Yun Qishen

Chapter 107 Chapter 106

Chapter 107 Chapter 2 Fighting ([-])
(God's perspective)
Takizawa left the question of how to deal with these tribal soldiers to Wen Qianyao.

When the group of soldiers came to attack the two of them, Qianyao was able to see at a glance who was the soldier who secretly chanted the spell, and she stabbed the man to death with a single strike with the golden sword in her hand.

Takizawa wouldn't have to suffer from that spell.

Seeing that his identity has been exposed, Takizawa does not need to hide. He came under the plane tree alone, but there is a layer of powerful magic barrier that prevents Takize from getting closer to the plane tree.

While asking Qianyao, he was ruthless, unlike the old man and the green duo on the other end who were soft-hearted.She had no sympathy for this group of soldiers. She stabbed her head and broke her leg. She asked Qianyao to try it on these soldiers.

"Hahahahaha! It's really interesting!" Wen Qianyao spread the grievances of being bullied by Ye Qi on the group of innocent soldiers. The soldiers' weapons are very long and each is extremely sharp, but when they touch it. Asking a thousand medicines, all the swords are broken, which is really evil.

The soldiers chose to defend, but there was a soldier who was not afraid of death and attacked Qian Qianyao. Suddenly, the soldier who was not afraid of death succeeded, and he also dropped the mask of Qian Qianyao.

What a shocking face it is!All the soldiers who saw Wen Qianyao's burnt face took a deep breath.

It is said that hateful people must have something pitiful, and in addition to being hateful, the burns on her face were also brought by her, so she was not pitiful at all.

Wen Qianyao, whose mask fell off, is simply an evil ghost who came back from purgatory in the underworld. She indiscriminately "gnawed" on the bodies of these soldiers, smearing the ground with blood. When Wen Qianyao put on the mask again, it was already Corpses all over the place.

Asking Qianyao, he also looked for Takizawa in the direction of the plane tree.

Going back to Ye Qi's side, the divine beast phoenix descended from the sky, and the colorful feathers flew up and hovered above their heads.

"It's really a big guy, there is a red pill in the body of the divine beast Phoenix, the mana of the cultivator can be greatly increased by taking it! Thinking back then..." The alcoholic uncle was about to start again. It rose into the air and used black energy to make a foothold, and all of a sudden it flew to the head of the divine beast Phoenix.

——Du Hualian——

"You stinky bird, don't get out of the way!!!" If you shout in a hurry, you won't want to kill the beast again... It's not my beast and it won't listen to me.

But it was the unexpected divine beast, the phoenix, who turned around and avoided the evil spirits Du Hualian.


Xie Qi was very complacent and used his best spell to attack, so he avoided it.He also wanted to see if burning phoenix would taste the same as burning chicken.

Phoenix dodged and turned around even though he looked at Ye Qi.


The cry of this divine beast, the phoenix, carried the sound waves and blew Ye Qi far away.

Uncle Drunk moved his muscles and prepared to fight again, but Phoenix didn't give him the opportunity to soar and grab Uncle Drunk with his claws.Once flying into the air, it spins quickly for a moment and then throws it.

Wanben thought that the divine beast Phoenix was helping him, but after the divine beast dealt with Ye Qi and Uncle Drunk, it attacked Wan Yi and Xiaoshao as well.

If attacking with fire spells is useless at all, so hold the spoon and run away.Xiaoshao hugged Xu Mingjian tightly and trembled.

"Save us!!!" The soldiers who were bound by Ye Qi also began to ask for help. It happened that Ye Qi was not far away. He quickly released the black gas that bound them, and then the group of soldiers was four fled down.

Just when the phoenix caught up with the contingency to catch the contingency.


A silver figure flashed past quickly, and instantly stepped down a lot of tiny silver threads around the phoenix's claws.

Ye Qi originally thought it was Taki Qianye, but it turned out to be a wolf demon. Isn't the mask worn by this wolf demon belonged to Taki Qianye?The silver sword in its mouth is also...

Ye Qi looked towards the direction the wolf demon was rushing towards, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily and his eyes narrowed.

"Chihua!! Aim at its claws and break him off for me!"

"Yes!!" The wolf echoed the order of the person who came.

The person here is Yun Qishen, he approached Mo Qi and folded his arms, "I haven't seen me for a few days, see why you have become so decadent?"

"Probably the little Taoist priest, I lack the scolding you love from the devil~"


Yun Qishen looked at Mo Qi and got angry, he can anger me every time, can't he talk seriously?
It was also at this time that the alcoholic uncle who had been thrown away slammed back. He first saw that the phoenix on one side was fighting with a wolf demon, and there was another person on the side of Ye Qi, which must be Yun Qishen. .

Uncle Drunk was going to attack Yun Qishen, but when Yun Qishen heard the movement and looked back at him, Uncle Drunk suddenly stopped attacking.

"Are you a girl?" Uncle Drunk couldn't believe it.

In fact, the most unbelievable and most angry person is Yun Qishen.How many times has he said it!He Yun Qishen is an upright iron-blooded man!

Yun Qishen pulled Lai Ajian and attacked the alcoholic uncle.

Uncle Drunk's eyes widened slightly. He recognized the sword. It was the Lai'a sword that he made by pressing the flesh and blood of dragons in the mud.

"Curse - Binding -" Qi Qi restricted Yun Qishen's movements with black energy.

"What the hell do you mean!"

"I love you~" Immediately, Qi Qi used black energy to compare her heart.

"Go away! Let me go!"

"Hey~ you can't break free from the magic of my little Taoist priest~"

Yun Qi's deeply angry face turned a little red, he clenched his fist tightly, and sooner or later he greeted that female watch face with a punch!
The alcoholic uncle on the side was diligent. He first grabbed the Lai A sword and kept mumbling, "I think this sword was mine back then, I just need to swing it lightly. The power is very powerful... Besides, you are a woman. Children, don't always kill like this... It's hard to marry a good husband in the future."

"I! Yes! Male!!!!" Yun Qishen was struggling to unravel Ye Qi's spell by himself, but he frowned angrily and stared at the alcoholic uncle in front of him.

"Look at this girl, she always likes to lie, think back then..."

"Then~ alcoholic grandfather, do you think we are compatible?" Ye Qi's malicious joke was something else in the alcoholic uncle's ears.

"You can't do it!! No, it can't work here! You don't like so many beautiful women in the world, you like this! You don't talk about fighting and killing, but you still like to tell lies... No way, no way! Think back then..."

Yun Qishen was really angry when he heard it, and interrupted the alcoholic uncle's speech, "What is worthy of it! I am worthy of you (beep-) I can see clearly that I am a man!! A man!!!"

Uncle Drunk still didn't believe it, and touched Yun Qishen's chest with one hand...

I am a meow meow meow!Yun Qishen was even more angry.

 Happy Chinese New Year 2020!

  one more

(End of this chapter)

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