Yun Qishen

Chapter 1477 Stone Blade Demon City

Chapter 1477 Stone Blade Demon City (7)

A harsh sound passed by like a wild horse, but it also caused a lot of damage.

Di Ming dragged Yun Qi deep into the ground and entered a vortex entrance, and only then did they come to the real domain of Stone Blade Demon City.

A strangely shaped moon rose from the pale gray void, and the red drizzle gathered into red puddles on the gray ground.

Although it's raining, I can't feel any humidity, and the red rainwater drips down the body without leaving any traces on the ground.

In addition to the puddles of red water on the ground, there are also those stone blades interspersed on the ground.

The color of the stone blade was grayish but it was polished very sharply. Yun Qishen's sleeve was cut off just by swipe it lightly.And the truncated cut surface is not messy, even the edges of the fabric fibers are neat and tidy.

Di Ming held Yun Qishen with his hands and slammed into the stone blade of the pillar on the ground, and the scratches Yun Qishen endured were incalculable.

Because the space of the magic capital has become empty, the overall appearance of the earth and the underworld can be fully displayed.

The appearance of the earth ghost body is much smaller than the posture when it was changed by Zhangyou and Yuluohuang. It is very likely that it is the reason why he distributed the power to Tongcheng, so he couldn't change back to the original size.

Its whole body was wrapped in ice, and there were clusters of spikes on its arms, and three sharp hooks like scorpion tails on its back.The whole looks like a scorpion carved only from ice.

At this time, Yun Qishen was being crushed by Di Ming and kept stabbing him with sharp hooks.

Yun Qishen had no chance of resisting this, let alone the strength to fight back.But his eyes were never closed, and he remembered every injury that fell on him, whether it was the force of the attack, the speed of the attack, or even the exact location of the attack, Yun Qishen kept it firmly in his heart.

Di Ming's attack didn't know how long it lasted, and it didn't stop until Yun Qishen in front of it had dull eyes and no breathing.The scorpion-like limbs faded back, but at some point the color of the surrounding Chishui became a lot darker, and the closer to the cloud, the Chishui puddle turned into pitch-black ink.

Di Ming thought the attack was over, and it was about to leave to find someone else to vent. But when it looked up, the air was already surrounded by dense black threads, and even the blood that fell from the sky could not penetrate the barrier woven by the black threads. .

At this time, Yun Qishen stood up tremblingly, and the surrounding dark ink flowed towards him.

"Sometimes I don't know whether I should choose to hate or forgive, or reject or accept."

Yun Qishen's voice sounded in front of Di Ming, and Di Ming aimed his gaze at him again.

"Are we fake? Who defines that?"

There was a golden light in Yun Qishen's eyes, and his clothes had been broken by the attacks of Earth Darkness and Stone Blade, so that he could show his strong figure.

Compared with before, Yun Qishen is indeed a lot stronger now, and his feminine appearance is no longer as weak and easy to bully as before, and now it is more of a feeling of oppression, as long as Yun Qishen stands in one place and does not move , No one will dare to approach for a while.

He first broke off the feldspar blades inserted into his body, and then pulled them out one by one with his bare hands.Black blood spurts from his body as the stone blade is removed.

One, two... fifty.

Every time Yun Qishen pulled out a stone blade, he got closer to the earth, and the black blood also spurted out of his body and then turned back to be absorbed by him.

White smoke like steam rose slowly behind Yun Qishen.

Di Ming was also surprised that he took two steps back because of instinctive fear.

The black golden sword was formed in Yun Qishen's hand, and soon the sword became a giant knife surrounded by the surrounding black water.

Yun Qishen lightly raised his hand to carry the giant knife on his shoulder, and he lowered his body slightly, ready to bounce.

With an arrogant smile, Yun Qishen jumped up and flew, and Di Ming also swung the spikes at the back of his tail to attack him.

The giant collided with the spikes, and for a while, intense sparks were created.

With a burst of impact and friction, the two have already played against each other.On the side of the earth and the underworld, several transparent vortexes appeared, and a group of small ice scorpions flew out from the vortex.

Yun Qishen blocked the situation but was knocked down to the ground, and those small ice scorpions rushed towards him quickly.

"Are you questioning your own existence now? Or are you passing all your faults on to others?" Yun Qishen calmly inserted the giant knife into the gray ground, and then a golden magic circle appeared under his feet.

It was also the first time for Yun Qishen to see such a magic circle, and the shape on it seemed to be the helmet of Jiangbang soldiers.

"Oh, interesting."

Yun Qishen held the knife handle tightly with one hand and calmly responded to the approach of the ice scorpion.

At this time, Diming also came to Chaoyun Qishen again.

As Yun Qishen's incantation gradually perfected, words began to rise around his golden light circle.

【Bad knife——】

【One Kill Soul】

The golden half-moon-shaped blade rose from the ground, and the powerful sword energy instantly wiped out the approaching ice scorpions, and also took advantage of the momentum to cut the huge soul body of the earth into two.

Diming's huge soul body gradually melted, and he turned back into the delicate blue-haired boy before, but now he is divided by a red line from head to toe.

"I can't die-"

"Why must I die?"

"It's you who are cruel, right?"

"Why give us feelings! Why give us missions!"

"I just want to live, I just want to be with Tong Kai..."


Before Di Ming could finish his sentence, he turned into dust and dissipated.

Because of the weakening of his strength, he couldn't change other forms to deal with the battle like Hongyou did.

Yun Qishen is also grateful for this, after all, he will still be physically exhausted when using Yizhanhunxi.It's just that this time, he didn't feel too tired because of the surrounding Chishui.

At the same time, Di Ming's death also completely aroused the anger of the other souls, they had already followed the scent of Yun Qishen and others.

Also because of Di Ming's death, all his power flowed into Tong Xie's body.

"It hurts! It hurts! Brother—brother—"

Tong Xi twisted his fat body and struggled painfully, but Lian Yi was pitifully suppressed by him and crushed again and again.

"Nan Xing! Give me a hand! Really! It's disgusting!"

Lian Yi was covered in greasy, green disgusting liquid that made her sick to her stomach, but Nan Xing remained motionless like an idiot.No matter how Ripple ordered him, he didn't act.

Suddenly Tong Xie stopped struggling and swelled up, and it exploded in the next second.

Ripple was also knocked to the wall not far away by the impact.When she looked towards Tongcheng angrily, she saw a handsome blue-haired man
(End of this chapter)

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