage who came here in modern times like them, and died here for unknown reasons.When he died, he was close to the door of the inner room, and the most likely situation was that he was trapped indoors. Perhaps when Wusu opened the door to the outer room, he also opened all the doors in this room at the same time.A mage many years ago was trapped here alive because he didn't know the spell.

But it's unreasonable that a mage who doesn't even know how to unlock the door can go deep into the depths of the sealed place.Roach also couldn't imagine why a Master Du would lock people here.Everything here is too life-like, it really doesn't look like a place where a mage can be trapped to death.

Luo Qi glanced at Wusu, and while Wusu was still concentrating on magic, he walked into the room quickly.This room is not too small, about [-] square meters, and it is not too big. It is suitable for the activities of creatures the size of a human being, and it is not suitable for dinosaurs.Roach picked up a crystal from a shelf against the wall and looked at it. The crystal did not answer his call.Either it's a blank crystal, or it's a dead waste crystal.There are also some metal blocks on the shelf, with complex structures, scattered and piled up like components of something.These things looked like Liu Ziyu would be interested, Luo Qi looked around here again, even the room itself looked like Liu Ziyu's workshop.He could imagine that Liu Ziyu also had such an office in Qionglin, where her complicated and broken things were piled up in a mess.

Maybe this place was originally a studio, an office. The ancestors had a quarrel at the door of the office, spraying feces on each other, and the memory was very deep under the anger, which was accidentally passed on to future generations.Roach didn't know if he should explain it this way. He didn't know what those mages who were once omnipotent like gods did, where they went, and what trouble they caused. They seem to be everywhere until today, but they never want to Explain the ins and outs to any descendants of future generations.

Luo Qi walked to the end of the room unknowingly, stood angrily by the workbench, and picked up a crystal on the workbench, which had even been broken.The first mages like to encapsulate everything, and their room will automatically form furniture according to needs. It is rare to have such a room with such a breath of life.Maybe there were still people living here at the last moment, maybe it was a duty room, the last person was left behind, locked in the room and finally waited to die - Roach thought with a broken jar, and smashed the broken crystal back on the desktop.

He turned around irritably, looking at him with a pair of ice blue eyes smiling.

"Ah!" Roach yelled, took a step back and stared at the eyes in the mist in horror, and cursed involuntarily, "Oh shit!"

The established mind mage's instinct kicked in, Roach didn't even think about it, just like a battle mage would throw a large dose of attack magic, Roach's mind slammed out of the range of his own shield.

But beyond his shield, there was no danger, only a world of unfamiliar ideas pulsating with low frequency and joy.Roach was taken aback, and cautiously withdrew his thoughts.In an instant, the cloud dissipated, and the blue-eyed man stood in front of him. The ice-blue eyes were clear and fragile. Roach could even see the lines on his lips and the fine hairs on his face.Luo Qi stared at him blankly. He was wrapped in the robe of an ancient mage, but his appearance and temperament were no different from those of today's people.His face was perfect, his body was long and healthy, he didn't breathe...

An exclamation came from behind Roach, and the shock broke through the usual barrier of the archmage, and Roach felt it.Luo Qi came back to his senses, and heard Wusu whisper subconsciously, "This is..."

This is the ancestor mage?No, Roach intuited that he was not, it should be said that he was a mage in the era of the ancestors.He looked at the ancient and living mage through the wall that had become transparent. For a moment, he thought that there were clouds and mist dissipating in front of his eyes. Now he came back to think that it was just the wall that was becoming transparent.

"What did you do?" Wusu finally pulled his gaze back from the suddenly appearing person and put it on Roche, asking him.

"I didn't do anything," Roach murmured confidently, not quite sure whether it was his proximity that triggered something, or what crystal or piece of metal he touched. "Maybe it's the induction floor."

Wusu glanced at him, "Then why don't you ask him directly?"

Roach licked his lips nervously, "He is not conscious now. I just detected that his consciousness space is very soothing, as if he is sleeping. Master Wusu, we found a Sleeping Beauty."

Wusu was silent for a while, and they just looked at each other in silence while they were almost breathing.No one noticed them, and some mages outside were still yelling and counting dinosaur corpses.

Roach said dully, "I thought we'd find dinosaurs. It's weird to meet dinosaurs, isn't it?"

Wusu thought about it and said, "Since dinosaurs can be preserved, theoretically speaking, it's not difficult to preserve humans. You say they don't have a clear consciousness? Then why do we speak in such a low voice?"

Luo Qi coughed and amplified his voice, "Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings?"

Wusu observed for a few seconds and asked hesitantly, "Can you wake him up? Master Luo."

"I don't know if it's wise to do this." Roach said, he thought of the prison where high-energy mages were imprisoned underground in Qionglin.This man's mind is too calm, if he is sleeping, he is now sleeping without dreams.The person who has been sleeping without a dream for thousands of years, is the person who put him here punishing him, or is there another purpose?
Wusu must also be thinking about this question. He suddenly said, "The ancestors would not use this method to extend their lives. There is no meaning of living, and there is no quality."

Roach couldn't think of the reason, he couldn't even think calmly, and unknowingly he said the human part of his mind again. "Maybe I'm sick, I'm freezing myself here, waiting to find a way to save myself later."

But that's impossible, they are all unworthy descendants of the ancient mages, and each generation is worse than the last.If the ancestor mage can't solve it, the descendants will not be able to solve it.

But Wusu said at this moment, "Maybe."

Luo Qi was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Wusu, and said with admiration, "Master Wusu is really amazing. For a long time, no sorcerer has ever expressed consent to my nonsense, even if it is such a vague agreement from you."

"But in the back of my mind, I hear them saying there's nowhere to go, the virus is spreading so fast, it's not known which ship is safe. I know you're saying it's unlikely, but you're saying it It corresponds to what happened here back then. Maybe they really had nowhere to go, so they sealed themselves here." Wusu said.

Roach became serious, "But why is there nowhere to go? Outside is a perfect free world, which can be completely dominated by them."

Wusu shook his head, and Roach knew he didn't have an answer either.Wusu glanced at that person again. They were almost the same height and could look into each other's eyes. "Why... he has blue eyes?"

"You don't like blue?" Roach asked casually, deep into that peaceful thought.

"Since there are more mages with our appearance, I think we should have some kind of advantage. The ancestors sealed here should be closer to our appearance." Wusu said confusedly. "We are black-eyed."

"Dark brown." Roach corrected perfunctorily and habitually.

"But definitely not blue eyes, no blue eyes." Wusu said, "Besides, his hair is too dark, he looks like a middle race."

"That may be because..." Roach's words stopped on the tip of his tongue, he found the only flame in his calm mind, his attention was instantly focused, he wanted to talk to that flame——[Do you want to come out? 】

Huo Miao has no thinking, but it connects with another force, which is like a flood.Liu Ziyu shouted excitedly from across the room, and Luo Qi was distracted to figure out that Liu Ziyu had obtained greater sealing power.But he should really pay more attention to what's in front of him, because the transparent wall between him and the blue eyes is gone...

(End of this chapter)

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