magician in town

Chapter 642 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 642 Gift from Ancestors (32)

Chapter 140 Three Gifts from the Ancestors (32)

It was too late for Roach to see the wall disappear, before he even had time to confirm what caused the gate to open.Ice blue eyes looked at him from a foot away, Roach stayed where he was, for a moment he heard the cries of countless people, the tunnel of time and space was briefly connected, and the distant cries, curses and prayers turned into The ripples on the lake of Master Wusu's memory slowly reached his feet.He couldn't help looking at the lake under his feet, he saw his reflection, and when the mirror rotated, he fell to the other side.He saw countless fleeting images, the prosperity of the unsealed world, the interaction of countless people's consciousness, the rotation of the stars is no longer mysterious, and for a moment he realized something, but when he wanted to pursue it, everything had already disappeared.

But the memory fragments of the stream of consciousness came to an abrupt end, and Roach's own eyes saw the ice-blue eyes dimming, wrinkles carved in the corners of his eyes like scars, his skin becoming dull, and aging seemed to come suddenly diseases and disasters.

"Why..." Roach didn't finish his sentence, everything happened in an instant, he was adjusting his body posture stiffly and wanted to walk forward, but the aging was crawling on his skin.Terrifying sympathy flitted through Roach's heart, and he asked subconsciously, "What's wrong with you?"

The ice-blue eyes looked into his eyes again upon hearing the sound, and Roach looked uneasily into his depths, his empty space of consciousness.Those sorrows did not come from him, his brain was as empty as a newborn, and the first thinking circuit had not yet been born here.Only a tiny clump of flame marks the presence of consciousness, distinguishing him from the stone, from the river.The tiny flame responded to Roach's powerful thoughts, tamely responded to the call of thought magic, and only responded a little.

He has no past, no sorrow, not even the reflection of Roach's world in his blue eyes, and the stranger who broke his long sleep can't really make ripples in the lake of his consciousness.Because he cannot complete the understanding of the world, nor can he recognize the existence of himself.

Roach took a step back, but Blue Eyes took a difficult second step, and the instinct of life was still working tirelessly, as if he still had enough time to grow into a real person.Somehow, he seemed to feel something, he stretched out his hand to Roach, and Roach watched in horror as the muscles atrophied in that hand.Wusu released several magic spells one after another beside him, and when the edge of the magic softly brushed past Roach, he could barely distinguish that it was healing magic.Wusu wanted to use the mage's healing magic to delay the explosive aging. These magics may have a slight effect, but they can't reverse this terrible trend.The magic of these mages did not break through the boundary between life and death. For them, aging is an inevitable process that cannot be resisted, and now it is even more impossible to understand and change this sudden and terrifying aging.

Luo Qi looked at Wusu in confusion. The latter was frowning and was making useless efforts against the clock, but when he turned his head, his blue eyes had become skinny, and his strong muscles were directed to fly away tens of seconds ago. quickly consumed.

"He's dying!" Roach yelled.

Wusu's magic stopped, his usual gentle face was also full of astonishment, he looked at the mage from ancient times in awe, and calmly said in his usual voice, "There is no other way, he is going to die. "

"Master Wusu, you must know a lot of magic. If you think about it again, maybe it's not healing magic, maybe it's not illness." Roach said eagerly.

"I've never seen such a situation," Wusu said.

"Then is there anything relevant in your memory? Maybe you just haven't thought of it yet, think again!" Roach exclaimed.At this moment, the ice-blue eyes became cloudy and lost their color of life, and the flesh sank from his cheekbones and eye sockets. The young and handsome man became like a shriveled skeleton in a minute. .

This kind of aging and death makes people sad, the shriveled human body still has the last trace of life, he wants to catch Roach to maintain the balance of the body.Roach stood there dumbfounded as if his hands were tied, his blue eyes fell in front of him, and he died before he landed.

The last gleam of consciousness was extinguished like a candle in the wind.

Luo Qi stared fixedly at the mummy lying at his feet, then turned his head suddenly, and looked at the pile of bones that he pushed to the ground when he entered the door.The blue eyes that died of old age will soon rot away and become a set of dry bones, waiting to stumble the next hapless person.

"It seems that you have thought of it too." Wusu whispered beside him, looking thoughtfully at the bones on the ground.

Luo Qi stood quietly at the same place, and the magic slowly turning up in the sealed place didn't distract his attention. The gradually comfortable sealed place was like a mage's resort. "Are they staying here just to die?"

"In a sense, I thought I could at least have a chance to have a face-to-face conversation with a mage from ancient times," Wusu said.

"It's not very comfortable to talk to the ancient mage. I say this very responsibly." Roach said softly.

Wusu glanced at him in surprise, hesitated for a moment but didn't ask further in the end. "But I see that you really hoped to save him just now."

Luo Qi pursed his lips tightly and did not answer Wusu's words.He should have killed him the moment the blue eyes appeared, killing the monsters from ancient times was the most sensible choice.But he still treats him as a human being. If he keeps hesitating, he will always be on the defensive, always waiting to be the one to fight back.Maybe it's because of the blue eyes and the blank mind, so I feel that he is innocent?
He didn't have the answer, but there was something more important than the answer right now.He looked at the blank wall, a vertical transparent "coffin" was opened, and blue eyes came from there. "Master Wusu, I think I may be able to answer the question you asked me earlier."

"Which question?" Wusu asked.

"Did you realize that the height of the blue eyes and that bone should be different," Roach said.

"Different heights?" Wusu asked puzzled.

"Didn't you ask me why the mage sleeping in the sealed place has blue eyes?" Roach stretched his hand towards the wall. "It would be more reasonable for the mage here to have black eyes, unless..."

Roach paused, his consciousness reaching out to a wider field, looking for the faint fire lights, he confided in those fire lights, summoned them.

The mist dissipated in front of them, 33 vertical coffins were arranged in three layers in front of them, 31 pairs of eyes opened from deep sleep, different skin colors, different eyes, but the same beautiful men and women, softly behind the wall looking at them.

They stared blankly at the ancient mages, 31 mages, formed a mission from ancient times, and they seemed to be bandits who broke into other people's homes.Even though Roach felt their presence, he took a step back when he saw them with his own eyes.

They were silent for a while, until Wusu asked him, "If the walls are also opened, then they..."

"They are like seafood, they will go bad when they leave the 'cold box'." Roach said bluntly.

Wusu choked on this metaphor, and looked back at those mages, "They don't have any intention of communicating."

It was only after Luo Qi heard the words that Wusu realized that Wusu's mind could communicate, but he couldn't actively explore the other party's consciousness as casually as he did. "Master Wusu, when we entered the door and saw the dead bones, you said that the time here is not certain. What do you mean? Do you know that this situation will happen?"

Wusu shook his head, "If I know the exact meaning, I will speak clearly."

"I don't understand," Roach said.

"It's like some mountain people know many songs that have been passed down from generation to generation to avoid danger, but they no longer understand the real reason. I know that time will become unpredictable in the sealed land, but I don't know what it refers to. Maybe it refers to life It can be sealed here, maybe in other circumstances. As I said, I came here to figure out a lot of things in my mind." Wusu said calmly.

"Then do you want to understand what they mean by ship? My ancient spells are not very good, do they mean ship? The ship is broken? They can't escape?" Roach paused, "Just now I I heard them crying."

"You understand correctly." Wusu said, "I was wondering if they wanted to avoid some kind of danger, so they preserved themselves like a sealed beast."

"They're mummies," Roach said frankly.

"Mummy?" Wusu didn't follow his train of thought.

"The mummies are empty, so are they. Their brains are as empty as wine bottles, waiting to be filled with new wine." Luo Qi said, suddenly he froze, staring blankly at the ancient mage closest to him .It was a pair of dark brown eyes that were very similar to him. Sensing his gaze, the ancient mage also looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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