Yun Qishen

Chapter 111 Chaos

Chapter 111 Chaos (6)
(God's perspective)
Daoist Chengxu swept up his sleeve in case, the bruise on it was obviously not long ago.

"You tell me how this got here?"

"Reporting to the master, the senior brother beat him!" Wanben wanted to complain, but Daoist Chengxu never came back.

"Come with me..." Master Chengxu frowned and went to the Immortal Medicine Sect just in case.

In the case of the Immortal Medicine Sect, Gu Choumian, who had passed out before, heard that this child did not want to learn to fly the Immortal Sword, just to save the dead and heal the wounded, so he went to the Sixth Elder Liuying Daoist-His Royal Highness Mi Zixin to learn observation and healing technique.

Little Gu Choumian's eyes are very large, and from a distance it looks like a little girl. At that time, it was not clear whether Gu Choumian was a man or a woman, but the more curious he became when he saw Chen Yueluo running to the Immortal Medicine Sect.He originally thought that Gu Choumian was a woman, but it turned out that Jing Lingshan did not accept female disciples, and only after a physical observation did he know that Gu Choumian was a man.

It was also from then on that Gu Choumian always said that Gu Choumian was like a woman, and Chen Yueluo didn't like to hear it.In case, Chen Yueluo and Chen Yueluo became enemies.When the two met, they either quarreled or fought.

Daoist Chengxu asked Mi Zixin to treat the wound in case, and Mi Zixin frowned when he saw the wound.

"This injury is a bit severe... Although it looks like bruises on the outside, several of the spiritual veins have been disconnected... How could your little disciple be injured so badly?" Mi Zixin Withdrew the observation technique and switched to the healing technique, "I can heal, but regarding the spiritual veins, please go to the third senior brother for advice..."

"Understood, please Liu Ying to cure him..." After finishing speaking, Daoist Chengxu turned his head to leave.

"Master! Where are you going? You won't want me..." If you stay in Jingling Mountain for a while, you will naturally know what it means to have a broken spiritual vein. Broken the veins.

"Don't worry, the master will not want you... The master is just going to deal with some things..." Cheng Xu Daochang left with a dark face.

"Your master will always put a lot of pressure on yourself, if you are well, you can help your master well!" Mi Zixin smiled softly.

But in case he frowned in pain, "Of course! I am the master's favorite disciple!"

"That's right..." Mi Zixin smiled and turned to look at Gu Choumian, "Go and see your seventh uncle first."

"Yes, master." Gu Choumian responded and left.

Xiaowan stared at Xiao Gu Choumian and left before looking at Gu Choumian again.

At this time, Xiao Wanyi found that his sixth uncle, Daoist Master Liu Ying, had been painted with ink a few times on his face.

"Pfft, hahahahaha!" If he couldn't hold back, he pointed at Mi Zixin and laughed.

Mi Zixin began to suspect that something was wrong with the disciple of this senior brother, and touched his face with his hand again, and when he saw the black ink on his hand, he knew it at a glance.

"Seventh Junior Brother, you're naughty again! Come out soon! I know you're here!" Mi Zixin was not angry, he waved his spell in front of him, and his face was immediately clean.

"Cut! It's boring!" A voice with disdain and tenderness came from out of nowhere.

Xiao Wanyi looked around and said that their seventh uncle was very young, but his strength was very strong. He should be as old as them.There are so many people who haven't seen it, so I have everything to say.

"Really~ Senior Brother Six is ​​never angry when I make fun of him, even Senior Brother Second is sometimes angry! Ah~ I'm bored and stop playing!" This voice came from behind Xiao Wanyi.

Xiao Wan looked back quickly and saw a bluish-haired boy holding a brush in his hand and looking at him with a smirk.This bluish-grey-haired child is the evil spirit of his childhood.

"I saw it just now, this child is the apprentice of the senior brother? It's really a little kid~ I'm called Uncle Shi!"

Xiao Wanyi smiled maliciously at Xiao Wanyi, Xiao Wanyi looked at Xiao Wanyi in front of him and thought to himself, why call me a little boy when he is obviously younger than me?
"But you are obviously better than me...cough, cough!" If you want to express your dissatisfaction, you will be choked by Ye Qi's black air and cough.

"Good ~ I'm called Shishu~" Xiao Yanqi still smiled.

Mi Zixin sighed, "Seventh Junior Brother, he is still a child, don't do this..."

"But I'm bored... But as soon as I see this kid thinking of the old man, I'm very upset." Xiao Moqi pouted and took back his anger.

Even though he was very angry, he really couldn't beat Xiao Moqi, but he was also curious about who the old man was talking about?Why did Xiao Wanqi think of the old man when he saw him?
"Uncle Seven!!! Don't run around!" Xiao Gu Choumian rushed back anxiously, standing at the door panting, "Uncle Seven! It's time to drink the medicine! Please go back!"

When everyone's eyes turned from Gu Choumian to Xiao Yanqi, he had disappeared without a trace. Before leaving, he drew a small turtle on Xiao Wanyi's face.

"Really! Avoiding taking the medicine again!" Gu Choumian turned and chased after him.In case it turns out later that Gu Choumian's observation technique is so good for the purpose of catching Ye Qi and going back to drink the medicine...

When Xiao Wan healed the last person and went back to the Immortal Medicine Sect, he heard his disciples talking about it.

As soon as Daoist Chengxu came back, he took his eldest disciple in the hall to the cultivation cliff.After a while, the eldest disciple's face turned pale, and the group of disciples were all afraid of the cultivation cliff and had never been there.

Some of their older disciples will have the opportunity to go down the mountain to practice in two years. At that time, they will not care if they want to enter the world and go against the secular world.

Most of the disciples lived in Datongpu, and only outstanding disciples or senior disciples in the sect could share a room.

At night, all the disciples fell asleep, Xiao Wanyi was dragged out of the bed and brought him to a hidden place in the Immortal Sword Sect

"You little brat! You're the one with your mouth! I'm telling you to sue you! I'm not going to give you everything this time!!!" This disciple's face was flushed with anger, and he was very ordinary and talented. It's not very good, but he still worked hard to become the senior brother of their temple, but he is not good at drawing conclusions.

This disciple who was angry and used a spell to beat Xiao Wanyi was the elder brother of their temple.

The man first pressed Xiao Wan to the wall, and then fell to the ground.

Xiaowan clenched his teeth without saying a word, and at this moment, the eldest disciple who beat people was floated into the air by a black air.His hands also left Xiao Wanyi uncontrollably.

"If you win, go to cultivate the cliffs, but if you lose, drink bitter medicine~suffering at both ends~ it's not worth it~" This voice was Xiao Yanqi's.

Isn't he from the Immortal Medicine Sect?How do I come back to the Immortal Sword Sect?
Xiao Wan stood up with great effort, and he saw Xiao Wanqi walking out of the darkness.The blue eyes squinted, and the evil red under the corners of the eyes followed the appearance of an indecent look.

"Me~ I've never been involved in fights~ Because..." Xiao Qiqi threw the eldest disciple to one side, and the disciple fainted, "In Jingling Mountain, it will only be unilaterally crushed by me~ Call me Uncle Seven!"

Xiao Wanyi didn't look down on Xiao Moqi this time. He thought that Xiao Moqi was very strong, and he was a little afraid of him, so he hurriedly said, "Seventh Master Uncle."

"Yo! It's called~ Then I'll give you a face, what do you say about the guy who bullied you? He also broke your spiritual veins, so I can help you break him too! You won't have any trouble after a single strike. !" In fact, Xiao Yanqi just wanted to try out how to break the spiritual meridian.

It was also at this time that Daoist Chengxu and the Dao of Spirit Realm were nearby, and they sensed the aura of Qi Qi.

"Seventh Junior Brother! Let me handle the matter of these two children..." Daoist Chengxu stepped forward and hurriedly protected Xiao Wanyi, trying to keep him away from Xiao Yanqi.

Xiao Moqi smacked his lips in disdain when he saw Daoist Chengxu, and turned his head to meet the fist of Spirit Realm Dao, "You stubborn bastard! Are you thinking about making trouble all day long! Wait a moment and fly with Xianjian. Ten laps!!!"

"Old man, you are too cruel!"

Xiao Yanqing wanted to resist, but when Lingjing Dao heard the old man, he was so angry that he wrapped his immortal sword around Yanqi's feet and took him to fly.

In case of pulling the clothes of Daoist Chengxu and looking towards the spiritual realm.

Is this the old man that Uncle Seven said?He looks younger than his master... and looks like a fairy... do I look like him?

"Chengxu! Take your apprentice back! Private fights in the door! Give me a bungee jump!" Lingjing Dao waved his hand and left.

Daoist Chengxu bowed his hands in the direction away from Spirit Realm Dao, "Yes."

What follows is that in case of the first bungee jumping experience, I don't want to do it again in my life.

 The first!
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(End of this chapter)

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