Yun Qishen

Chapter 1369 Cinnabar Mole

Chapter 1369 Cinnabar Mole

(God's perspective)
"If only I were a boy... Maybe I'll be strong."

Zhenzhen complained to the lawyer while writing the plot with a pen.

Lawyer looked down at the book, and he sat opposite Zhenzhen without saying a word.

Zhenzhen is also used to his appearance, and she is also the first to know Xuanruo's existence.

However, in Zhenzhen's cognition, that is just a manifestation of the lawyer's love too much.

"What about you, lawyer? Do you think it would be good for me to become a boy?"

"I don't think it will be very good, I think you girls are quite relaxed.

Sometimes there are men to help, and the work is not tiring. "

Lawyer's understanding of girls was relatively simple, and Zhenzhen didn't have the heart to argue with him, so she simply changed the subject.

"You still can't go back to Xuanruo?"

"..." Lawyer closed the book, he sighed, and fell down on the sofa.

"You always give up on yourself like this. It's really not good. When will you cheer up?"

" don't need to worry about it."

Lawyer is not in a good mood, and Zhenzhen is also in a bad mood.

Zhenzhen looked at Li Ren's lifeless face, and felt that he was not worth it.

Zhenzhen had no choice but to concentrate on writing her own characters and stories.

After a while, someone came to talk to me.

"What a coincidence, the two of you are together on Saturday and Sunday. You can't be dating, are you?"

What appeared was a female classmate of Liren and Zhenzhen's classmate, and it was a particularly annoying kind.

To say how annoying, eventful, gossip and even big mouthed.

"What are you talking about! I have no relationship with lawyers!"

Zhenzhen was the first to deny it, but the lawyer just cast a cold glance at the female classmate and didn't say a word.

"Oh, don't be shy, we all understand." The female classmate smiled, "Pfft, but let me tell you. Zhenzhen, how can you look like this? He is so gloomy, he doesn't deserve you at all. "

"We're not dating! Really!"

Zhenzhen was very annoyed, she seemed to hate this female classmate very much.

"We understand, you don't need to say any more!"

This female classmate simply pretended to be confused.

The lawyer threw the book in his hand on the table, then he stood up and came to the female classmate.

"Your mouth stinks, you're hindering us from reading, can you get out?"

"What did you say?!"

"I told you to get out. If you want to stay and listen to bad words, I won't drive you away."

Lawyer looked at the female classmate with one hand on his hip and a look of disgust.

"! Good! You started it first! Just wait and see!"

The female classmate left angrily.

The lawyer picked up the book on the table and continued to read.

Zhenzhen smiled slightly, and she also picked up the pen to continue writing the plot of his novel.

But when it came to school days, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

"Zhenzhen, stay away from that gloomy man."

"I've heard he's pretty nasty..."

"I also heard that he cheated girls out of money."

"I don't know, I also heard that he is very old and has children!"

A group of girls who cared about Zhenzhen came to persuade her to leave the lawyer.

Lawyer naturally heard the discussion of these girls, but he didn't want to pay attention to it, he just wanted to concentrate on writing his plot and find a way to get back to Xuanruo.

"This mess, who did you listen to? It's nothing!"

Zhenzhen wanted to explain, but couldn't explain clearly at all.

"You're not the roundworm in his stomach, how can you really understand him?"

"That's right, Zhenzhen, we also care about you. You don't have to sympathize with him, you're just too kind, and you don't want others to mess around."

"Don't plead for him. It's their boys' own business. We girls don't care about it."

"Anyway, you just stay away from him."

The girls leave Liren and Zhenzhen intentionally.

This gossip even reached the teacher.

"You two come to my office!"

Following the teacher's scolding during the break, Li Ren and Zhenzhen also went to the office.

"You are still students, and your main purpose is to study. You must maintain a normal relationship between men and women."

"Teacher, you misunderstood! The two of us are just writing novels together, not boyfriend and girlfriend? We are not dating!"

Zhenzhen said it very bluntly.

The lawyer remained silent.

The teacher thought that Zhenzhen was looking for an excuse to shirk.

"You can't lie, handle the relationship yourself, and change the seats later.

Lawyer, you can move to the last row. "


As soon as the teacher finished speaking, the lawyer agreed.

After listening to the teacher's ideological education, the two left the office.

Some students in the class stared at the two who returned to the classroom as if watching the excitement.

"They can't be real, can they?"

"But after training for so long, it must be true."

"Then the rumors about him are also true?"

"How could Zhenzhen fall in love with him?"

"Could it be Zhenzhen's special preference?"

"Hahaha, don't make any jokes!"

The class became more and more noisy.

"Lawyer, why don't you explain."

"We have nothing in the first place, the more we explain, the more chaotic we become."

"But if you don't explain it, it will be even more chaotic!"

"Then can you guarantee it! Explaining is to implement the relationship between us, and it will only fail to solve the problem!"

Lawyer and Zhenzhen quarreled in the classroom, and the students watching the play were also confused.

Zhenzhen herself is weak, and she also has shortness of breath because of anxiety.

As a result, she fainted as soon as she was in class and was sent to the hospital.

"It's all the lawyer's fault."

"Yes, if it wasn't for him, Zhenzhen wouldn't be sick!"

"Simply a scumbag!"

There was an endless stream of discussions, and the lawyer also felt irritable, and the next class was the class of the head teacher.

The lawyer didn't even say hello, and left through the back door.

His behavior naturally attracted the attention of the teacher, and in the end he could only call the parents to deal with it.

Zhenzhen has been absent from time to time since that day. Although the lawyer has a cold expression, he still cares about Zhenzhen.

But if he went to see Zhenzhen, he would be telling those gossipers that he had something to do with Zhenzhen.

Lawyers are actually just unwilling to hurt others themselves.

Zhenzhen Sunshine doesn't need such a dark influence on her.

And Zhenzhen can't forget Liren, she knows that she is not in love with Liren.

But why can't even ordinary friendship be maintained?Zhenzhen can't understand.

During the treatment and hospitalization, Zhenzhen always looked at the door of the ward expectantly.

Maybe he can still come and discuss the plot with her.Finish their novel together.

But Zhenzhen waited and waited, but did not wait for him.

Lawyer also watched the set of blank desks and chairs disappear from the classroom.

She (he) did not come back.

(End of this chapter)

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