magician in town

Chapter 657 Gift from Ancestors

Chapter 657 Gifts from Ancestors (47)

Luo Qi's eyes turned from the scattered crystals on the ground to Liu Ziyu, "Why can those savages use crystals to teleport?"

Liu Ziyu shook his head.

"They can use the wild Pendragon orbital system, can't we?" Roach asked again. It would of course be best if it could be sent directly to Du Zhengyi.

"Theoretically, we can try it, but there is still a lot of uncertainty. Moreover, these crystals do not seem to be in direct contact, so it is very difficult to study them." Liu Ziyu said assessedly.

Roach silently calculated the time, "Then you have to overcome the difficulty. I'll give you five minutes. If there is no hope after five minutes, we will take a detour."

"What? Five minutes?" Liu Ziyu shouted and looked at Luo Qi in disbelief. He was simply an inhumane capitalist, no, a feudal landlord.

Luo Qi, who felt no guilt, tapped his left wrist and said, "Time waits for no one, junior sister, I'm starting the timer."

Liu Ziyu lowered his head angrily and turned over countless magic symbols flying in his hand.

Luo Qi suppressed his smile and took a serious look at the time, then quickly looked around and spotted Yan Hao's dumb face in the crowd, who was looking at him curiously. "Yan Hao, it's you, come with me."

"Ah?" Yan Hao was stunned for a moment, but then his face lit up, he was flattered, he puffed up his chest and moved closer to him, without asking where he was going, "Okay!"

"Where are you going, Luo Qi?" Mahjong immediately asked vigilantly. Du Zhengyi was not here, and he really wanted to tie a rope to Luo Qi.

"Let's go for a while, Mom, I've already brought a bodyguard." Luo Qi said, turning his head and giving Yan Hao a wink, and stepped forward without hesitation.

"Ah?" Yan Hao said in surprise, but Luo Qi had already started to walk away, and he quickly followed.

Mahjong was speechless, and it was hard for him to say too much in front of so many outsiders. In addition, given the five-minute time limit that Luo Qi had just mentioned, he would definitely be back within five minutes. Mahjong had no choice but to take a look at the time. It was probably for this reason that Leader Zhao watched Luo Qi leave. Although he didn't trust him in his heart, he couldn't say anything on his face.

Luo Qi's speed was indeed as fast as urinating, and he was almost as agile as a normal mage. He didn't care whether Yan Hao followed him or not. He didn't hear anything Yan Hao said to him. His face turned completely serious when he turned his back to everyone. He walked through the corridor in a few steps and walked back to the original room.

Roach paused in front of the door for a second, looked at the blood stains remaining on the wall at the door, opened the door and turned a blind eye to the two skeletons in the room. Yan Hao was surprised when he followed him through the door. He opened his long legs uneasily, being careful not to step on the dead man's bones.

Roach looked around, and sure enough he saw a blood mark on the ground. He quickly squatted down and looked carefully, and could vaguely make out the shape of a heel. There were some biological tissues in the blood stuck to the ground. They may have stepped on the flesh and blood of some creatures under their feet, but this footprint was more like someone stepping on it with bare feet. Humanoid, barefoot...

"The first savage came here?" Yan Hao asked in surprise.

Luo Qi glanced at him, but he didn't expect Yan Hao to react so quickly. It seems that most battle mages can be regarded as wise and brave, and they can basically be in the area between Du Zhengyi and the silverback gorilla. Roach stood up and walked towards the wall at the end of the room. This time he skillfully used the spell extracted from the memory bag, adding his own strong will, and the wall responded to his request. The silver-white wall turned into flowing smoke, and the smoke became thinner in an instant. The human body once again appeared behind the transparent wall, looking at them through the invisible barrier. This time Roach didn't call them, they looked at him peacefully in the coffin behind the wall.

"Ah, ah..." Yan Hao took a step back in surprise and was speechless. If it hadn't been for the fact that he saw Roach's lack of movement, which calmed his mind, he would have almost thrown a fireball in and burned them.

Luo Qi ignored Yan Hao's reaction. He looked straight at the crowd behind the wall and thought silently. The invisible coffin carrying the ten people in the front row moved smoothly to both sides, revealing the faces of the people behind it, then turned and swapped positions, with the three rows of people appearing alternately at the front. Roach checked their numbers and each face, but nothing changed.

The last permutation left the vacant position at the front. Roach stared motionlessly at the vacant position, staring at the silver bulge under the empty space. A bump, a point, a coffin.

"Luo...Master Luo, are you go in?" Yan Hao said anxiously.

Luo Qi suddenly came back to his senses like a dream, and looked at Yan Hao in confusion. Then he thought that the way he looked at these things in a daze was indeed a bit scary. He didn't want to say more, so he patted Yan Hao's arm in a comforting manner. He originally wanted to pat Yan Hao's shoulder, but it was a bit difficult to reach it.

"Let's go." Roach said, turned around and walked out, and looked at the time again.

"Leave now? Master Luo, what are you looking for? No, what are these? Are they people? Or mages?" Yan Hao asked, unable to help but look back at the people behind the wall frequently. After Qi turned around, it gradually returned to its opaque state, and the crowd disappeared behind the thick fog again. He quickly followed Luo Qi's footsteps.

"Why do you think I know?" Luo Qi asked kindly, which stunned Yan Hao.

Before he could think of what to say, Luo Qi had already ran back to the corridor where everyone was present. Yan Hao subconsciously felt that it was best to drop the topic.

"Junior sister, can the elevator start?" Luo Qi called.

Liu Ziyu looked anxious, "Do you know how difficult this is?"

"No matter how difficult it is, I think the ancestral mage must have understood the principle of the orbital transmission system from these things. You are the descendant of the ancestral mage, and you have inherited the transmission theory. Now let you reverse it against the original crystal. You You can definitely do it, you are not a fool." Luo Qi said calmly.

Liu Ziyu's anxiety escalated to a higher level, and the constantly changing magic pulses made her hair a little frizzy. "But you can't just give me five minutes."

"Five minutes are up." Roach looked at the time, "Let's walk instead."

"Wait a minute!" Liu Ziyu almost screamed, "Give me two more minutes! Give me two more minutes!"

Luo Qi looked at her and said gently, "Junior sister, do you need me to use the method of a mind master to catalyze your brain?"

"Shut up, Luo Qi!" Liu Ziyu shouted, and suddenly everyone felt a vague pull. Before the teleportation, they had time to hear Liu Ziyu's irritable words, "If we don't succeed, we will die together!"

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