magician in town

Chapter 80 David, No

Chapter 80 David, No

Chapter 79

"Although Luo Qi does not follow you in height, I guess he should be more like you." Du Zhengyi said casually, "Not only is he very similar in appearance, Luo Qi also has the special gentleness of Doctor Luo in him. So when I saw Dr. Luo, I knew you didn't hide your appearance."

"For a mind mage, not covering up sometimes doesn't mean that there is no psychological intervention on people." Luo Rui'an didn't buy Du Zhengyi's, and he didn't intend to really follow the one in front of him. The children meant to ease the atmosphere. "How can you be sure that I didn't stir up your emotions?"

"If that's the case," Du Zhengyi said coldly, "I shouldn't dislike you so much."

Lorien's expression and demeanor didn't change at all, even though he should be a little unhappy and impatient.As soon as Du Zheng looked at him, he also observed his pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and all his other key indicators, but there was no change.But sometimes an outstanding mind mage can do this. Their world develops inward, and their control over their bodies can reach an astonishing degree.

"I'm not good at controlling people's emotions." Lorian finally said, with some honest elements in his tone, "I'm good at observing the mind, sorting out the logic of a person's thinking, and seeing through their thinking models, so I To mend the traumatized mental network, I like to do fine work."

He smiled and continued, "However, some people happen to be aggressive. They are also good at seeing through people's thinking world, but they like to attack, and manipulating people's emotions is even easier. Driving people is their instinct."

Du Zhengyi stared closely at his eyes. This archmage didn't come to chat with him, and every word he said had a deep meaning.If he knew the truth, Lorien's words were like a warning.From Lorien's standpoint, this kind of warning is so cold that it is very intolerable. "You didn't even ask me what happened to Roach?"

Lorien looked at him silently.

"I'm not from Qiong Lin's standpoint, I'm from the standpoint of Roach's friend, and I want to ask you, why is he an unregistered telepath?" Du Zhengyi said, "I think it can answer my question." Only his parents."

"Li Xu of Qionglin has no ability to undo Luo Qi's barrier." Lorian's expression finally changed slightly, but Du Zhengyi couldn't understand the meaning of these changes. "Did the Venerable Qionglin notice him?"

Du Zhengyi couldn't help laughing, shook his head and murmured, "Oh my god, you are really confident. Why is Roach not like you in this, he is quite unconfident."

Luo Rui'an also understood his hint, and finally his face was hard to hide. Du Zhengyi knew that he was also a mind mage and had done almost all the work. He probably figured out how Roach was pried open the barrier of.

"Is he alright?" Lorien asked.

"I can understand you," Du Zhengyi said softly, "You must think that Qionglin is a reasonable place, and no one would want to do too much to a minor. So even if I have already notified you You didn't pay much attention to Roach being brought into Qionglin in violation of the regulations."

Lorian looked at him silently. The non-verbal confrontation between the two was like an inflated position. Even the whistling wind in the wilderness was much blocked.

"Do you want to fight it out?" Du Zhengyi said speculatively, "If Roach has not been discovered in Qionglin, he has passed the test and can be a low-level mage as you wish, or, live as a human being."

"What's wrong with that?" Lorien's voice suddenly became full of indignation, the gentleness on his face, and the calmness in his demeanor suddenly disappeared, "What's wrong with living as a human being? Roach likes human life, and he can live well in human society. He is not short among human beings, he is very smart, good-looking, he understands the rules of human society, and he has survival skills. He does not need to be a Registered slaves, have to serve, have to do disgusting things, dig other people's heads, squeeze other people's secrets, modify other people's memories, do all this dirty work."

"But he is a magician. He was born in a magician's family and grew up in a magician's world!" Du Zhengyi also suddenly became angry, "How can you artificially cut off your own child? You let Everyone in this world looks down on him, you know how serious discrimination is in our world, you actually let him be bullied all the time! He was born like this, and you have no right to touch him at all. "

"I am his father, so I am qualified!" Lorien roared decisively as if he had changed into a different person, "Where is my son? You stole him from Qionglin? Give him back to me." .”

Du Zhengyi pursed his lips tightly for a while, and suddenly smiled sarcastically, "I didn't steal it, he walked out by himself, your son is really a little bit powerful."

Luo Rui'an also saw Du Zhengyi's sarcasm, and the harsh contempt for his son calmed him down a bit, and his voice returned to its usual height. "No one wants their children to have a bad life, but the future is so long, parents need to prepare their children. There is nothing wrong with working hard when you are young. Pain can make people deep, and suffering can make people transform."

"Adversity education?" Du Zhengyi sneered in a rare way, "I was raised by my teacher, and he often emphasized the role of pain and self-improvement. But he said that life is really hard, so there is really no need to ask for suffering. Hehe, I I really didn't expect that Luo Qi was raised by the tiger mother and the eagle father. If it was me, such education seems to be of some value. After all, I am destined to become a battle mage. You want your son to go to human society in the future Is it a bit too much to treat him so cruelly? I have heard that it is necessary to raise wolves like this, but I don’t know that someone raises cats like this. It’s really weird.”

"This is our family's business." Lorian ignored Du Zhengyi's sarcasm, "If Roche's lock of consciousness is unlocked, the current situation must be very dangerous. I will take him back immediately. His situation , only I know best."

"Wait, wait, wait." Du Zhengyi leaned back on the sofa, pondered and said, "Let's put that aside and talk about it later. In line with the ancient principle of helping people to the end and sending Buddhas to the West, Let's talk about Roach's treatment plan first. He is now severely traumatized, how far can you help him recover?"

"If you are really Roach's friend," Lorien said, "I hope you can keep it a secret that he is a telepath."

"What are you talking about?" Du Zhengyi frowned, as if seeing the creature in front of him for the first time, "You still want to lock his conscious world?"

(End of this chapter)

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