Yun Qishen

Chapter 1346

Chapter 1346 Copper Coin Six Army Play (4)

(God's perspective)
[When Chongming saw Nansun Shuo standing in front of him, the doubts in his heart were quickly overwhelmed by anger.

Chongming immediately stopped talking with the lieutenant general and walked over to Nansun Shuo.

Naturally, Nansun Shuo saw Chongming walking towards him, so he drew his sword and turned towards Chongming.

"I also said that I am not your accessory. I don't need your false care!
If you use violent means to restrict me again, I can guarantee that you will not even see my shadow next time! "

Chongming and Nansun Shuo stared at each other, after a while Chongming also gave up approaching Nansun Shuo.

"Nan Sun Shuo, I have always been concerned about your safety. If you give up at this time, you will suffer a lot..."

Chongming still wanted to persuade Nansun Shuo, but this time he did not rush to beat him up, but tried to persuade him with good words.

Nansun Shuo interrupted Chongming before he could finish speaking.

"You can really pretend! What character do you have that you haven't shown?

You can use power to control others to order others to deprive others of their freedom, and then start being a good person again?Ha, you are so ridiculous, you can act better than a singer! "

Nan Sun Shuo's voice hadn't fully recovered yet, the sudden emotional agitation made his voice hoarse.

Chongming still has a cold attitude...]

Nie Qi also had a gloomy face after watching this episode.

Lawyer was trembling all over.

(Are you angry? Why didn't he say a word? Could it be that he was completely disappointed in me?

No, no, no, no matter what I say, I can be considered an author, so I shouldn't suffer the fate of a thunderbolt...

But it doesn't fit his personality to have such a gloomy face...)
"How long is it?"

Nai Qi's sudden words made Li Ren tremble with fright.

"How long is it..."

"How long will he be back?"

"Hurry up! It's almost time to collect all the copper coins. Next is to fight against the big boss..."

"Get him back quickly."


The lawyer wiped the sweat from his forehead, he came to the stranger and patted his shoulder.

"That brother, speed up the plot."


The stranger gave the lawyer a startling answer.

"How can you say no?"

"My quality does not allow me to directly speed up the progress of the story without following the logic of the plot.

If you are the author of a novel, it is impossible for you to be unclear about the meaning of existence of a novel without logic and plot.

Since you cherish your character so much, why do you want to speed up the progress of the story contradictoryly?
This is wrong. "

What the stranger said was right, and the lawyer really didn't want to destroy the logic and flow of the story.

But now is a special period, Yun Qishen's safety is the first priority.

Besides, the plot of this book was originally intended to be completed by the lawyer, and there is indeed such a magic weapon in the book.

If you want to ask why you don't create similar artifacts anymore, it must be created when the lawyer has the ability. Today's lawyer really can't even create the next plot.

As for the method of restoring strength, he has no direction for the time being.

"I didn't expect you, a person who hacked other people's computers, to say such things."

Black Shadow looked at the stranger in surprise.

"I've also read novels for several years, and I have a set of principles for them. If you don't change it, you don't change it." The stranger looked at Li Ren, "You have the biggest shortcoming, do you know that? That is, you don't have confidence in yourself and persistence in things.

Don't attribute failure to yourself, you should also think of ways to change.Right or wrong doesn't matter so much after the fact.

I listen to you to write these plots, but I also hope that you can follow these plots at my pace.

Compared with the speed of the plot you wrote down, my speed is already considered fast. "

Lawyer had nothing to say, Ei Qi still had a gloomy face.

Both Hei Ying and Lu Ren care about the feeling of evil energy.

Mo Langqin on the side seemed to be a transparent person who couldn't get involved with them at all.

Mo Langqin looked at Ei Qi and then at the stranger, and then he opened his mouth.

"Young Master also learned something from your conversation just now.

Since this little brother can change the direction of the plot to help Yun Qishen, why don't we work harder to let the evil energy enter the plot..."

"Mo Langqin, are you serious?"

The lawyer was a little flustered. He approached Mo Langqin and whispered: "Their conflicts have not been completely resolved yet. If you let the evil qi enter the plot, he will definitely be angry."

"But if you don't let evil energy enter the plot, this low-pressure environment will not be good for us.

You and I are ordinary people, but he is a veritable 'melee mage'.

If he explodes, there's nothing we can do about it.

The main reason is that you don't have the ability now.Letting him into the plot instead has Yun Qi deeply restraining his emotions.

I have been with them a little longer, and I don't know everything about what they look like, but I have a general idea.

You believe me, you are right. "

"OK then……"

After deliberation, Nai Qi also agreed to the method of entering the plot.

The stranger didn't understand this at first, he thought he was just writing a plot, but he became panicked after watching the evil energy enter a vortex and disappear.

"I understand, I understand! It turns out that the green hair reacted so badly after I hurt the protagonist!
Turns out they were all... all...

Am I killing people if I let them die?

quit!let me go!I quit! "

The stranger was about to leave, but Hei Ying stopped him quickly.

"Listen to us and explain it carefully."

The attorney tried to tell the stranger most of the things.

Mo Langqin was a little worried about this, so he stopped the lawyer to explain instead.

"Don't be nervous, little brother, it's a long story. He has the artifact we want in this book.

We are actually people from another world, and you saw just now that we can travel back and forth.

Presumably you didn't see me when I came out before, otherwise you wouldn't be surprised at this time.

Brother, you are our savior, you are the chosen one! "

Lawyer Ding looked at Mo Langqin with great eyes, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

(What kind of line is this about abducting middle school teenagers?)

In the end, the stranger was very excited, "Am I really the chosen one? This is an adventure?!"

(Okay! This guy is really a sophomore!)
Mo Langqin smiled triumphantly, "That's for sure, little brother! You are the chosen one, the one who becomes the savior of the world! You must write this plot!"

The stranger was completely inflated by Mo Langqin's boast.

Heiying couldn't help but secretly extended a thumbs up.

(Mo Langqin really deserves to be a businessman! Maybe he has some illicit sideline business!)

(End of this chapter)

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