Yun Qishen

Chapter 1367 Sins, Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 1367 Sins and Ghosts (8)

(God's perspective)
"How can you..."

The stranger wanted to be angry with Lu Ren, but Jia Yu came over to stop him.

"He doesn't show off, he has his strength. Why don't you choose to trust him?"

"Why should I trust him, don't pull me!"

The stranger opened his mouth, and he dismissed Jia Yu's tugging, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"You can do whatever you want! I don't want to take care of it yet!"

The stranger walked away, and Mo Langqin and Heiying also looked at him with worried faces.

"Is this really okay..."

The black shadow muttered and shifted his gaze from the stranger to Ritsuto.

Mo Langqin frowned and eased his brows with his hands, "There should be no problem...we can only trust him now."

Mo Langqin looked at the computer screen, and his expression gradually became surprised.

Heiying looked at Mo Langqin's expression and turned to look at the computer screen.

"It's a lie!" Hei Ying opened his mouth in surprise after seeing the plot on the computer.

Jiayu smiled with satisfaction.

Lawyer, he is finally back.

At this time, the law man was typing in front of the computer with a serious face, "Don't be surprised too early, the real creator doesn't just control the fate of characters.

Now that I have power, why not make something big! "

With a click, the lawyer pressed Enter.

Immediately afterwards, a dramatic change occurred in the plot.

The sinful ghost's arm was cut off completely, and he didn't panic but stopped attacking without understanding what happened.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi were able to get out of danger.

"What's going on, why did his hand suddenly break off?" Yun Qishen hadn't recovered from the strangeness, and he felt his strength recovering immediately.

"No... not only power, but also spells... they are all back! Evil energy!"

Yun Qi looked deeply at Ei Qi, and he even saw what Ei Qi was thinking at this time.

[The mana has been restored... Qi Shen also seemed surprised. 】

Yun Qishen couldn't believe it, he had never seen evil thoughts before, not to mention his mind-peeking ability was useless... So what's going on now?
The sinful ghost glared at Yun Qishen and Nai Qi at this time. Although he lost his arms, he still had the ability to attack with magic power.

But for some reason, his spells were completely unable to attack Yun Qishen and Ei Qi.

Soon the sinful ghosts and gods realized something.

"It's the Creator, that guy is playing tricks on me!"

Yun Qishen also realized this.

However, he was not too sure that it was done by the lawyer. After hearing the description of Evil Qi, he even thought it was done by the stranger who hacked the computer of the lawyer.

"Don't think so, okay, I saved you!"

Yun Qishen was somewhat surprised by the sudden appearance of the lawyer's voice.

"What's wrong with you... have you regained your strength?"

"Recovered a bit."

"Recovered a little?" Yun Qishen looked at the sinful ghosts and gods who were powerless to attack.

"Yes, a little bit. If I recover completely, let alone sinful ghosts and gods, the world will be finished." The lawyer transformed himself into a young man who couldn't tell the difference between male and female. He smiled, "So, with My current strength can only limit him from harming you, but I cannot completely eliminate him.

If you want to destroy him, use your ability to destroy him.I still want to reserve my strength for you to restore Gu Ao, right? "

After the lawyer and Yun Qishen finished talking, they approached the sinful ghosts and gods again, "I am not a saint. Some characters are born to prepare for death. The villains are all villains. The villains in my writing have no possibility of reforming their evil ways."

[Hahahaha, to put it bluntly, I was abandoned by you, that's right, the Creator. 】

"You are wrong. Although I am the creator of this space, I am not your creator." Lawrence waved his hand, and the spells around the sinful ghosts and gods disappeared together with the barriers that bound him.

"Your creator has disappeared, and I'm just a substitute. I'm really sorry for letting you live as yourself for so long."

The lawyer raised his hand and took off the helmet of the sinful ghosts and gods.

Looking at the eyes of sinful ghosts and gods with hatred, Li Ren couldn't help but think of his friend, the designer of sinful ghosts and gods.

"That person looked at me that way at the beginning, and she left when we disagreed, and severed relations with me." The lawyer touched the face of the sinful ghost, "She can really design a big villain with her own face She was complaining all day, complaining about why she was not born a boy.

That's why she designed a character like Nansun Shuo.The purpose is to prove that women are not inferior to men. "

The law man's hand touched the severed arm of the sinful ghost and god, and the severed arm recovered instantly.

"This book should not have continued the plot, but only such early books have powerful magic weapons.

I just need a magic weapon, your existence is just a tool.Should disappear with your Creator. "

Lawyer's expression didn't change much, and his transfigured body seemed extraordinarily unkind, which may be one of the reasons why he was not seen by the characters.

Maybe only Kayuna is always facing him.

If other creators can live in peace with their characters, then Ritsu is the type who is easy to be hunted down by characters.

In other words, didn't most of the characters who awakened themselves grow up according to the personality he gave...

"Disappear... What you said is really simple." The sinful ghost actually smiled wryly, "How can you know what you stand on the commanding heights! Sooner or later, you will suffer the same ending as us discarded objects."

"Thank you so much. I'll wait until that day too." Lawyer just replied with a smile, he was not angry at all.

In the next moment, a few iron rings appeared out of thin air, imprisoning the sinful ghosts and gods on the wall, and then the surrounding environment completely changed.

The originally chaotic and dark still environment suddenly turned into the Desolate Bone Sword Tomb Hell.

Yun Qi watched Lu Ren's actions intently, and when he saw Lu Ren turned around, he smiled at him.

That means that besides, the matter of dealing with evil spirits and ghosts is left to Yun Qishen.

Chongming also woke up at this time, he chose to protect the sinful ghost after seeing Nansun Shuo's appearance.

"This one is also a villain... tricky, you are also a character I designed..."

The lawyer became distressed instead.

Yun Qishen complained endlessly in his heart.

(You guys designed this character to be a pervert in a sense!)

"But it doesn't matter, Yun Qishen, you decide for yourself, whether they live or die, I think you should choose to let them disappear like me—"

"Let them survive." Yun Qishen's answer displeased the lawyer.

"Although I know that you are not the kind of Notre Dame's guy...but you still have to give me a reason.

Because you are like this, I am very sorry for my behavior of coming to save you. "

The lawyer outside the plot also gritted his teeth angrily, "You brat!"

(End of this chapter)

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