Chapter 97: Heping Street Sub-district Office (5) - Triggered

Chapter 96 Heping Street Sub-district Office (5) - One touch soon

Fan Shi glanced at the cat lying on the window. It was a little black cat that didn't look like an adult. He just glanced at it briefly, then immediately turned back and looked at Du Zhengyi with a complicated expression.

All Du Zhengyi saw in his eyes was suspicion and the anger that he thought he had been fooled.Fan Shi has always demanded more respect than others.Even in the sequence of the Venerable, it is the same.

Du Zhengyi pursed his lower lip slightly, wondering if he should be glad that Fan Shi is not a telepathic mage.However, even a mind mage might not be suspicious of a passing wild cat. After all, which mind mage would communicate with a cat or dog on the side of the road?Spiritualism is one thing, and entirely new mind-communication systems are quite another.Except for a mage with a character like Roach, who would be so shameless?It's better to correct it, except for Roach, who would be so shameless.

"His Holiness said so much about my tainted history." As soon as Du Zheng cut off these messy thoughts, trying to concentrate, he said casually, "So he wanted to encourage me."

But Fan Shi didn't speak, even if what Du Zhengyi said was what he literally meant just now.

He looked at Du Zhengyi with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a smile in his sharp eyes. The smile seemed to be a kind of urging and encouragement, urging Du Zhengyi to say that he, as a venerable, did not want to spoken words.The smile on that well-maintained face appeared cunning and cunning, a little distance from decency and dignity.

In Du Zhengyi's heart, for the first time, he lost respect for a venerable.

He said word by word, "It turns out that His Holiness wants me to prove my innocence."

"For every mage who is loyal to Qionglin and serves the entire magic world, his motivation should be pure, his pursuit should be noble, and his heart should be selfless." Fan Shi said gently, and he blinked , with soft eyes, as if he himself was intoxicated by the feelings evoked in these words.Du Zhengyi was completely at a loss, what he said was so empty, but he acted like the best actor on the stage.

He has always thought that if a person can surpass all others in the field of magic, then this person should also surpass the low-level weaknesses of human nature, such as the desire to perform, such as vanity... But now, he is really at a loss.

"The existing mind masters can hardly read my mind." Du Zhengyi said, but as soon as he uttered these words, he realized that Venerable Fan Ya wanted to push him into such a situation.No one can prove his absolute innocence, and self-proving his innocence undoubtedly means that he will cut himself open, and the ending is nothing more than seeking glory and humiliation.

Sure enough, he didn't read any sign of forgiveness on Fan Shi's face.The former venerable who was reasonable and considerate no longer exists.Now in front of him, there is only an archmage who is smiling complacently.Du Zhengyi suddenly realized that the former Fan Shi was just a mask, and he wanted to take off the mask only to see the timing.

Du Zhengyi's lungs were almost half full of air, as if his lungs had been suffocated like that.He heard himself say, "Even if they could, can I have no selfish thoughts in my head? Can my motives be completely pure? Can I not have likes and dislikes? My Pursuit is never noble, and most of the time all I think about is survival, and at most there are some simple right and wrong. I don’t know what proof you want?”

The cat at the window meowed even louder, and the sound was almost shrill.

"Son, why do you think so?" Fan Shi seemed to be looking at him with a little discomfort, and looked down at him with a little contempt, "Selflessness is a must for every Qionglin mage and every guard of the lonely mountain." Less personal character."

"Bullshit." Du Zhengyi couldn't help blurting out this sentence. Even if he said it, he didn't feel that there was any problem with speaking rudely to a Venerable Qionglin, and he was already furious. "People are born like this, people are driven by self-interest, because self-interest can benefit others."

"Son, what happened to you?" Fan Shi seemed really taken aback, and looked at him in disbelief, as if he was a poor scum, "Why is your heart so dark? Qiong Lin raised you, so There are so many great mages as your teacher, why did you educate you like this?"

Du Zhengyi's chest was completely suffocated, "If you become the head of Venerable Qionglin, do you plan to hold a magnifying glass like this to check whether there are selfish thoughts in the brains of every mage?"

"What do you mean?" Fan Shi's face turned cold, and he looked arrogantly at the desperate young mage in front of him, "Is this the attitude you should have towards your elders? Questioning your elders?"

"My lord," Du Zhengyi said in a deep voice, "who is your magnifying glass?"

Fan Shi sneered, stopped talking, and looked at Du Zhengyi silently.

The black cat at the window seemed to have arrived in the spring of adulthood in advance, and it had already started screaming non-stop, paws desperately scratching the window frame.

Du Zheng smiled, "Master Fan, how anxious is the cat?"

"What do you mean?" Fan Shi asked suspiciously, his eyes did not dare to leave Du Zhengyi an inch.Even though he had prepared in advance, Du Zhengyi has always been a legend in Qionglin. He is the sharpest knife in Pei Shu's hand, regardless of age. He is suitable for killing from birth. He grew up in the same way, and he has never let down these trainings for a single day.

"Master Fan, why didn't Master Liu Li come?" Du Zhengyi asked with a slight smile, stretching his muscles and bones by the way, as if he had suddenly returned from a field he was completely unfamiliar with to a field he was good at.

Fan Shi didn't answer him, he was a calm mage.Maybe he hasn't been a battle mage for a day, but his experience and surging power are not comparable to ordinary mages.

"Is Master Fan interested in the Lotus Burner?" Du Zhengyi asked suddenly, before he could answer, Du Zhengyi shook his head and said, "No, it's unlikely, just like human terrorist organizations won't enter Which country's leader's eyes have been caught. Then... Master Fan is trying to get a head of the empire? Fan Shi I of the Master's First Empire? Or Fa... Shihuang? Demon Shihuang?"

Fan Shi remained silent, not answering his provocation, but a huge overwhelming force rose from his body.Du Zhengyi took a deep breath, flushing out the bad breath in his mouth, he smelled the smell of burning when the force field changed, "I think an ambush has been prepared outside, right? This time the Venerable will take action himself , the force field has become more complicated and unpredictable, and I think it is impossible to escape. Master Fan carefully selected a moment when Pei Shu was retreating, and it seems that I am destined to be his cannon fodder."

"It's not that serious." Fan Shi said expressionlessly, "I just want to take you back to investigate."

"Investigating whether I am selfish and bloodthirsty is not noble enough?" Du Zhengyi said angrily, and couldn't help sneering, "I have never fought against His Holiness before. If I unfortunately win this time, maybe I can really do it for him." I won the title of a demon king myself. Can I take a section in the future history books?"

(End of this chapter)

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