magician in town

Chapter 72 Bomb Disposal "Experts"

Chapter 72 Bomb Disposal "Experts"

Chapter 71 Bomb Disposal "Experts"

Du Zheng opened his eyes, and the annoying female ghost clung to him had disappeared, the sunlight outside cast strips of shadows on the floor through the blinds, and the blizzard disappeared without a trace.Roach was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees and leaning against the window, his face was pale and haggard, his dark eyes were wide open, still full of fear.However, he showed up after all.

Du Zhengyi walked slowly across the room, walked to the end of the room, and stopped in front of Roach.He is not very good at comforting people, and he has no experience in caring for others. Under normal circumstances, no one needs his care or comfort, so he actually doesn't know what to do.What's more, there has never been such a situation. If a person is not appeased, he will explode himself, and the lethality is amazing.This... this is actually equivalent to bomb disposal...

He looked down at Roach, whose hair was very dark, and the sun reflected a healthy color on his hair.But his hand rested weakly on his knee, his wrist bones were very thin, and he was as pale as someone recovering from a long illness.

After hesitating for a long time, Du Zhengyi stretched out a hand, placed it on top of Luo Qi's head, and said for a while, "Don't be afraid."

Roach looked up at him stiffly, his lips trembling slightly, and he said something vaguely.Du Zhengyi didn't hear clearly, he leaned closer, "What?"

"I'm sorry." Roach trembled a little louder.

Du Zhengyi froze in this position for a while, sighed, and sat down with his back against the window base like Roach. "There's nothing I'm sorry to say, and it's not your fault."

"Don't blame me? Then who is to blame?" Roach choked up, bent down, and buried his head deeply between his arms. "I'm like a monster."

"Otherwise..." Du Zhengyi drew circles on his knees, and said indifferently, "Otherwise, it's better to blame me, I don't care about taking responsibility."

Roach ignored his words, but the long silence itself implied interrogative sentences.

After a while, Du Zheng could only continue by himself, "I didn't intend to go to Qionglin to save you. It was Guan Xinyue who used her grandfather's crystal as a bargaining chip and hired me to help you settle the trouble, so I went back to find you I arrived too late, so I didn't play any major role in the end. If you want to be grateful, you should tell Guan Xinyue. If you want to hold the blame, I can take one-third of the responsibility. "

Roach didn't move, but he was indeed listening to him.

"You see, the world is like this. No one is better than the other. If it is serious, everyone is a monster."

"Do you think I'm so stupid," Roach said in the crook of his arms, "Which is easier, going to Qionglin to snatch a little girl's things?"

Du Zheng smiled and leaned against the wall with ease.The room is very quiet, but not so quiet, and Roach sniffs from time to time in the sunlight.Du Zhengyi sat quietly, feeling very comfortable rarely, such an afternoon slowly began to evolve into the most lazy and comfortable moment in his years.

I don't know how long it took, probably when Roach finally wiped away his tears and snot secretly, he suddenly raised his head, his face was full of panic, and he became nervous, "Are they... dead?"

"No." Du Zhengyi said leisurely, and he knew who Roche was talking about without asking, "One fell down the stairs while running and broke his ankle, but now he should climb to the I went downstairs. The other one was going to jump off the building, but I dragged him back, and then passed out."

Luo Qi froze for a while, especially when Du Zhengyi softly made up his knife, "Two trash kids, almost scared you to death. Tsk."

Luo Qi's face slowly turned red, and he didn't dare to turn his head in embarrassment.Du Zheng was relieved when he caught a glimpse of his face, this normal appearance was even better than when he just came back yesterday.

"Don't be embarrassed, you almost scared them both to death." Du Zheng said with a smile.

"That..." Roach said, "you're such a nice guy."

"I want to get a good person card, and I plan to find a beautiful girl to get it." Du Zhengyi said nonchalantly.

"You are indeed a good person, you even saved that human being." Roach said.

As soon as Du Zheng understood, he had to follow up on what he said about saving Luo Qi just now, and he understood what Luo Qi meant.For some reason, he was relieved. He didn't want Roach to thank him, nor did he want Roach to thank him for his kindness. If Roach held a grudge against him for some reason, he didn't really care.That is already the normal state when he gets along with people every day, maybe he himself is not a good thing.Sartre said that other people are hell, which is why he doesn't want to deal with people. He is really tired.

Roach didn't know whether he was extra gentle or smarter than others, but in the end he was extra easy to get along with.But in this way, he would think of the thick darkness in Roach's consciousness. Where would he usually hide those darkness, and how did he fight against his own darkness?Du Zhengyi didn't know very well, but after all, he didn't really care about other people's affairs.

Du Zhengyi was a very practical person. Seeing Roach's rapid recovery, his mental recovery was astonishingly fast, so he asked the question he was most interested in. "How did you recover so quickly?"

Roach's face was a little confused, and he couldn't answer the question clearly, "I don't know, doesn't Mahjong mean that the process of controlling telepathy is an instinct? Maybe it's like riding a bicycle and roller skating. The same, you can always find a balance if you get used to it for a while?"

Du Zheng nodded, "That's true. Although true telepathy is rare, it's not unusual after all. Most mages have a little bit of rudimentary telepathy, and even sensitive humans can often guess it. What other people think, although they not only cannot control this ability, but they are not even aware of it."

He thought for a while and continued, "But your equivalent is too big. Compared with this equivalent, your speed of adapting to balance is astonishingly fast. Just now you recognized me, and immediately closed your consciousness Going back, how did you do it, is it clear in your own consciousness? Could it also be manipulated unconsciously?"

"I know that." Roach said immediately, as if he was a little happy that he could finally answer the last question.

Du Zhengyi couldn't help being amused.

But then Roach's words made him stand up suddenly from the ground.

"Didn't Mahjong say that I need an anchor point?" Roach said honestly, "I used you as the anchor point, so when your main body appeared, I immediately felt it."

"What?" Du Zhengyi almost shouted, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot when he stood up, "How could you..."

Roach was taken aback, and shrank back against the window sill, blinking his eyes in fright, "What's wrong? Copyright infringement?"

"You..." Du Zheng hesitated to speak, his throat choked.

Roach's dull thinking started to work, looking for where his mistakes were, and finally ran out an empty set. "Don't scare me," he said.

Du Zhengyi also realized the half he didn't say - I'm going to explode.Du Zhengyi wanted to beat him up again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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