Yun Qishen

Chapter 1418 Soul Body Battle

Chapter 1418 Soul Body Battle (3)

"Don't look at me yet!"

The woman was able to cover her even though she was very long, probably because she didn't expect to transform, so she looked extra nervous.

Nai Qi closed his eyes and turned his head away from her. If it wasn't for his current attire, she would have given this woman a piece of clothing to wear outside.But now there is nothing Evil Qi can do.

"Then find something to wear first."

Nai Qi waited for a while, and he didn't turn around until the woman agreed.

The woman's clothes are also wonderful. At this time, the water polo surrounding her is fused with her hair to form a body-covering dress.

But it does look weird when hair and clothes are mixed together.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any clothes, I can only do this, don't you mind..."

The woman's character should be that kind of timid and afraid of others, he didn't even look at the evil spirit directly.

Nie Qi originally wanted this woman to help him find a piece of clothing to wear.

The wind and snow stopped at this time, and a glimmer of light came from the entrance of the cave.It was probably the next day, and the surrounding temperature was not so cold anymore.

Evil Qi simply extinguished the torch, looked at the woman and asked, "Do you know where the exit here is besides the one above?"

"do not know……"

The woman shook her head, and her hair was pulled, but it didn't change the appearance of her clothes.

"You don't know?" Ei Qi slightly raised his eyebrows, "Don't you live here?"

"I don't remember...I just know that I have been here...I really don't know the rest, I don't even know that I can become what I am now."

The woman lowered her head coyly and humblely, and even her voice gradually became indistinct.

"But you mentioned the battle just now, how much do you know about the battle between the soul and the body?"

"I know... not much..."

The woman's hands were crossed together, and she hugged her hands on her chest and started to explain in a stumbling manner.

"There will be a soul body battle here every month. The soul bodies will look for opponents around during the day. Some conscious soul bodies prefer to use tricks, and some other inferior soul bodies may engage in large-scale battles during the day. fight.

Many soul bodies often fall into my place, but most of them can't survive the cold night. Whenever they fall into the sea water here, they are doomed to perish.

You also saw the water polo floating around me just now, those souls who died here will turn into water polo and will keep circling around me.

But I don't know what the real purpose of these water polo is... I just found out that they can be used as clothes...

It's not so much that I don't want to's better to say that I can't fight.that!Even if I could participate, I wouldn't participate!It will be very painful to fight, I am afraid of pain! "

The woman's voice became louder as she spoke, and Nai Qi didn't have any special reaction after listening to her words.

"You don't need to be particularly nervous, I promise not to hurt you. I see that you are also different from other soul bodies. Do you belong to the superior soul body?"

Nai Qi asked casually, he planned to find the exit out of here by himself.

The woman shook her head, she clenched her hands and looked embarrassed, "I don't think I belong to a superior soul body...but I don't know what I am, and I don't know why I am here."

Nai Qi sighed, "You don't know anything, it's really troublesome. Can you do any work?"

"manual labor?"

"That is to say, what can you do? For example, what abilities do you have, what connections do you have, etc..." Evil energy gathered mana and used the technique of observation to explore the surrounding terrain.

The woman bit her lower lip and thought for a moment.

"Ability...connectivity..." The woman muttered softly, "Is it a kind of ability that I can eat?"

"..." Nie Qi was slightly taken aback, he thought to himself, has being able to eat become a kind of ability in this world?

"If it doesn't count, then I'll think about it... um..." The woman frowned, thinking hard.

After a while, Evil Qi had checked the surrounding situation, but the woman was still thinking about her abilities.

"Okay, don't think about it." Nai Qi tightened his clothes, "If you want to leave here, follow me."

The woman blinked her eyes. Although she didn't think about leaving, she was very happy to hear what Ei Qi said.She hesitated at first, and after Nai Qi walked away for a certain distance, she also chased after him.

"What's your name? I just call you for convenience, you don't have to be too afraid."

Nai Qi asked a question, and the woman frowned again.

" name seems to be Lianyi...I'm not sure if it's the name."

"Then let's call it Lianyi." Nai Qi smiled, "It's not a bad name."

Lianyi pursed her lips, and she mustered up the courage to approach Ei Qi and asked, "Then what's your name?"

"Evil qi."

Nai Qi gave Lian Yi a smile that was not a smile.

Lianyi didn't dare to ask too much, even though she didn't know what the word evil energy was, so she just called it the sound of these two words.

Nai Qi and Lian Yi moved forward along the underground coast, and soon they found the exit.It's just that the exit was blocked by a boulder, and they couldn't leave directly.

Evil Qi attached his hand to the boulder at the exit, and the boulder turned into sand in the next second.


It was the first time for Lianyi to see this kind of spell. She thought that Nie Qi was going to smash the boulder with a palm, but in the end, the boulder was gently turned into fine sand.

"Your ability is not bad, don't underestimate yourself." Nai Qi clapped his hands and walked out.

Ripple followed closely behind, and as soon as she came out, she looked around curiously.All around are densely packed with huge vegetation rhizomes.

Evil Qi launched the technique of observation again, and Lianyi took advantage of this time to walk around.Suddenly she heard the sound of water, and she was very clever to find the source of the sound.

"There's a strange sound of water coming from here." She pointed to a plant root and looked at Evil Qi.

Nai Qi took a look at Ripples and then withdrew his mana to check the roots of other plants.

At this time, water droplets gushed out from the bottom of the vegetation roots, and these water droplets quickly condensed to form a huge soul body.


Lianyi was afraid of fighting, so she hurried away from the roots of the plants and ran behind Ei Qi.Evil Qi also gathered mana to attack the soul body.

But the light ball sent out was swallowed by the soul of the water body, which made Ei Qi feel very playful.

"Interesting, now I finally met a decent one." Ei Qi moved his arms, and in the next second he flashed behind the soul body——

(End of this chapter)

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