magician in town

Chapter 7 Destination

Chapter 7 Destination

Chapter 6

After leaving the teahouse, Luo Qi and Du Zhengyi remained silent.When he was in school, he felt that the investigation should be very simple. It might be that a careless or irresponsible mage was witnessed by humans while using his ability. They just need to understand the situation step by step and record it into a detailed report. Submit it and you're done.

But it's different now. Judging from what Guan Xinyue said, someone has crossed the line.

Sometimes there will be some scum among the mages, who make fun of teasing or even torturing humans.Roach didn't know how to describe them. Some of them were probably equivalent to perverts among human beings, while others had other purposes.Among the behaviors that torture human beings, there is nothing more excessive than interfering with human thinking. Human beings do not have any ability to actively fuse their minds. They can see the world but are blind like a blind man at the same time. They may be extremely painful I'm drowning in depression and fear, but I can't see where the source is.

The mainstream of the mage society despises this kind of behavior, and there are supervision measures, and the supervision measures for mages with mind control ability are even more severe.But these problems, like human crime problems, can never be eliminated.

Later, they asked Guan Xinyue about some trivial details in detail. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when they left the teahouse. It was late, and Du Zhengyi seemed a little tired, and his energy was obviously lacking. As an assist player, he really didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of the main force.Besides, he was starving too.

They had a makeshift dinner at Burger King, and Roach felt that Du Zhengyi had either never eaten fast food, or he was not used to it and ate very slowly.Luo Qi had already finished eating, staring at Du Zhengyi eating with a straw in his mouth, and suddenly realized that Du Zhengyi was eating slowly because his energy was too low.

He thought for a while and asked hesitantly, "Are you going to run out of battery?"

Du Zhengyi just raised his eyes and glanced at him, automatically ignored his divine words, and soon returned to the standby mode.

Luo Qi looked at him carefully, ignoring the halos on Du Zhengyi, only to realize that this man had narrowly escaped death three years ago.Roach remembered that day very clearly. His father's night shift was dragged into a day shift, and he came home exhausted in the evening of the next day.Many of the injuries that mages will suffer are irreversible. If a mage was on the verge of death and took so much effort from the doctor to rescue it, it is almost impossible not to leave bad sequelae.He didn't know what was wrong with Du Zhengyi's body, it would be great if Du Zhengyi could take the initiative to say so, so that he could pay attention.After all, looking at the current situation, the two of them might be tied together for a long time.

Sensing his gaze, Du Zhengyi raised his head and gave him a questioning look.

Roach coughed in embarrassment, he was too embarrassed to directly ask how his body was.One is that this is privacy after all, and my father was also ordered to keep that matter a secret back then—although my father is a down-to-earth person, he talked about it at the dinner table when he got home.Secondly, he didn't want to say that his father was his attending physician, as if he could get some credit.

He thought for a while, then turned his attention back to the current matter, "Guan Xinyue said that her uncle had a lover. I think this is a key point. Murder is either a murder of love or a murder of vendetta. Since there is indeed a motive, then Her aunt may not have died of a sudden illness. Besides, Guan Xinyue's experience later allowed her to see impossible scenes with her own eyes. Only a mage can do this. Connecting the two events before and after Think her uncle is being stalked by a mage lover."

Du Zhengyi's expression looked a little bit like a toothache, "It really doesn't sound like a warm love story."

"How do you say it's so innocuous and sympathetic, boss." Roach protested.

Du Zhengyi snorted, "I just hope it's best not to be such a troublesome thing, do you want to mess with a crazy mage old woman?"

Roach shivered and shook his head quickly.

As soon as Du Zheng put down the fried chicken strips in his hand, he frowned and wiped his hands. "And it's a bit unreasonable. If there is such a crazy woman, it is really easy for her to deal with a heart patient. Maybe she can do it with a little bit of mind control. Then after she murders her rival, she can live with her lover from now on. It's a happy day, why did my lover die in a fire a year later? What happened in the middle?"

Luo Qi had already thought about this, and opened his mouth to analyze, "Guan Xinyue's grandfather has always believed that his son-in-law killed his daughter. He must want to avenge her. From Guan Xinyue's words, it is not difficult to see that this The old man's suspicion of murdering his wife's ex-husband is not small. Since he has the ability to kill, it is not difficult to find a way to kill another person, right? He killed his wife's ex-husband, and he can still get along with his wife's family for decades without incident. His intelligence level is definitely not low, and his emotional intelligence is also quite high. So this time he spent a year preparing, and finally found a chance to kill his son-in-law. After he avenged his great revenge, he recalled his whole life. People's lives, when they are old, their families are ruined and their families are destroyed, and the land is really clean, and finally they are depressed and die of alcoholism."

When he said this, his eyes sparkled, his mind was immersed in it, and he also sighed a little. He deeply believed in his speculation. "His ex-son-in-law's mistress, the mad witch finally guessed that the old man had killed her lover, and the old man was already dead. She hated her forever and couldn't find anyone to take revenge, so she had to torture the old man's granddaughter."

"But that granddaughter is not a real granddaughter," Du Zhengyi said, "You can hear the implication of that girl's words, right? She kept calling him his grandfather, which can be regarded as acrimonious. It can be seen that there is no ancestral relationship between them. If that crazy woman wants to take revenge, she should also take revenge on the old man's wife."

"The mistress is an outsider, how can she understand it so clearly? Maybe she is reasoning according to common sense, thinking that the grandchildren are the lifeblood of the old man." Roach immediately thought of the answer.

Du Zhengyi laughed when he heard that, and looked at Luo Qi lazily, "You said that your talent would be wasted if you didn't talk about it. If you were a county magistrate, there must be no unsolved cases in your territory. With 120 cases a year, you About 129 cases can be detected by brain holes. Let me ask you a question, if a mage wants to harm someone, does he have to wait until the person goes to a specific place before starting? If Guan Xinyue does not return to the old house for ten years, she will Can't take revenge on her for ten years?"

Roach was stopped by the question, and he couldn't think of a satisfactory answer after thinking for a while. "Then what do you think?"

"Maybe Guan Xinyue's aunt died of illness, her uncle died accidentally, and her grandfather did nothing but drink himself to death." Du Zhengyi said, but his expression was very subtle, and Luo Qi couldn't catch him. Hold on to his meaning.

"Then how do you explain what Guan Xinyue saw in the old house?"

Du Zhengyi shrugged, "As you said, it may be the same as what happened to your sister. You must have met a ghost."

"Damn!" Roach realized that he had spoken aloud after he finished speaking. He blinked slowly, and forced himself to look at Du Zhengyi calmly. "Just now a ghost seemed to want to express its opinion through my mouth."

"Ha-ha." Du Zheng laughed dryly twice, "Brother, do you need me to summon a lightning bolt and knock it out of your body?"

Luo Qi laughed, and suddenly had a thought, "Is Teacher Liu Li particularly good at weather control?"

"Yes." Although Du Zhengyi was amazed by the bizarre changes in his brain hole, he seemed to be used to him and patiently answered his totally irrelevant questions at any time.

Roach nodded seriously and yawned half-heartedly, "Let's go, I'm sleepy."

Du Zhengyi sighed, "I really don't know if you are stupid, or if you are very good at changing the subject."

Roach pretended to be deaf and dumb, and asked him as he stood up and walked out. "If it is true that a mage is torturing that girl, will you be able to see the trace tomorrow?"

"It's not easy to test energy in an uncertain environment, especially after such a long time." Du Zhengyi said, "Look at your luck. Wait, aren't you my mascot? I will definitely be able to do it tomorrow with you." Measure the remaining energy."

Roach ignored his teasing, "If we really find that a mage has committed a crime, do we need to report it to the Supreme Council? Then we will wait for them to send someone to deal with it?"

Du Zhengyi looked at him meaningfully, "What else? Don't report? Waiting for you to show your hand in front of the little beauty?"

Roach's face was a little hot.

"Your little sister tells a good story. Are you really good at making up stories, or are you good at chatting when you see beautiful women?" Du Zhengyi continued to tease him.

He said angrily, "Or next time you go."

"Don't." Du Zheng said with a smile, "I am more and more aware of your strengths now, Teacher Liu Li is forcing a master key into my hand."

Roach was still a little scared of him, so he didn't know what to do with him for a while.In fact, it is rare for him to do things seriously, and he still performed so well today. He is very satisfied with himself.But he changed his mind and thought that Du Zhengben was an unscrupulous person, and he should actually be praising him by saying this, so he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

The two came to the hotel and opened a standard double room. Du Zheng closed his eyes and rested his mind as soon as he returned to the room to wash, and soon rolled into the quilt and fell asleep.Luo Qi couldn't sleep and was too embarrassed to turn on the TV, so he took out his mobile phone and searched for the keywords he got today. He searched and searched for ghost stories. In the end, he was frightened and worried, his eyes sparkled in the middle of the night , in the middle of the night.

Roach got up at six o'clock in the morning, and went to see if Du Zhengyi hadn't moved.At seven o'clock, Roach decided to have breakfast, and when he returned to his room at eight o'clock sharp, Du Zhengyi was still nestled under the quilt motionless.It was only then that Roach realized that something was wrong.

His first thought was that Du Zhengyi was the sweetheart of the two masters Liu Li and Pei Shu, even if he wasn't expected to be able to really help this sweetheart, but if something happened to the sweetheart, he didn't find out in time, Then it would be strange if the two great mages didn't hack him to death.After this thought flashed by, he realized that he should quickly check Du Zhengyi's pulse and breathing.

Luo Qi racked his brains to recall all the medical knowledge his father had taught him. He hurriedly lifted Du Zhengyi's bed, stretched out his hand to explore the main artery between Du Zhengyi's neck, and felt Du Zhengyi's warm skin with his fingertips. And the pulsating pulse, the eardrum was also greatly impacted.

Du Zhengyi "fucked" him right then, and afterward Roach felt embarrassed every time he thought of Du Zhengyi's unbearable and helpless voice, even though it was only three words, "Roach, you..."

At that time, he was still distracted to think that he had defeated the most outstanding mage of his age. Du Zhengyi obviously had nothing to do with him.

Of course, as soon as Du Zheng, who was in a hurry, got his breath back, he scolded him like a dog, and added "I won't wake up until eleven o'clock, so get the hell out of me", blah blah blah.

Roach retreated to his bed, completely sluggish, and all the cleverness he had revived in the past two days faded away. Who would have thought that Du Zhengyi was really sleepy?Seeing his serious and thoughtful appearance before, he thought they should go to the old country house early in the morning—no later than six in the morning.Who the hell would have thought that such a legendary god as Du Zhengyi would be no different from a second-rate youth, who would still be lazy on the bed even if his butt was burned.Luo Qi's seldom gathered mental power receded like a tide, and he couldn't wake up anymore. He broke his jar and fell, and he didn't sleep well at first. It was almost twelve noon when I woke up.

He slept for so long that his head hurt, he got up with dull eyes, turned his head and saw Du Zhengyi was sitting on the edge of his own bed with a disgusted expression on his face, waking up.

Roach was no longer in a hurry to get down to business.It is said in the book that if you work hard, you will decline again, and you will be exhausted after three times, and it is true.Roach's heroic complex inspired by the girl in distress, after he put himself to sleep, could no longer condense.He followed Du Zhengyi in a daze, and the two went out to find a nice restaurant to have a meal first. He piled up books, saying that he wanted to understand human culture.

By this time, Luo Qi had already arranged whatever he wanted. He browsed the bookstore for a while, and suddenly remembered that Teacher Liu Li had left him a punishment homework. I wrote two books on the Analects of Confucius and followed.

This time they finally drove out of the city, and successfully found the village according to the address Guan Xinyue gave them.It is said that it is a rural area, but it is not too far from the city. It is almost there when you go out of the city and bypass a reservoir.It can be seen that even though Guan Xinyue's step-grandfather is nostalgic for the leisurely lifestyle in the countryside, he still cannot do without the various conveniences provided by the modern city.

It was exactly [-]:[-] p.m. when they saw Qijia Youfang Village from a road sign. They drove into a village road, and willow trees were planted on both sides of the road. It was not that time yet, and the willow branches were bare without leaves.

It was a sunny day, but the sky was gray and white, with no blue in sight.The cold smoke is deserted, and the old trees have bare branches, reflecting the residual snow covered with soot.No crops could be seen in the field behind the bushes, it was still loess and snow.

This idyllic scroll reveals an indescribable darkness and loneliness.

Luo Qi looked at the scenery in front of him, almost not even interested in talking. He wondered how the old man in Guan Xinyue's family would be happy to live in such a village.There was not even a single ghost on the road in the country. Du Zhengyi accelerated the speed and reached the end of the road in a blink of an eye. After a turn, the village appeared in front of him.Dozens of bungalows and courtyards with almost the same pattern are arranged horizontally and vertically in a flat valley in front of the mountain forest.All houses are about the same height, and the roofs are all flat roofs for drying crops.Looking around, on top of dozens of flat roofs, there is only one roof, with a bright red cross protruding abruptly into the sky.

Roach, who just got out of the car, opened his mouth wide in surprise. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it. "My God, is that... the Church of Christ? In the countryside? In the countryside of China?"

"Are you asking me?" Du Zheng put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up in the same direction as him. "Then you might as well ask your own knees."

Luo Qi closed his mouth, thinking of Du Zheng's ignorance of human life, and there is really nothing to discuss with him in this regard.He looked at the bright red cross again, which stood out against the gray background of the winter countryside.

Du Zhengyi had already entered the village first, and Luo Qi quickly followed.Guan Xinyue told them last night that her old house was very easy to find, because the gates used by the people in the village were green four-leaf gates, which were large enough for agricultural carts to pass through after the gates were fully opened. There are two black wrought iron doors, so they can be distinguished at a glance.There are not many houses in the village, so it is not difficult to see the gates of all the houses.The road in the village was very quiet, no one bumped into the two outsiders, which saved a lot of talking.

However, Luo Qi found that Du Zheng was heading north as soon as he entered the village, as if he already knew the location of Guan Xinyue's old house.He asked Du Zhengyi curiously, and the latter gave him a sideways glance, "Guan Xinyue once said that their house is near the woods in the north of the village. Do you only listen to the lively parts when people talk?"

Roach stuck out his tongue and looked up, the village church was to the north.

It is said to be a rural church, but it is not a church at all. When you look closely, you find that it is just a private house.There seemed to be normal people living inside, and through the wide-open courtyard door, one could see piles of firewood piled up in the yard and a watchdog tied to it.The red cross standing on the roof of the house turned out to be a cheap plastic product, probably custom-made by the owner.Right above the door and under the eaves, there is a large Chinese character - love - painted with red paint.

Roach stood and watched for a long time, thought it was fun, took out his phone and took two photos. "This is interesting, the combination of soil and foreign has good curative effect."

Du Zheng shook his head, "Even I can see the nondescript." After he finished speaking, he suddenly froze for a moment, then raised his hand to touch Luo Qi, "Do you see a temple in front of you?"

Luo Qi turned his head and saw that the eaves not far away were a bit strange. It was not a reconstruction of an ordinary house, but it was really a small temple. It is a prayer flag.

"The collision of religions in this small village is quite fierce." Roach said.

Du Zhengyi was also very interested in this, and the two quickened their pace and went straight to the small temple. At this time, the sky was already a little dark, the temple gate was closed, and a small plaque was hung above it, which read "Jingtu Temple" Character.

"Jingtu Temple." Du Zheng read aloud.

"Probably the Pure Land sect, it's really suitable for rural temples." Luo Qi said, seeing that Du Zhengyi was interested, he wanted to show off, and continued to explain to him. "Pure Land Sect is a sect of Buddhism in China. You don't need to read Buddhist scriptures to practice in Pure Land Sect. If you want to cultivate to achieve the right result, pass through the sea of ​​suffering and ascend to the Western Paradise, you only need to read the six words 'Namo Amitabha Buddha' more, plus more Just let him go."

"The threshold is low enough." Du Zhengyi commented after hearing this.

"Yes," Roach said, "so there are many believers."

Du Zheng stabbed him once.

"What?" Roach said, "You think I'm talking nonsense? I like human culture."

"No, look at that."

Roach turned around and couldn't help being stunned when he saw the family sandwiched between the church and the temple. It was clearly two black iron gates.When they walked over just now, they were all focused on the churches and temples, and they didn't even notice the door of the house in the middle, so they just skipped past it.

"Damn it, there is a temple on the left and a church on the right. What kind of Feng Shui is this? Wasn't the Bodhisattva on top of their house when they fought with Christ? It's no wonder it's not haunted."

The two looked at each other and walked back resentfully.

There was an old-fashioned lock hanging on the iron door. Du Zhengyi took out the key Guan Xinyue gave him from his pocket, tried it, and it opened the lock.

"This is really strange." Roach murmured, and couldn't help but look around again in doubt, "There is only one church and one temple in this village, with such obvious landmarks, the girl directly said that their house is located in the church and temple. Isn’t it the middle of it?”

Du Zhengyi didn't speak, and almost looked puzzled. He shook his head inexplicably, and stretched out his hand to push the pitch-black door tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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