Arad's unruly savior

Chapter 1256 The Water Surface of Reality

Chapter 1256 The Water Surface of Reality

Behind the first towering and huge stele, in order, it should be the content stele of the second chapter of "Creation of Gods".

However, there is only one broken stele left on the ground, which has been broken from its foundation, and the remaining volume can barely reach Herder's waist. Naturally, there is not a single word of information recorded on it.

She caressed the broken surface of the stele with her fingers. Her clothes were already half wet from the rain, and her skin was cold, but she didn't care at all.

"The second stone tablet, I have thought about whether it will fall to the bottom of the water of truth after it breaks, but I have salvaged it for half a month, and there is not a stone with engraved characters."

If Chapter 1 of "Creation of God" is the beginning and the source information of all beginnings, then the content of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 should theoretically correspond to the "process" of sharpening the blade to pierce the apostle's heart, and the world's Big change description.

If you can get the content of these two chapters, it means you have thoroughly grasped the process of the birth of the "new world" and understood all the mysteries and truths of the world!

But unfortunately, the two steles in the "Process" part were all seriously damaged, not even a single character was left.

Herder stood next to the third stele. This stele was slightly more intact, about five meters high, and needed to be looked up.

Judging from the coverage area of ​​the first stele, the third one should have been able to record the last few words of the prophecy, but unfortunately, a large piece of stone was peeled off where the words were written, leaving nothing else.

The specific material of the stele is unknown, but the ancient characters carved on it, as if painted with fluorescent materials, light up slightly in the steaming environment.

The humidity is too high, and cold water droplets often slide down the surface of the stele, but no moss and other things grow.

"You mean the water surface of truth?" Ye Lin turned his gaze, was he referring to the lake filled with water vapor behind him?

Herder nodded lightly and explained: "All the lives that pass through this place will be reflected in their original appearance. Although it is raining now, the real starry sky is still bright and bright."

It was only then that Ye Lin was surprised to find that the half of the other party's delicate tear mask was actually worn on his cheek again, but it was more like that he had never taken it off.

But Herder obviously didn't want to go into too much detail on the mystery of the lake. She walked to the fourth stone tablet. The water mist was too thick to read the text, but the content had long been engraved in her heart.

Chapter 4:
"Destruction is creation, and annihilation is gestation. We are here, the glory of this world, and a new world will be born from it...

At the end of the sacrifice and the opening of the new world, only two remain, the one who fears no death, and the one with tears in his eyes.

They will not perish, they live with eternity, they are the beginning of a new world. "



Chapter 1 is the beginning, Chapters 4 and [-] are the process, and the record of Chapter [-] is the final chapter of the Creation Century, which is the opening of a new world.

The prophecy that Schaller Fuzz believed deeply came from the first and part of the records of Chapter 4.

And at the top of the fourth stone tablet, there is a huge shiny character, not an ancient character, but a "π"!
In a mathematical sense, it symbolizes infinity and non-circulation, which is used as a metaphor for the future of the new world, which must be eternal prosperity!
The two remaining stone tablets are a kind of secret, which Herder regards as a treasure, and it is the beginning of all her plans.

Whether it was deliberately looking for apostles on other planets at the beginning, or transferring Xilock to the dark cave of mourning, transferring President Luo to the giant beast of the sky, tearing up Di Ruiji and descending to Letherfine...

All her behaviors and motives can be said to come from this mysterious space.

"Herder, do you fully believe in the prophecy of the stele?" Ye Lin asked proactively.

After staring at the stele for about half a minute in silence, Herder turned his head and glanced at him calmly.

She is a smart person, and instantly understood Ye Lin's hidden meaning.

I have already transferred many apostles based on the content of Chapter 1, and harmed the Dragon King. If you ask me whether you believe it or not, isn't it funny and stupid?

Another question hidden in the question is actually: "Since you are not the real Tearsman, what should you do according to the content of Chapter 4 of Genesis Century? It seems that there is no place for you in the New World."

But what he said directly, the relationship with each other, it seems that they are not friendly enough to be able to care for each other.

Moreover, it is speculated that the fact that the immortal water of life is a ticket to the new world does not apply to Herder.

Because she is an apostle, one of the candidates for destruction and re-creation, she must be indispensable.

"Since you can't forget it, you can only let it reappear." Herder tapped his head lightly with his fingers.


It's not just Smila who often has nightmares and finds it difficult to rest peacefully all day long, she is also like this.

The blazing light of the explosion, the shattered Terra, and the disappearing relatives woke up from the nightmare with cold sweat all over his forehead.

"So, for prophecy, what about you?" she asked rhetorically, not liking being passive all the time.

Since I'm not really a "two-faced, tear-eyed" person, you don't fit the "no-fear-to-die" concept either.


Ye Lin smiled, spread his hands and said, "I don't believe in prophecies."

Everything Herder did was to make the flow of time develop in accordance with the prophecy of the stele.

But he has been confronting Herder all the time. All kinds of obstructions and behaviors during the adventure are expressing his strong distrust of the prophecy.

I don't believe it, so it doesn't work for me.

At present, Mr. Luo is at ease in the sea of ​​sky, while An Tuen is equipped with a black nightmare to gather energy, and the old man has returned to Hyperion~ It seems that the prophecy is no longer there.

However, it cannot be said that Herder's conspiracy about the first article has completely failed.

On the contrary, in theory, any point in time can be regarded as the beginning of Chapter 1.


There was a damp cold wind blowing from the periphery of the lake, and the location where the four steles were located was a kind of island in the center of the lake.

Herder, whose clothes were already half-wet, seemed to have just come back to his senses. He was accidentally obscured by complex emotions before, shivering slightly, and spoke faster:

"I can't deny that because of your appearance, I completely disrupted my overall plan, and you have become too strong. If I kill you when I can save Rotes..."

She suddenly shut her mouth and frowned deeply. This kind of loser's regretful words are not even worth a gold coin, so why should she waste her time talking.

After a slight pause, I cleared my mind, and continued: "I will go through the hell dimension, try to reach other parallel dimensions, look for the demon world there, look for..."

Her eyes slowly stayed on the two blasted stone tablets, and she was also looking for the second and third chapters of "Genesis", which were destroyed by mysterious reasons.

That is the process chapter, she wants to take a look, more detailed and specific prophecy information.

It's like reading a story, first read the beginning and the end, it can produce a transparent sense of mastery, everything is in the heart.

But to form a complete story, the intermediate process is actually the real core.

She is going to find out whether the content of the second and third chapters perfectly matches the history that has happened in this world, and what to do next to reach the new world of Chapter 4.

If possible, she also wants to try to find the other two lost holy books, namely "Genesis" and "The Last Century".

The Demon Realm located in the main river of time is the current dimension. Whether it is a small place or a forbidden area, she has carefully explored and found no additional hidden space.

Therefore, Herder was thinking that there might be the same hidden space in the same location in the demon world in other dimensions, and whether the second and third chapters there would be damaged or complete.

"So, you asked me to come with a note, so I can say good luck to you?"

Ye Lin tilted his head slightly, the rain had not stopped, and it felt cool on his cheeks and forehead.

It seems to be paying homage to those who died due to the riots of the Kaxiu Sect. It is raining in most of the Demon Realm, from Brooklyn to Boronx, big or small, and the rain washes away the smoke after the war.

"Good luck, then, Herder."

Ye Lin stretched out his hand, his eyes were clear and clean, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Herder hesitated for a moment, stared and asked: "Are you relaxing, after I leave, will this world finally be peaceful?"

She knew what she was doing, and she never denied it. Only Lu's left eye stared deeply at his face with complicated eyes.

"No no, if you can find the remaining two Genesis Century, I'm actually very curious to read them, you shouldn't refuse, right? And, I know..."

Yelin took a step forward, and Herder unconsciously took a step back, her body and expression gradually became stiff.

She was not worried about the other party's attack, but was afraid of his eyes, those eyes that seemed to see through everything.

People who have been pretending for a long time are most afraid of this kind of eyes, just like Ye Lin has always hated her calm expression that controls everything.


He approached a few more steps, and Herder unconsciously wanted to continue to retreat, but her back touched the fourth stone tablet, and there was no way to retreat.

"You are going on a long journey, and your future life and death are uncertain, but in the huge demon world, you are respected by the residents, but you can't find anyone who can say goodbye, right?"

 The second update will be late, a bit of a card

  Herder's stele actually has vague settings.

  For example, why did Rotes know about the content of Chapter 1 of "Creation of Gods"?It was transferred during hibernation, and it is impossible to attack Herder's consciousness like Sherlock. (In the setting of the mirror image Arad, the holy book taught by gbl records part of the Creation Century)

  And Luke, he also knows the content of the prophecy.

  Also, in the EP story "Bakr the Dragon King", it is recorded that the Dragon King knew the specific content of the prophecy from a book, and also deliberately mentioned that many Terra scholars knew and discussed it.

  So this is rather weird~ Why does the stone tablet that Herder worked so hard to find suddenly sound like a commodity, and it feels like a casual purchase for a dollar.

  By the way, Azera also knows the same.

  It gives people a feeling that it seems that the whole world knows the content of "Genesis", but only Herder is serious.

  The fuzzy setting is not once or twice~


  In addition, regarding the prophecy of Chapter 4, I personally guess that it may be the one of "the two gods of the new world", who is not afraid of death and has tears in his eyes.

  The content of this prophecy not only appeared in the relevant story books of the Demon Emperor, but also appeared in the official cg a long time ago (the 3D modeling of the scum to explosion should be from the national server, and it has to be traced back to the Luke version), and It is also mentioned in the storybook of "Bakar the Explosive Dragon King".

  If the two gods of this new world are the fourth prophecy, it is normal, if not, it shows that Herder also deceived Kahn by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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