Yun Qishen

Chapter 140 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 140 The Feast of the King of Kawara ~ Part 2 ([-])
(God's perspective)
"...I think that the old man also slept like this, and then he was stolen several jars of good wine when he woke up..." The drunk old man sniffed his nose into the air under the eyes of the four fighting people, " It smells like good wine!"

The alcoholic old man smelled the smell and came to the dance stage, but he stepped on people a little rudely... As soon as he got on the stage, he found what he thought was good wine and spilled on the ground.

"It's a pity... I think back then..."

When the drunk old man was distressed by the bodhi wine on the ground, the dancer Xiaoya came over with a whirlwind leg.

As a result, the old man felt distressed about the wine on the ground while enjoying the aroma of the wine with his nose.He raised his hand slightly, first blocked, and then turned his hand, grabbed the ankle of the dance girl, and quickly threw it out.

Then there was a loud noise of pong, and the dancer Xiaoya was thrown onto the stairs leading to the Moon Pavilion, and Xiaoya himself was shocked and speechless.

So far, no one except Xian Ji has been able to take her kick.What kind of magic is this old man using... not that old man he...

Silly little Er saw that Xiaoya Dancer was in danger and hurriedly activated a big silver ring to trap the alcoholic old man.

"Fool! Don't move! That old man..."

"Grandpa, be careful! This guy's silver ring can seal spells!" Chen Yueluo shouted anxiously at the alcoholic old man.

The alcoholic old man thought to himself, these days there are still children who respect the old man, and then grabbed the silver ring that the silly little Er flew, and then caught the little Er and threw it out.

"...This old man is not using magic!" But the dancer Xiaoya still reminded one step too late.

Chen Yueluo listened to the dancer Xiaoya's shout, and also noticed that the alcoholic old man's wrist still had a bracelet that had not been undone.

The man in black in the wine vat came out and the whole chicken was thrown into the soup, but his black fire skill instantly dried his clothes and hair.

Chen Yueluo looked at the man in black, Yun Qishen said it was Uncle Seven, but... Uncle Seven would not be so stupid to fall into the wine vat and use fire spells to dry it... It should be drained by water spells. Will... Could it be that Uncle Seven is stupid?

Just behind Chen Yueluo in this neutral position, the counselor suddenly let out a low roar of warning.

"啾!!" Xiao Zhi jumped to the counter and took a sip of wine before fainting.

The dancer Xiaoya over there stood up with a proud and disdainful look on her face, "Don't be too happy, I said that you are the opponent of the beastmaster, not me."




The sound came from the roof of the Deyi Building.

Everyone looked up, and everyone found a small black spot that was expanding, and then stretched out a pitch-black paw.Then half of the body sighed out.

The monster here couldn't tell what animal it was, it had scarlet eyes and two rows of sharp fangs in its mouth.And then here the monster fell head down in the black hole on the roof.

There was a loud bang when the monster landed on the ground, and everyone saw that the flat floor of the Deyi Building instantly turned into pieces.

Then the alcoholic old man smiled, "I haven't seen you for so many years...So it's here...I think back then..."

"Be careful, old man!" Seeing that the back of the monster's hand was about to hit the old man, Chen Yueluo jumped over and took the old man aside.

Counseling also took advantage of Chen Yueluo's movements to rush over and bite the arm.Its claws stabbed fiercely into the monster's black and red arms.

"Let your monster come back! That monster is not something you kids can deal with! Think back then..."

"Counsel! Come back!" Chen Yueluo thought that what the old man said here must be right.

As a result, the cat demon couldn't pull out its claws at once, and thick black mud spread out from the monster's arms, sinking the cowardly limbs and feet into it.

Chen Yueluo was about to come forward to rescue but was stopped by the old man, "Don't be impatient, child, that cat demon can't be saved, and the thing trapped by this thing can't be saved... I think back then..."

"You don't need to say it, old man, you take care of yourself!" Chen Yueluo naturally refused to listen to the persuasion. This is the cat demon that Chen Yueluo has raised since childhood, and it is not someone who can decide its fate without help.

Chen Yueluo's Yujian flew to the counselor's side and faced the place where it was trapped, and cut it with a sword move, but this move did not save the counselor and instead took Chen Yueluo into it.

"Little baby, don't be afraid! This old man saves you! Thinking back then..."

"Old man, take care of yourself! This monster is very weird, don't come here, old man!" Chen Yueluo obviously couldn't help himself.

The alcoholic old man thought to himself that this doll couldn't even keep himself and still cared about him. It was obvious that the kid knew that this old man was very powerful.

If this is Yun Qishen, it must be your actions, and he is definitely playing a conspiracy behind his back.There's a bit of a badass vibe...

The alcoholic old man looked at the man in black mask over there.

The man in black also acted, and the dancer Xiaoya over there also fought with the man in black mask after checking the body of the unconscious fool.

The alcoholic old man coughed and walked towards the monster.

The alcoholic old man spoke a strange language, and then the head turned towards the fallen monster and looked at the alcoholic old man.

Qi Xie, a monster that formed when it devoured countless mythical beasts, beasts, beasts, and beasts.There are no conditions that define what exactly it belongs to.At the beginning, the dragon of Laian fought with this guy, and both sides were injured.Among them, Qishu suffered the most serious injury. It not only broke the spine but also blinded one eye.And Lai A just lost a few dragon scales and left a little blood.

At that time, there was such a swordsmith who was collecting tools for sword making. Fan Xian went to the battlefield alone and saw two monsters fighting.

In the end, after both Qiye and Laia disappeared, the swordsmiths collected what they left behind and forged the Laiya sword and the Qiye sword.In the end, this swordsmith forged swords into demons, so all forged swords are muddy swords.And his friend forged the sword of Qing to save him.As a result, the swordsmith was naturally not saved.

Then, for no reason, the Takiyin Immortal Sword Scroll appeared to seal the sword energy of these clear swords and turbid swords.Although it is a phantom, it already contains half of the power of the entity.

As for the relationship between the drunk old man and this lacquer, we have to talk about it from the time when the drunk old man didn't become a demon general.

Back then, the alcoholic old man was just a middle-aged uncle who worked as a woodcutter and blacksmith.But this person is especially fond of drinking and babbling, so some people try to scare him.

Said that there lived a monster in the magic mountain on the border of the border state in front of their village.As long as the alcoholic old man can bring back a little of the monster, he will be recognized as the most powerful in their village.

As a result, they took advantage of the alcoholic old man's drunkenness and ran him to the mountain.

As a result, nothing happened that night, not a single monster appeared, and that was the time when the old alcoholic got the curse he didn't want the most.

When the alcoholic old man went back down the mountain... he saw Qi Xie swallowing the alcoholic old man and his entire village.

That was also the opportunity for the alcoholic old man to become a demon general. It was the first time I saw Taki Yunhua and Lai Along.

(End of this chapter)

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