Yun Qishen

Chapter 1405 Chapter 1404 Duan Mandrill

Chapter 1405 Chapter 6 Duan Mandrill ([-])

The lawyer's voice calling Duan Mandrill was not conveyed at all, and he was still sinking continuously.

And Duan Mandrill is still fighting with the phantom of the spell that he has cast, so this is not a good direction at all.

The lawyer stared at Duan Mandrill, who was constantly attacking and getting injured, and made a plan.

Now there is only this way.

"Duan Mandrill! As long as you save me, I can resurrect your mother!"

The battle stopped as the lawyer had thought, and Duan Zhen looked at the lawyer with an incredible expression.

Duan Mandrill's appearance is more like a soul beast, his limbs and body are no longer recognizable as human beings, but those eyes still retain human emotions.

[You are talking nonsense, there is no resurrection in this world! 】

"I can change my life against the sky, trust me."

Lawyer does have the ability to change, but his current power is very unstable.He also knows that the reason why his power is unstable is due to his own reasons. Although his ability has a good tendency to recover now, Li Ren is still absolutely determined to use this power.

He is also trying to save his life now, and he doesn't want to see Duan Mandrill in such pain because of his own reasons.

Lawyer has experienced the feeling of losing his love, and he can understand Duan Manu's feeling of losing his mother.Even if these contents come from the thoughts of the lawyer...

Funny to say...

Lawyer couldn't help laughing at himself, he was able to revive the love of the characters in the story, but no one could revive his love...

(Come to think of it, this is my revenge.)
In the end, Duan Mandrill still had no way to overcome the desire in his heart, he avoided the attack of the phantom phantom, picked up Li Ren with his mouth, and fled the bunker.

[Tell me, is there any way to defeat this guy! 】

Duan Mandrill chooses to believe in the lawyer, and now he doesn't care about the doubts about the lawyer at all.

Lawyer stared at the phantom and said seriously: "Close your eyes."

[Okay, I believe you. 】

Duan Mandrill closed his eyes, and at the same time he was ready to attack at any time.

Lawyer watched Chi Xun's phantom begin to deform. If he remembered correctly, the solution he came up with when setting up this level was to close his eyes.

The phantom is the obsession of the creature that triggers the spell, so as long as the creature that triggers the spell doesn't face the phantom, it will be difficult for the phantom to form.

Naturally, the power of the phantom soul body will also be weakened, but...

The soul body transformed by Duan Mandrill when he touches the spell is Chi Xun. This existence with supreme power above the soul soil is the most difficult to deal with compared to the soul body transformed by ordinary creatures.

Only Duan Mandrill could fight Chi Xuan.

But in the attack just now, Duan Mandrill was at a disadvantage.Now even if the phantom weakens its power, Ritsuto is not absolutely sure that he can defeat it.

【What to do next? 】

Duan Mandrill's trust warmed the lawyer's heart, and at the same time, the lawyer also blamed himself even more.

(I'm sorry I can't give Duan Mandrill any happy memories for you, I didn't have them before, and I probably won't have them in the future.

Although I have a preference for the characters, I have to make trade-offs for the sake of the plot.I keep you just because you are still useful. )
Lawyer kept blaming himself for being vicious and cruel, and at the same time he opened his mouth to direct Duan Mandrill's actions.

"That guy has made a move. I counted to five, Duan Mandrill, and rushed forward. After three steps, he first dodged to the left."

After the lawyer finished speaking, he started counting, and rushed out when he had just finished reading the five-duan mandrill.


two steps.

Three steps.

flash left-

Phantom scoffed and stopped.Duan Mandrill escaped the phantom Chi Hin's attack safely and soundly.

Lawyer understands the characteristics of the villain he designed. Since this spell generates a sneering phantom, the characteristics between true and false will become the same.

The lawyer knows Chi Xun's weakness clearly.

As for Duan Mandrill's strengths in combat, the lawyer is also well aware of it.

Now ordering Duan Mandrill to attack and dodge Chi Hin gave Li Ren the feeling of manipulating the plot again.

The power and shape of the phantom soul body are dissipating, and the legal person continues to direct Duan Mandrill's actions at the right time.

"Two steps back! Wait a minute..." Li Ren saw that the phantom of the phantom had turned in the direction and hurriedly commanded, "It's now! Bite it!"

Duan Yao also opened his bloody mouth and bit forward, and his heart was full of admiration for the lawyer in his actions again and again.

Lawyer's command is just right every time, and every time he moves, he can use the movements he is good at, and the attack becomes very easy.

The soul body that was struggling before was killed after a short time.

"Okay, Duan Xiao, open your eyes."

The lawyer took a long breath to rest.

After Duan Mandrill opened his eyes, his body also shrank.

Duan Mandrill, who had turned into a child before, seemed to have become smaller again.

He is now like a five or six-year-old child. He came to the lawyer and looked at him suspiciously, "Who the hell are you?"

The lawyer simply sat on the ground and looked directly at Duan Mandrill, "Who do you think I am? I'm the warlock you hired, aren't I?"

"According to you, I have found a treasure?"

"If you will."

Although the lawyer didn't participate in any fights, he felt extremely tired.

Such spells will last for three days, so the same spells may be encountered frequently during these three days. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter headless generals or some powerful soul beasts, it will be difficult to deal with.

Duan Mandrill doesn't know mana, he can only bite and run away like a wild beast, the law man is useless now except he knows some useful and useless settings.

According to the setting of the plot in the lawyer's memory, Duan Mandrill once met the protagonists without incident.

That is to say, when the protagonists summoned the vanguard army to conquer the disaster in the Soul Soil Center, Duan Mandrill should have participated.

In the later period, Duan Mandrill was reduced to the point of being crusaded because of the awakening of the characteristics of the soul body.

So when everyone is called together, they should be able to join Yun Qishen and the others.

Duan Mandrill now looks like a child and gets tired easily, so the road ahead will be carried by Li Ren on his back.

Naturally, those magic phantom lawyers will also be recruited, and those phantom adults are all dressed in strange clothes in Duan Mandrill's view.

The lawyer didn't care about those people at all, he wasn't tempted at all.

Ritsuto didn't stop until one of the phantoms turned into a cat.

"Sure enough, I'm afraid of something..."

There was sadness in the lawyer's tone, and this kind of sadness made Duan Mandrill feel very familiar.

Duan Man also understood that the cat in front of him was a hurdle that Li Ren couldn't get past.

Li Ren wanted to squat down and touch the cat, but finally he stopped and took his hand away.

The phantom of the cat didn't move either, and Ritsuto kept a distance from it.

"I have a new cat...sorry."


"I'll take care of it."


"take care."

Li Ren clenched his fist and led Duan Mandrill to turn around resolutely, no matter how the cat behind him called, Li Ren had no intention of turning back.

Duan Mandrill also felt a force gradually becoming stronger in Lu Ren's body at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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