Yun Qishen

Chapter 109 Chapter 108

Chapter 109 Chapter 4 Chaos ([-])
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen quickly arrived under the sycamore tree, only to see Ye Qi being grabbed by the divine beast Phoenix and stopped on the top of the sycamore tree.Ye Qi, who should have been very noisy and had a wicked smile on his face, fainted.

This made Yun Qishen very puzzled.

Only then did Yun Qishen realize that on the other side of the plane tree barrier Takizawa was breaking the barrier with black energy, and beside him was the blood-covered Qian Qianyao.

As soon as that Wen Qianyao found Yun Qishen, the sword attacked.

Yun Qishen just dodged like that, and the black qi came out of his hand and wrapped around Wen Qian Yao's leg, and immediately after taking back the black Qi Wen Qian Yao fell to the ground.

"You have to know that you can't beat me!"

Although Yun Qi was not fully confident in his heart, he still refused to admit defeat.

"Hahaha, just you? You are right. I won't defeat you! I will kill you!" Asked Qianyao clenched his teeth and cut off Yun Qishen's black qi, and quickly got up and turned to Yun Qi again. A deep slashing sword attack.



Lai Ajian and Wen Qianyao's golden sword collided anxiously.The fight between Yun Qishen and Wen Qianyao was inexorable.

Then there was a loud bang, and the ensuing air wave separated the two.

The barrier of the sycamore tree collapsed, the barrier shattered into pieces and fell to the ground in flaky crystals, which soon became dust mustard volatilizing in the air.


The multicolored divine beast, the phoenix, let out a long cry, and it was hovering in the air with the evil spirit that was originally parked on the branch.

Takizawa also collected his mana and walked towards the plane tree.

Yun Qishen took advantage of Qianqianyao's distance from me, then quickly ran to Takizawa and stabbed him with Lai Ajian.

Takizawa's ability is indeed stronger than when he was in Jiangbang before.

He blocked Yun Qishen's attack with one hand, and then a black gas like a shock wave bounced Yun Qishen away, slammed into the wall with a loud bang and opened a few holes, asking Qian Yao He also used a sword to add oil to kill Yun Qishen.

Just when he was asking Qian Yao to start, if he rushed over, the sword would directly pierce his body.

"Senior Brother!!!!" Chihua from a distance rushed over with the old man in his mouth and a small spoon.

Yun Qishen was worried that in case he would think of Duan Xiwu in the past... He was about to use the healing technique for emergency treatment in case.

This guy hasn't recovered from his injury, so he's here to join in the fun! !

"I don't need your treatment!!!" In case's hand held the blade of Qianqianyao and slowly pulled it out.

Asking Qianyao frowned, he wanted to pull out his sword.But she suddenly felt the sword getting hotter and hotter.

"To be honest... I don't want to use this move..." The spell overflowed from the body of the case, and the heat wave bounced off everyone around.

what are you doing!Yun Qishen used the body protection spell to protect his body, wondering what to do in case.

Asked Qianyao if she was afraid of the flames or the shadow that Ye Qi left her before, she gave up the sword and jumped away.

"Monarch." Chihua arrived.The alcoholic old man in its mouth is still drinking? !

Yun Qishen was suddenly very annoyed, but he still didn't want to mess with the alcoholic old man here, otherwise it would be really annoying when he said something...

"Elder brother... It's so hot around the elder brother!!" Xiaochao was holding Xu Mingjian and was about to get close in case, but was bounced out by the heat wave.

Yun Qishen was a little frightened and pulled the spoon back, accidentally touching the Xu Ming sword, which caused a burn on my hand...

"Don't run around! What if this spell..." Yun Qishen also frowned, holding the small spoon in front and watching the change in case.

In case the whole body is on fire, these flame spells form a fire phoenix.The sword inserted in Wanyi was actually absorbed by Wanyi little by little.

"This is the forbidden technique of fire phoenix art - bathing fire. This kind of spell is a spell that uses up the life of the caster and then launches it. Even if this little devil learns fire phoenix art well, once this fire phoenix bathing is successful If it is not dead or injured, this child must not be able to learn Taoism in the future! Thinking back then..."

This time, the drunk old man said something very useful. Yun Qishen didn't continue to listen, but he saw what if he would attack Qian Qianyao with his bare hands.

If he grabbed Qian Qianyao's arm, he broke it, and then in case he grabbed the other arm.I quickly covered the spoon's eyes.


Asking Qianyao screamed in agony, but it made the attack even more violent.

Yun Qishen said to the little spoon on the side, he can't open his eyes as long as she doesn't let her open them.

Xiaochao agreed, but she frowned, "In case Big Brother he will be fine..."

"It's alright! It must be alright!" Yun Qishen looked up at Chihua and nodded.

Chihua nodded, and Yun Qishen handed the spoon to Chihua again.

Yun Qishen ran in the direction where Takizawa left.

Always say in case this way.

In case the fire phoenix technique is launched, he will not know anything about the outside world.

His consciousness seemed to sink to the bottom of the water, and it was extremely difficult for him to breathe.

Then he woke up again to find himself back in his old home.

There are many people in Wan's family, including father, mother and eleven elder brothers.

His father and mother are both old, in case they are too old to have children.They are ruthlessly loving.

But if the brothers don't like it very much.

Because the father wanted a daughter, he tried so many ways but finally gave birth to him. His older brother also called his sister to laugh at him since he was a child.He and Chen Yueluo had a bad relationship since childhood, and it was all the brothers who joked that this will be your husband's little sister from now on!
Therefore, he has been hostile to Chen Yueluo since he was sensible.

At that time, the Chen family and the Gu family in their town were both prominent families, and the two were family friends.

It was also when Chen Yueluo's mother was pregnant with Chen Yueluo that she fell in love with her mother-in-law very much that she settled on this absurd marriage.

If he was just sensible, he would be very good at looking for things. At the age of seven or eight, he wanted to go to the Chen family to meet the guy named Chen Yueluo in person.

As a result, when I went, I happened to encounter the tragedy of the Gu family.

This is also an opportunity in case of being admitted to Lingshan.

The inner case is trapped in memories.

Outside, he was covered in flames and chasing and beating Qian Qianyao fiercely.

The alcoholic old man suddenly realized that he was from Takizawa and should protect the little girl called Qian Qianyao.

Besides, what kind of skill is this little Taoist priest in front of to deal with an unarmed woman, and he even uses forbidden techniques!

Even if the alcoholic old man broke away from Chihua's mouth, he quickly flashed over to Wanyi's side.

"Not good!" Chihua exclaimed.

At this time, the alcoholic old man had already stood in front of Wen Qianyao, blocking the unexpected attack.

In case the hand penetrated the alcoholic old man's body, the alcoholic old man smiled proudly.

If this trick hit Qianqianyao, Qiqianyao would be dead.

It's just a pity that this old man will kick you and bear it!The alcoholic old man snorted, and the air wave blew towards everyone with dust and sand.The alcoholic uncle appeared.

Asking Qianyao her arms were bleeding, she quickly chanted a spell to stop the bleeding, and the wound healed slowly after stopping the bleeding. She picked up her broken arm and took it up again.

She asked Qianyao what Qianyao had taught her when her arm was cut off by Ye Qi. As long as she could move, the injured area was not completely destroyed, such as turning into ashes, and her head was not chopped off. Unlimited recovery.

"Mind your own business!" Asked Qianyao said to the alcoholic uncle in a huff.

"You little girl has a bad heart!" After the alcoholic uncle replied, he pushed the case to one side and started fighting.

"Ah!!!!" With a loud roar, the flames burned through his hand the drunkard uncle's body. With such a horizontal hand, he severed half of the drunkard uncle's waist.

Fortunately, the alcoholic uncle's special body, the more damage he suffers, the stronger he will be. This is his advantage and his curse.

Asking Qianyao watched the alcoholic uncle beat her with the dead Taoist priest and changed his target.

She walked towards Chihua and Xiaoshao.

Chihua's eyes were fierce and vigilant, and his mouth made a grunt of constant attack.

Inside the mask of Asking Qianyao was a smug smile, "It's been a long time! Asking Xiaoshao!"

"Sister Qianyao! Is that Sister Qianyao!!" Xiaoshao took off Chihua's front legs and opened his eyes to look over, but it was a strange person in a black robe and a mask.

"Sister Qianyao?"

Asking Qianyao was getting closer and closer to Xiaoshao and Chihua.

The light from Xu Mingjian became brighter and brighter.

 It's very late today...but there are two more!
(End of this chapter)

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