magician in town

Chapter 653 A Gift from the Ancestors

"Reopen the elevator." Luo Qi said to Liu Ziyu, his tone so firm that Liu Ziyu did not immediately refute him, although her face was full of hesitation.

Not far away from him, Guan Xinyue shivered as if she was shuddering, turned around and said to him in a bad tone, "Why don't you get rid of that primitive man? Luo Qi, just leave him alone. Ran away? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s almost a human being! He didn’t run like he was panicked at all, he knew where he was going, don’t you think this is a danger?”

Luo Qi glanced at Guan Xinyue suspiciously, "You seem to be particularly sharp today."

"It means I got the key point right? Then why don't you hurry up and deal with him?" Guan Xinyue said dissatisfiedly, with a look of no patience.

"Don't worry about him, we have more difficult things to deal with." Luo Qi said, and wanted to ask Liu Ziyu about the progress of reopening the teleportation magic. Maybe he can provide some help. They also have a great mage here, Wu Su. A fighting mage from Wushan seems to have a genre of his own in inheriting the magic of the ancestor mage.

But Guan Xinyue kept chasing him, "Luo Qi, he is almost a human being! Why aren't you worried? Do you know where he is going?"

Even though Roach didn't want to be distracted, this directional question prompted by a strong tone made him subconsciously recall the destination that "person" wanted to rush to in a flash.That place was where he had been just now, and there were containers there that he couldn't explain but could only try to understand.The container stores humans who are more like humans, and the humans age into dry bones within minutes of leaving the container.He didn't know why this "person" would instinctively flee to that place after being injured, but anyway, thousands or even tens of thousands of years had passed, and all that could come out of there were dry bones, which was not a threat to them.When he finds Du Zhengyi, they will eventually close this sealed place, and the creatures inside will be destroyed regardless of whether they are humanoid or egg-shaped.His current mood and moral level did not support him in judging whether the things here should be dead or not. The things in the tomb should be dead to begin with.

"Luo Qi, he is a person!" Guan Xinyue said stubbornly, her tone suddenly rising, "This is the lair of the ancestral mage. You should know better than anyone else that there may still be ancestral mage left here..."

"Shut up." Roach suddenly turned his head and glared at her, interrupting her sternly.

The most terrifying remnant of the Ancestral Mage's lair is not the sealed beast or the Ancestral Mage's Jurassic pet pack. The most terrifying remnant is the Ancestral Mage's remaining consciousness.Of course, Luo Qi knows this possibility better than anyone else, because he is a mind mage, and even more because he has been hit before.But they couldn't remind the Lotus Burners of this. In the past, of course they could speak freely in their own environment, but now they only had a temporary reconciliation with the enemy of life and death. Luo Qi's nerves were much tighter than he showed.

He and Guan Xinyue looked at each other angrily. Perhaps the nervous anxiety and tension were affecting him. He looked at Guan Xinyue's dark brown eyes and suddenly saw a rare storm under her irises. Brewing.The emotional girl's consciousness radiated sharp edges, faintly almost piercing the tentacles of Roach's consciousness.Roach instinctively didn't want to know what his friend was thinking or pry into his friend's privacy. He subconsciously took a half step back in the world of consciousness and strengthened his shield to resist Guan Xinyue's strong consciousness.She had always been a strong-willed person, a human being whose will had almost taken on tangible power, but it was completely different for her will to spill over to this extent.Luo Qi was a little worried that she was about to have a mental breakdown, but after taking a closer look in the rush, he didn't think it was the case.He didn't have time to think about Guan Xinyue at the moment, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being. Mahjong was originally better at assessing mental health.

Going back to the question raised by Guan Xinyue, Luo Qi actually didn't know if there would be fragments of the ancestor mage's consciousness here. To be fair, if there were fragments, they might be Du Zhengyi's ancestors. Luo Qi found that he still had So a glimmer of optimistic hope, hoping to meet him.But in fact, there is no such thing as a good thing. It is definitely more likely to encounter the fragments of the female ancestor.He understood another possibility that Guan Xinyue was worried about, that is, a "person" whose brain was occupied by the ancestral mage, and this "person" found a way to escape from the sealed land and then blended into human society.The consequences would be unimaginable, and neither the human world nor the mage world would ever have peace again.

But no.The female ancestor would risk everything and find someone else to occupy her. Leader Zhao is the best candidate. Even Luo Qi would choose Leader Zhao who is addicted to human food.He is not powerful, but his power in the world is not small, and his status is more suitable.If the consciousness fragment of the ancestor exists and is strong, then it will choose Leader Zhao. If the consciousness fragment of the ancestor exists and is weak enough to only choose the "Neanderthal", then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Unknowingly, Luo Qi turned around to look for Leader Zhao, but found that he had already walked near them. Wu Su followed him politely, and the Lotus Burner made way for them.

"Why is the little girl so excited?" Leader Zhao looked at Guan Xinyue with a smile.

Luo Qi could almost feel that Guan Xinyue's radiated will immediately turned towards Master Zhao, as if the fire control radar had turned, and he felt relieved for no reason.

"I'm really excited to see Neanderthals." Guan Xinyue said sarcastically, "Did you know? Neanderthals and our ancestors, Homo sapiens, once lived together on the earth. On the surface, They look very similar. However, Neanderthals are taller and more agile, have white skin, long legs, blue eyes, golden hair, and are reproductively isolated from Homo sapiens. What else? Yes, and their IQs are too high It is so low that it cannot be organized into a society at all, and can only be gathered together in small groups of three or five. Does it sound familiar?"

Roach listened impatiently, vaguely thinking that some anthropologists' genetic research suggested that there might still be a small number of Neanderthals who had descended from humans, and that Neanderthals had been found in the genes of humans in some areas. Human gene fragments are just like... just like the Du family are the descendants of the rare combination of the ancestor mage and human beings.

Leader Zhao glanced at her. The progress of human genetics research did not arouse his interest. He said a few words dryly to Guan Xinyue with a half-smile, "Cute nerd."

"Xinyue, what are you talking about?"

Luo Qi was stunned and turned around to see that it was indeed Liu Ziyu who asked the question. Her attention had completely left her work. Luo Qi was anxious. What was even more anxious was that he suddenly realized that not everyone was as concerned about the identity of the mage as he was. Not caring at all.An unlucky atmosphere filled the garbage dump of the ancestor mage. He was so careless that he didn't even realize when it started.Somewhat ironically, the people who are not affected at all may include him and Master Zhao. Perhaps they are the two people who don't take the mage seriously from the bottom of their hearts. "Ziyu." Luo Qi wanted to bring the people who can solve the problem back to solving the problem itself, "We are still trapped here."

"Wait, Luo Qi." Liu Ziyu swept away all the magic symbols floating in front of him, and Luo Qi's heart froze. "What is going on here? What is Xin Yue talking about? Why do the sealed beasts have humanoid forms... Why do we..."

"Where do we come from?" Luo Qi suppressed his anxiety and said with the calmest emotion, "It is not appropriate to discuss philosophical issues here."

Secretly, he was evaluating whether he should influence Liu Ziyu mentally and whether he should forcefully change her mind.

This is his last moral bottom line. He knows that if he steps over it, he may continue to degenerate into a gamer playing private servers, and finally fall into complete nothingness.

The sockets of his hands became fists, and his nails dug into his flesh.He looked at Liu Ziyu and said, "Liu Ziyu, you know who I am, and I can change my thoughts into your thoughts. If you don't want to do this, follow my verbal orders now and restore the teleportation magic."

The pressure spread from this little man to this corner of the sealed land. He did not use mind magic.If he really uses mind magic, his friends may not even notice.But he might lose friends by saying it so frankly, but that's it.

"Guan Xinyue, shut up. You and I are collectively called intelligent creatures. I don't care about anything else. You are not a biology expert yourself."

Guan Xinyue didn't say anything, and no one else wanted to contradict Luo Qi now.

Liu Ziyu said after two sentences, "Even if I can activate the teleportation magic now, I still can't find the destination of the previous teleportation magic."

Roach thought for a moment and said, "Check which areas have the magic energy turned off."

"Since the magic energy has been turned off, we have no way to build a teleportation system. At least you have seen the working principle of the Pendragon orbit system. The destination of teleportation also needs to be guided by energy..." Liu Ziyu said dissatisfied.

Roach interrupted her chattering, "The area where magic is turned off must be the area where Du Zhengyi is."

Liu Ziyu, who was about to open his mouth to drown him in technical details, paused, "Oh, that's true..."

"Then we can walk over," Roach said gently.

"Oh." Liu Ziyu said reluctantly. She persisted in standing for a few seconds, and then started to work again.

"Many sealed beasts were systematically killed just now. Du Zhengyi should have activated something. The probability of us encountering danger has been reduced a lot. In this case, we have to help Du Zhengyi and the clownfish A handful," Roach said.

Wen Lin, who was standing behind him, immediately agreed, being the first to break the gloomy atmosphere just now.But what makes Luo Qi uneasy is that Leader Zhao is the second person to express his stance, and he wants to move forward even more eagerly than Luo Qi.

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