Yun Qishen

Chapter 1491 The Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1491 The Chapter of Murder (1)

At this moment, under the feet of Yun Qishen and the others is a pool of transparent liquid, which exudes a salty smell, and the liquid feels a little sticky with hands.

And under these transparent liquids is a blood-red soft wall, on which are squirming soft tentacles like intestines, these tentacles are also connected to groups of flesh-colored objects while floating in the liquid.

From those objects, you can vaguely see those unformed red ghosts.

"This is an embryo... This seems to be inside the Z palace of some huge creature." Yun Qishen searched for Hua Fan's location with magic.Although it showed that Huafan was nearby, everyone did not see Huafan at all.

"Could it be that he was trapped in these embryos?" Zhu Batian tried to break open one of the embryos with mana, but the mana was absorbed by the embryo when it touched the embryo.

Seeing this, Yun Qishen also tried to break open the embryo with magic power, but the mana was also absorbed. He frowned and picked up the long sword and pointed it at the embryo, "It seems that this thing cannot be dealt with by magic, use the sword to break open."

Ei Qi also raised his sword and aimed at the embryos next to him, and Zhu Batian also got ready, but Li Ren stood in the middle with a disgusted face and watched the three of them cruelly cut open those embryos.

Li Ren covered his eyes and didn't dare to look at those things, but he could hear the sound of those tissues breaking apart, as well as the crying of some babies.

Just as Yun Qishen pulled out the red babies, they cried a few more times before turning into a piece of black jerky.

"You designed this thing too?" Yun Qishen turned his head and looked at Li Ren with perverted eyes.

Ritsuto peeked at him through the gap between his fingers and blinked acquiescingly.

"It's really evil, you really deserve to be a pervert!" Yun Qishen scolded the lawyer and threw the jerky in his hand into the transparent liquid, and then the black jerky burned and turned into a wisp of white cigarette.

The lawyer smiled awkwardly but politely, "Is there something so perverted about me~ I'm a sunny and healthy young man."

"I think it's a gloomy otaku who is anti-social." Yun Qishen shook his hands and turned to continue breaking open other embryos.

"Ha, don't say that, it's so deep~ From the point of view of a young Taoist priest, Lu Ren is quite normal." The evil spirit's words made Lu Ren look at him with reverence.

"Sure enough, my own son is facing me." Lawyer was very grateful, but the words of evil energy in the next second made him completely petrified.

Although Ei Qi smiled harmoniously, his words were very lethal, "Except for not being able to understand people's words and not being involved in human affairs, he is still very normal."

"I also agree with this statement." Zhu Batian continued.

After a moment of petrification, the legal man shrugged and lowered his head, "Ha... Thank you so much for 'praising' me so much."

"You're welcome."

"You're welcome."

"Should be."

The three responded at the same time and opened other embryos at the same time.

Everyone still couldn't find Hua Fan's shadow, but instead attracted the attention of some red ghosts.

The rattling sound should be the sound of these red ghosts rubbing their teeth, and they crawled over from a distance like spiders.

The dense red ghosts bared their teeth and roared as they protected the embryos.In the next second, they rushed towards Yun Qishen and the others.

Yun Qishen shielded some of the red goblins with spells, picked up his sword, and slashed at the red goblins.

Some of the little red ghosts were sliced ​​off at the waist, and their corpses were submerged in the liquid and dissipated in a wisp of white smoke.But those little red ghosts still rushed towards Yun Qishen and the others, biting and scratching.

Lawer can't protect himself by himself, so Ei Qi has no choice but to help Lawer deal with the little red ghost crawling on him while protecting himself.

Indistinctly, from a flesh-red cave in the distance came a resentful female voice.

After listening carefully, I realized that it was Hua Fan's voice. Her voice was very soft and she was humming a song.

【Children, children~】

【Why are you crying~】

【Good boy, good boy~】

【Mother is here~】

【Children, children~】

【Go to sleep quickly~】

【Mother's belly is very warm~】

【Mother's belly is very quiet~】

【Quiet, kid~】

【Good boy~】

【Mother loves you~】


Law man looked at Huafan gently stroking his stomach through the crowded bodies of the red goblins.That looks really like a loving mother, and Lu Ren can't help but imagine if his mother was so gentle back then.But why did she become so aggressive later on...

"I will not let anyone hurt my children! Children are innocent and they just want to live."

Huafan shouted, and everything around her shook with her shouts.

Yun Qishen flicked away the little red ghost who was pressing on him and rushed all the way towards Huafan.

He moved to dodge the ambush of a red kid, and when his foot was suddenly caught by a small red hand, he also swung his sword and cut it off.

Whether it's the little red ghost that pounced on from the side or pressed down from the sky, what Yun Qishen could dodge and what he couldn't dodge was cut off with his sword.

After a while, he came to Hua Fan.

Red blood flowed from the icy green edge, and the blood fell into the transparent liquid bit by bit and disappeared quickly.

Hua Fan was still stroking her stomach, which had already swollen to half of her own.

Yun Qi knew very well that Huafan's child was gone, and Huafan couldn't even have a baby, but now he had a big belly, which was obviously not a child inside.

Hua Fan ignored Yun Qishen's approach, she was still humming a song and stroking her stomach.

Yun Qishen lowered his brows and raised his sword to pierce the swollen stomach, but in the next moment those red little ghosts gathered to form a red wall of flesh in front of Huafan.


【Do not hurt—】



The red goblins bared their teeth at Yun Qishen, Nai Qi and the others got rid of the noise of the red goblins and came to Yun Qishen's side.

"Lawyer, don't you want to explain?" Yun Qishen's indifferent attitude made the lawyer feel a little sorry for them.

The lawyer quickly explained, "In the plot, Huafan died after giving birth to the devil boy, and the devil boy was finally raised by Zhu Batian and Xiaobi, and finally this devil boy killed his godfather. Zhu Batian."

Zhu Batian was silent, and while the lawer smiled dryly, he also gently scratched his cheek.

"What if I don't want this devil boy to live? What if I want to save Huafan? What will happen?" Yun Qishen rarely took the initiative to save someone after so long.

Lawyer blinked his eyes in doubt and said at the same time: "The plot will not change, at worst, someone else will be pregnant with the devil boy. In the end, the devil boy will still be born. After all, there will be a battle between the devil boy and Duan Mandrill in the end." duel."

(End of this chapter)

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