Arad's unruly savior

Chapter 1246 Don't talk magic to chips!

Chapter 1246 Don't talk magic to chips!
Special circumstances deserve special treatment. Niu supports the use of the Ring of Domination to temporarily increase the defensive power after retreating to the Witch's Forest.

The number of bombs from the Kashu Sect's Eye of Darkness is obviously decreasing!

Although the Abyss Scale equipment has great anti-magic and armor-piercing abilities, it is not a means of long-range attack after all. It can be annihilated with the power of large-scale elemental spirits.

But after thinking about it, Katie still held an objection. The ring of domination is a taboo thing, and it will have a certain degree of adverse effects on the user's own spiritual ability and future talent.

It is equal to backfire!

Once the "taboo" is used, it is like a torrential flood breaking the embankment, and it is difficult to stop it.

Whether to focus on the safety of the moment, or to look far away, although Bibi is a summoner, she is also very confused, as if everyone has a reason.

Moreover, Sister Katie and Sister Niwu are both very kind to themselves, and they are not very kind to anyone else.

The beautiful town of Central Park in the past is now reduced to ruins and fireworks. Many reconstruction work can only be carried out after the situation in the Demon Realm is stabilized.

Therefore, Bibi suggested that it is better to go to Wuxuan Town to ask for help first. Although the Central Park separates the ground rail center and Harlem, Yelin and others will definitely understand the truth of the cold.

If Central Park dies, the next one is the Orbit Center!
Although Herder proposed a new method of apostle selection, in the current severe situation, it is really meaningless to fight for that false name.

"I want to go back to Arad, even if I want to go to school obediently, I miss Mintai, Lily and the others." Bearna lowered her head and muttered, kicking a stone away.

If the skipping king can take the initiative to say go to school, it seems that she has indeed stayed in the devil world enough and feels tired.

Just when the three girls walked to the gate of the manor together, each with their own minds, there was a sudden buzzing sound in the sky.

The shocking power of that power caused even the ground under his feet to tremble slightly, and the huge and dense noise made everyone unable to help but cover their ears.

Is it the sudden attack of the Kaxiu faction, or is it a natural disaster? !

"Wow, what is he doing, drying his body?"

As soon as the question arose, Biyana raised her head with eyes full of astonishment, staring blankly at Yelin hovering in mid-air.

He stretched his arms horizontally, and his body was straight, as if he was embracing the sky. There were layers of gradual green light shining all over his body, and his temperament became more and more refined, as if he was born with a natural body.

With an elegant and handsome appearance, when he smiles, he is very affectionate, but at the moment he is using the terrifying spatial power, spanning three regions.

Above Yelin's head, a huge elliptical crack in space suddenly opened, the whole looked like a shattered mirror, and at the same time, countless flying machines poured in along with the roar, like the raging gap of a broken embankment.

Behind him, a sky-reaching mechanical city also showed a majestic main body towering into the clouds.

Countless people were shocked by it, and even froze in place. The Silent City that once disappeared before everyone’s eyes, the refraction of light was put away, and the millions of mechanical torrents that had been stored for a long time, the crystallization of technology of Hyperion, all bloomed at this moment. Power!

The two people manipulating the mechanical torrent are the new program Mira and Becky who has the smartest brain.

The target of mechanical annihilation is set to descendants of all hell dimensions, as well as members who have the eyes of darkness and the badge of the Kashu sect in their bodies.

A space channel was also opened above Harlem, and endless machines swarmed out, using electronic technology to accurately scan, and continuously locked the monsters that did not belong to this world.

The helical metal bullets and the torrent of all-metal machinery, like a crazy rainstorm in the Harlem area, purely extreme physical attacks, shattered the shells and foreheads of hell-dimensional monsters.

There is a mysterious tunnel underground in the center of the ground rail, dark and long, going straight through the Central Park area.

Today, on the edge of Harlem, countless mechanical spiders have broken through the ground, their steel legs are bright and cold, and they can easily cut through the fur or outer armor of monsters.

The Mechano-Strikers, loaded with barrels and laser launchers, performed a carpet-cleaning in unison.

The true unity of militarization and mechanical discipline is a realm that human beings will never touch.

Some hell monsters are good at demagogy and soul control, which is a joke in front of pure machinery, because there is no magic to manipulate the circuit board!

A monster spit out strong acid and corroded several mechanical attackers, but was pierced by the laser in an instant and turned into a dead body.

Some monsters have illusory shapes, and physical bullets have no effect, but the flamethrower raised high, the raging flames burn away all malice.

The front line of the war was quickly compressed amidst the stunned powerhouses.

A mechanical dragon fluttered its wings and flew high. The repaired iron will was Nemegate, and the launcher was activated on the back. Hundreds of rockets covered an area, causing a series of explosions, and the monster screamed.

An all-metal mech with the will of a God of War, the precise metal of the body is composed of the precious dark root of Heberon, which is resistant to all strong acid corrosion and invulnerable.

The thick energy cover is like the eternal killing god on the battlefield!
Just as no one can reason with circuit boards and chips, they can only be manipulated by programs, and they can't reason with anyone.

The hell dimension once made another demon world fall into despair. Apart from strength, it relied more on their cunning rhetoric and dominant spiritual power, which deceived some Terrans into being deceived and giving their souls.

They alienate the demon world, cause civil strife, and wantonly harvest souls for enjoyment.

But now, the coldness of the all-metal machinery perfectly restrains everything in the hell dimension, and ruthlessly harvests all locked enemies.

Members of the Kaxiu faction, who are regarded as friendly forces by the hell dimension, have been frightened by the two battles, and almost lost their souls.

Although the Abyss Scale armor has strong resistance to magic, it quickly caught the Whirling Demon Society and the library by surprise. Even the battle mages of the Oathguards essentially compressed the power of elements into Chasers.

According to a certain "theory of relativity", the strengthening of my magic resistance is equal to the weakening of your elemental power.

This is another important reason for being able to successfully raid major organizations, in addition to discipline and the Eye of Darkness bomb.

However, the pure physical force of the all-metal mechanical torrent easily tore the thin layer of Abyss Scale armor to pieces, including the people wearing it.

Yelin released Silent City at this moment, not afraid of other people's coveting.

Even if anyone wants to capture the Yonggu passage and reach the heaven in the future, he has to reconsider how to deal with the mechanical torrent and his own peak combat power.

The duration of the Dragon War is three days, and the opening of the hell dimension is the dawn. Perhaps it only takes one day now, and the entire Harlem can be cleaned up without the opponent's top powers intervening.


"You guys are helping out in the small town, waiting for us to come back."

Ye Lin lowered his head and gave a thumbs up. His confident smile instantly reassured the restless Wanzi and the others.

Both Bibi and Maruko gave back a thumbs up, and Biyana secretly raised her middle finger with a disgusted face. Since there is such a cool thing, why didn't she show it earlier.

Of course, this is also Yelin's consideration. Apart from waiting for Kahn to make a move, although he has some friendship with the leaders, it is far from being a free support.

When several major organizations suffered heavy losses and were worrying about how to deal with the invasion of the dimension, he achieved a perfect rescue with the mechanical torrent, which meant that each of them owed him a huge amount of love.

Although the behavior seems a bit cruel and contemptible in the eyes of bystanders, the situation in the devil world has always been like this.

All actions, every move, are related to interests.

The task of the mechanical torrent is only to wipe out the existing monsters and Kaxiu sects in the Harlem area. There may be omissions, but it will not hurt the overall situation.

After all, Silent City is just a city, not the entire planet of Heberon. Even if it has an advantage in characteristics, it is difficult to match the entire dimension of hell.

and so……

Yelin pressed the headset and asked, "Mira, have Dr. Gina's things arrived?"

"San Master, the antimatter bomb will be carried by Xiaoice and transported to Harlem in 10 minutes, so you have 59 minutes and [-] seconds to clean up the vicinity, and then send the bomb to the hell dimension."

"One minute is enough. In addition, is there a prediction for the energy prediction of the bomb?"

"Excessive amounts of antimatter particles, if they explode underground in the Demon Realm, you might end up wandering the universe."

(End of this chapter)

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