magician in town

Chapter 92 Cat's City

Chapter 92 Cat's City

As soon as Du Zheng walked out of the narrow courtyard gate that opened on the high wall, a motley cat sneaked past the roof tiles on the other side of the alley.Instinctively, he glanced up and confirmed that it wasn't the cat he often saw around Roach.He might be a little paranoid.

He was going to the sorcerer's office in this city. Teleportation was the best way, but Mahjong had already warned him again, and he couldn't really take it seriously.Besides, anyway, he was going to attend the summoning of the venerable, so what if the big shots waited a little longer?

The spring rain in the south of the Yangtze River drifted like a gossamer in the ancient alley. He slowed down unconsciously and took a deep breath. It was the familiar moist smell in his memory.He didn't open an umbrella, and the rain fell on his windbreaker, which was wet with apricot blossom rain. On such days, it always made him feel a little comfortable to return to his childhood hometown.

He turned around a few alleys, crossed a few small bridges, and walked to the widest river outside the ancient town.This river surrounds the ancient town, and the three sides of the ancient town are farmland and villages. Only this direction faces a large city.He's met at least one cat on every little bridge along the road, and now is no exception.A white lion cat squatted gracefully on the railing of the stone bridge. When he walked onto the stone bridge, the cat stared at him motionless.He was a little bit puzzled again, he stopped in front of the cat for a while, but it was really silly to look at a cat, he stared at it for a while, but he didn't see anything unusual about the cat.It would be even more foolish to start to be suspicious of living things around him just because of Roach's sudden burst of telepathy.

Although for telepaths, controlling animals is much easier than controlling people, but with Roach's novice attitude, to say the least is to control two cats at the same time.Although Luo Qi's personality is very rogue, he likes to maintain an advantage very much, he has always been secretive about his current ability level, and never admits that those cats are forced to love him, but Du Zhengyi has never seen Luo Qi with more than two people at the same time. when a cat.

Du Zhengyi thought silently, judging from the data he observed the telepath Luo Qi at close range, whether he could publish a paper in the journals of non-mind mages in the future, proposing to describe telepaths based on cat power .For example, Roach now has the power to control two cats at the same time, referred to as the power of two cats, Roach with the power of two cats.

He turned and left the white lion cat, and walked into the human city on foot.

As luck would have it, he flagged down a taxi not long after entering town.But the place he was going to was at the other end of the city, the old town of the city, where the traffic problem was as serious as all human cities.In terms of a mage's moving speed and living habits, traffic jams are really one of the top ten tortures.If this sorcerer happened to be as impatient and short of time as Du Zhengyi, he would almost be able to kill someone after being bored in a taxi for an hour and a half.

The little bit of good mood in the ancient town of Jiangnan was really worn out, and he simply got out of the car during the last section of the road, planning to take a small road and cross the alley.

The weird thing happened when he walked into the alley.It is actually a very ordinary alley, with dilapidated two-story buildings that are common in the old city on both sides. Many people stick out bamboo poles from the windows on the second floor. .Occasionally he would pass a few houses with yards. The yards were very small, and the gate could barely accommodate an electric motorcycle.Several elderly people were chatting in the open courtyard door, speaking in an accent that Du Zhengyi had long been unable to understand.But he had only walked half the alley when he realized something was staring at him.

That feeling was like being pricked by a needle. Du Zhengyi, as a battle mage, a person who was selected and trained as a guard of the lonely mountain, often relied on this feeling to survive.Even with all the detection consciousness he released, he didn't notice any trace of magic.This alley lined with underwear is indeed a human occupation area.

Du Zhengyi was a little nervous. If he didn't detect any trace of magic, but instinctively felt something abnormal, it probably meant that he had met a real opponent.The news that he was going to the office was unlikely to be a secret. Du Zheng's whereabouts had always been erratic, and it was rare to know his movements accurately.If someone wants to do something at this time, this is indeed the best opportunity to ambush.

A sharp gaze made him tremble, and the power of magic secretly continued in his hand, and Du Zheng raised his head suddenly.

Two raccoon cats stood on the wall of his house, looking down at him.

Look at him, indeed.Hostility is really not easy to observe.

He didn't know what to do for a while, he was stunned for a long time, and could only continue to move forward.The feeling of being watched by cats was still lingering, and he walked through an alley, silently thinking that there were enough wild cats in this city, and was extremely annoyed to think that all the cats in this alley had come out for a walk.He has only walked twenty or thirty steps, and he will definitely see a cat or two on the nearby walls, eaves, and other people's door frames.

His annoyance gradually escalated as he passed through the three cat alleys, and just as he was rushing through the third cat alley, a figure approached him.He didn't even look, and rushed out at full speed. The man seemed to see them about to collide for the last moment, and hurriedly tried to dodge.But how fast Du Zhengyi was, instead he jumped up in one step and grabbed the man by the neck.Hey, it was just this morning that he saw the hoodie he was wearing, with a big weird label sewn on it, embodying the popular aesthetic taste of human psychosis everywhere.

He slammed the man against the wall, as if he had knocked the man off.Before he let go of the man's neck, he approached him and growled in a low voice, "Roach, you..."

"Hi!" Roach said, out of breath but unable to overpower his excitement, he grinned and showed his small white teeth, "Surprise!"

"Surprise, you bastard!" Du Zhengyi was so angry that he wished he could push him into the wall. "After I get into a taxi, you can still follow me with a cat?"

"How is that possible? Even a dead cat can't keep up with the car! It's too inhumane." Roach chuckled, "Let me go, and I'll tell you how I followed you."

Du Zhengyi hesitated for a while between pinching him to death and satisfying his curiosity. Anyway, pinching him to death would make him feel sorry for the effort he had put into rescuing him, so he let go angrily.

Roach took out the mobile phone they gave him from Du Zhengyi's windbreaker pocket. Roach adjusted the phone for him in the morning and he didn't care. "Hey, I turned on the positioning of your mobile phone's WeChat. I tried several times without success. As long as you teleport into the subspace, the connection will be interrupted and will not reconnect. I am lucky today, you did not teleport. The cat is only responsible for watching you when you are not in the car."

Du Zhengyi scolded someone loudly, and now he has corrected his previous thought.Roach is not only the power of two cats, Roach is the power of a city cat.

(End of this chapter)

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