Yun Qishen

Chapter 138 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 138 The Feast of the King of Kawara Kingdom ~ Part 10 ([-])
(God's perspective)
The music played, and the man in red on the stage moved with the music.

Yun Qishen deliberately made his voice too high and thin, imitating his grandmother's singing in the past.

I dreamed of looking for him yesterday, tears fell on my clothes and wet the jade couch~
Looking at the flowers outside the window~
Few cold and dry trees, lonely lovesickness, hard to understand the sorrow in the heart~

Jing Ye said that, but asked Yuexia for whom?
Jiao Er Yang Yu Zhuo, I can't help but smile now~
Love is gone, righteousness is gone, all the red sleeves are broken~

Revisiting the old place and sighing about the past, meeting with friends at Nanting~
Appreciate the flowers at night and see the red moon, laughing and talking about the world's graying~
Yun Qishen was waving his red sleeves, stepping on the dance steps that all the dancers and guests in the audience admired.

When he lowered his waist, it should be because Yun Qishen's body was not very soft, but this time the movement suddenly reached his waist.

The dancer who didn't dress well laughed at Yun Qishen whenever she had a chance, "What kind of dance is she dancing? It's good to listen to the music. It's just that this figure is too ugly. If someone else dances your dance, it's absolutely Allure the city and the country!"

But no one listened to what this woman said, and some even mocked her, so stop joking!
Yun Qishen cleverly changed his dancing posture and tried not to lower his waist as much as possible, and then danced "The Strange Story of the Immortal in the Mountain".Did you sing a few lines... The most familiar one is really who is drinking for you under the moon...

The woman felt ashamed and angry all at once, she glanced at a bodyguard under the stage, the bodyguard understood, and then threw a hidden weapon and flew towards Yun Qishen's feet.

When Yun Qishen noticed this plot, he turned around and took a step to hide.

The bodyguard was surprised at Yun Qishen's reaction speed at first, and then a few dark nails were placed at Yun Qishen's feet.This method was also used to frame the card at the beginning, and it has been tried and tested.

Yun Qishen looked at the transparent dark nails on the soles of his feet and frowned, the masked man in black next to the musician raised his hand, and the dark nails beside Yun Qishen's feet floated in the air.

"What! How is it possible!" The scheming woman covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, and looked at the bodyguard eagerly.

The bodyguard also widened his eyes in surprise.

Playing childish tricks again.

Yun Qishen glanced at the masked man in black again.

The man in black over there waved his hand, and Yun Qishen then watched the transparent dark nails burst and instantly turned into black lotuses.

This guy……

Yun Qishen smiled slightly, but he himself didn't pay much attention to this smile, the guests and dancers in the audience were all blossoming in their hearts.

"It looks so good-looking!" The silly little Er leaned on the fence upstairs with her chin in her hands, watching Yun Qishen dancing downstairs.

Still the same way, the black lotus floated and rotated slowly around Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen suddenly pushed a black lotus towards the bodyguard.The bodyguard was somewhat resistant, but curiously touched the black lotus.

As a result, the black lotus exploded, and the dark nail shattered and pierced into the bodyguard's hand, and the bodyguard put his hand away again in pain.Then I saw Yun Qishen push a few black lotuses over.

The bodyguard had no choice but to flee to the periphery of the crowd, but he was stopped by the masked man in black shortly after jumping to the periphery.

The man in black wore a ponytail, and his dark gray hair fluttered with the man's movements.

Black smoke spread from around the man, caught the bodyguard and threw him outside the Deyi Building.

The other bodyguards came over and started fighting with the man when they saw the commotion here.

The "horse mustache" whispered in front of the second child who was in charge of the funds.

The little girl transferred most of the funds that the man in black had besieged to Yun Qishen to "Bazihu" with a pale face.

Although Yun Qishen was surrounded by layers of people, he could see the height of the platform at a glance. With a wave of Yun Qi's crimson sleeve, he pushed some of the black lotus to the front of the "horse mustache", and then burst into pieces.

"Ah!!!! There's blood!" A dancer screamed and fled away from the "horse mustache".

"Bazihu" looked at Yun Qishen and was angry, "Go! Pull that guy down for me! How dare you mess with your grandpa!"

But the bodyguards around him were all thrown out of the Deyi Building by the man in black.

It was only then that everyone noticed the situation outside the stage, but they didn't pay much attention.But there are still people watching from both ends.

The man in black walked slowly towards the "horse mustache", and the black energy permeating his body made the "horse mustache" scream!
"Didn't the Deyi Building use some kind of fairy magic? You should get out of the Deyi Building." While talking, he backed away, and the manager also ran away in a panic.

"Bazihu" was flustered and angry, "Isn't it just a little money from you! You don't want to! Just show off how little money you have! Let me tell you! Uh..."

The black air flew towards the mouth of "horse mustache", and he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Yun Qishen also stopped dancing on the stage, and everyone also watched the farce here.

"Cough cough!" Yun Qishen coughed on the stage, and the man in black put down his mustache, turned around and left quickly.

Things didn't get serious, and Yun Qishen was able to get out of it.

But it was not so smooth for Chen Yueluo to go upstairs.

Chen Yueluo obeyed Yun Qishen's method and went up the stairs that the little ones used to go upstairs, and happened to collide with that stupid little two.

"Guest officer... you can't enter from here." The silly Xiaoer stopped him with a smile, but Chen Yueluo pushed Xiaoer away without saying a word.

Here the mistress chased after him without telling the other mistresses.

"Guest officer, are you going to the Moon Pavilion? Winding up or down? You can't enter the Full Moon Pavilion!" Silly Xiaoer kept following Chen Yueluo in his ears, and Chen Yueluo also pushed Xiaoer here in annoyance, Xiao Er bumped into the railing, and it happened that at this time Yun Qishen was seen by someone who had cast hidden nails around him.

"It's so hateful!" Silly Xiaoer uttered, and then those hidden nails turned out to be Hei Lian.

"Interesting!" Silly Xiaoer clapped his hands.

At this time, Chen Yueluo had already arrived at the gate of the Manyue Pavilion.

Chen Yueluo opened the door and walked in, and saw Gu Mianmian sleeping on the bed, while the dancer on the other side frowned and looked at Chen Yueluo who came in.

Wu Ji used spells to trap Chen Yueluo.

"You are so bold, you dare to break into my Full Moon Pavilion! Then don't even think about leaving!"

As soon as Wu Ji rushed in front of Chen Yueluo, the two started fighting.

"Give me back Mianmian!" Chen Yueluo resisted with a fairy sword.

"So it's you, Daoist! It seems you haven't been taught a lesson yet!" The dancer kicked Chen Yueluo's neck with the strange butterfly tattooed leg and kicked Chen Yueluo off the Moon Pavilion.


There was a loud noise, and it happened that the dancer who didn't dress properly started to dance. Although many people lost interest in watching her dance, this woman still stood up on the stage bravely.

Unexpectedly, when the music played, those black lotus flowers disappeared and turned back into dark nails and fell on the stage.

The audience in the audience couldn't see it, but the dancer could see it. She didn't dare to dance anymore, and then a man in black robe fell from the sky and hit the woman.

The consequences can be imagined, the transparent dark nail pierced into the dancer's flesh, and Chen Yueluo, who happened to have not fallen off, acted as a buffer.

Everyone looked up at the proud dancer standing on the railing at the door of the Manyue Pavilion.

"That's Xiaoya? Didn't she hurt her foot?"

"Little tooth! Little tooth!"

Suddenly it became lively again, Yun Qishen also raised his head to look at the dancer on the attic.There is a strange butterfly tattooed on her ankle, it should be the person Chen Yueluo said took Gu Mian away.

Chen Yue, who fell down, stood up, and he was startled when he found the woman under him,'s all right...does it matter...

Yun Qishen wanted to blame himself, but he still let the man in black beside him save the woman from the stage.

Xiaoya, the proud dancer in the attic, pointed at Chen Yueluo, then at Yun Qishen and the man in black.

"Catch them for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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