magician in town

Chapter 644 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 644 Gift from Ancestors (34)

Chapter 140 The Gift of the Five Ancestors (34)

"There's no need to explore meaningless puzzles, kid," the clownfish said slowly, taking a few steps back against the wall. "The teleportation has started again. It must be you battle mages. You are all reckless fools."

Du Zhengyi also noticed the activation of the teleportation magic. The fluctuation of the magic occurred briefly, and then returned to calm in an instant. The turbulent flow of this magic will soon send several magicians.Sometimes Du Zhengyi feels that all this is like a river carrying pebbles, but this magical river flows in different spaces like a hidden underground river.

He himself is like a seasoned walker, he is familiar with those mysterious underground rivers, and he sets a clear beacon to take himself to any other shore he wants to reach.Sometimes he even suspects that he can create rivers out of thin air, but the reality does not allow him to take risks, so he has not experimented with the limit space that rivers can reach.

But he is still the person who is most familiar with the river, he silently calculated the time when the mage should flash out, and counted down habitually.As his timer cleared, the teleportation magic fluctuated slightly as usual, like waves rolling up.

As soon as Du Zheng stared at the place where the beacon appeared, he felt the wave of magic flicker and calm down, but this time there was no one in the teleportation center.Du Zhengyi's heart was beating alarm bells, and his hand that was already reaching for cigarettes in his pocket stopped.He took a quick look here. There was nothing in the spacious room that could really block his view. The landing point of the teleportation met the requirements of conventional teleportation magic. The beacon was automatically generated, exactly the same as when they came.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the clownfish was still leaning against the wall, hiding as far back as possible, for fear that more people would step on his leather shoes.In other words, he has not realized that something is wrong.Du Zheng instinctively felt that the clownfish wasn't pretending, it wasn't what he did,
It was the sealed land itself that had a problem.

Four seconds later than Du Zhengyi, it is possible that Du Zhengyi realized something was wrong based on his observation. The clownfish suddenly jumped up. "What's going on?" He went straight to the wall near the teleportation point, and while talking, he had skillfully opened the smooth wall skin and removed a new crystal from it.

Du Zhengyi didn't speak, the clownfish was more familiar with ancient magic than all the experimental mages he knew.

"It is indeed teleportation magic, and no other magic is activated." The clownfish said while looking at the crystal over and over.

"What are you using to read the crystal?" Du Zhengyi said, watching the magic movements around him vigilantly.

"Some local methods." The clownfish said. "I created it myself."

Du Zhengyi didn't speak any more, the surrounding environment became silent, and the flow of magic was almost undetectable after it stabilized.There was no one, no unexpected magical flow, he took a tentative step, the soles of his shoes made a little sound on the hard floor, if there was nothing, there seemed to be another sound.

"If I'm not mistaken..." The clownfish said slowly, he was still staring at the crystal, "The teleportation magic just now has a substance."

Du Zhengyi's heart sank, that is to say, someone did send it over, but they couldn't see it. Even the "voice" Du Zhengyi couldn't be sure that he really "heard" it with his ears.With little delay, his attack magic was on the threshold of activation.

But the clownfish came from behind, "No no no, calm down. Let's get out of here right away. Immediately! Immediately!"

Du Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, the clownfish had already flashed outside the door, this time he clearly felt the pressure coming towards him.Maybe the clownfish felt the brunt just now and ran so fast.

As soon as Du Zheng turned around and slowly took a step back towards the door, the strange feeling rose again.As if he was fighting a beast, he took another step sideways, and suddenly the inexplicable pressure swelled and approached him, staying on top of his head.He raised his head, and that strange feeling stayed next to his face, so close to him.

"Oh my God," an impatient cry erupted behind him, and it was the departing clownfish calling out to him from the outside through the crack of the door. "What are you doing? Waiting for that thing to kiss you?"

"What?" Du Zheng was stunned for a moment, the invisible pressure above his head changed its shape, Du Zhengyi felt a potential attack, and then exited the room.

The moment the door closed, the feeling of stress disappeared completely.

"Can you see?" He couldn't help asking the clownfish, although he felt that he was humiliating himself if he asked the clownfish anything now, the clownfish never answered any of his questions seriously.

"I can't see." The clownfish replied.

This was at least a serious answer, and Du Zhengyi also guessed that he should not be able to see it.

"I've seen this a few times in other places." The clownfish added, "No one can see that kind of thing, but you can be sure it's there, right?"

"Where else have you encountered this situation?" Du Zhengyi grasped the key information that he cared more about.

The clownfish avoided answering, and continued, "That thing won't actively attack people, but I think it has the ability to attack. No, don't open the door again. Its IQ is very low, and it may not actively look for a way out. , as long as the door is closed, we will be safe for a while. I don't want to test whether it is really capable of attacking. A thing that we can't see or perceive accurately, its attack Not necessarily the physical dimension we thought it was."

"In other words, that thing didn't appear here on its own initiative." Du Zhengyi understood what he meant.

"Yes, it must have bumped into our situation just now, accidentally got on the elevator, and was sent to us by teleportation magic." The clownfish said, "I think this room may be a small hub, connected to many teleportation points , This thing happened to be sent over. The ancestor mage raised a lot of abnormal creatures, I hope your friends will not jump into the arms of monsters when they come over."

"They will make the right judgment." Du Zhengyi said calmly, and glanced at the clownfish.

The clownfish seemed to sneer, but his attitude was as vague as his emotions. Sometimes Du Zhengyi could feel his strong malice towards all mages, but sometimes when facing specific mages, the clownfish's attitude was different. Very detached.This kind of malice and detachment also applies when he faces the lotus burner mage, and he treats all mages equally.It's just that when he is by Zhao's side, he will hide himself deeper, so deep that only eternal misery remains, like an ascetic with a distant and grand purpose.

"The two people who arrived earlier than us probably won't use the teleportation magic here. If we search nearby on foot, we may find them." The clownfish said, he paused, as if he was listening, " Did you hear anything?"

"I heard." Du Zhengyi said lightly.

"What sound?" the clownfish asked confused.

Du Zheng glanced at him, "The sound of plants climbing vines."

The clownfish was taken aback, and raised its head, and they looked into the depths of this corridor at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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