Yun Qishen

Chapter 15 The Occasion of Others

Chapter 15 Occasions for Others (God's Perspective)
Yun Qishen has disappeared!

This is the conclusion drawn by the people from the Immortal Sword Sect and the Immortal Medicine Sect when they appeared together in front of the Immortal Medicine Sect on the third day of the competition.

"Could it be that the younger brother has already arrived at Liuyin Peak?" Although Duan Xiwu said it lightly, he was still worried in his heart.

"Where's the Seventh Master?" Gu Choumian looked around, clearly still there just now.

"I just saw Uncle Seven running back into the fog again." Chen Yueluo quickly took water and handed it to Gu Choumian.

"What about Chen Yueluo's share?" Duan Xiwu asked Chen Yueluo for water.

Chen Yueluo rolled his eyes at him.

"You white-eyed wolf of the Immortal Sword Sect!" Duan Xiwu blurted out.

"Duan Xiwu, what did you just say!!" Chen Yueluo was not angry and was about to turn back into the fog not far away when he heard Duan Xiwu say this, and his temper came up for a while.

"What are you anxious about, I'm not talking about you!" Duan Xi snorted.

"You! What if it wasn't me! You insulted our Immortal Sword Sect! It's like insulting me!"

If it is really impossible to restrain, it is probably because no one can deter him if he is not on the side.

In case of grabbing Duan Xiwu's collar, the two would fight each other, and they would soon scuffle together.Rolled into the fog.

In order to stop the fight, everyone followed them into the inside again.

As before, the crowd dispersed again after a while.The two who had just scuffled didn't know where they came from.

Just hear the boom! ! !sound.

"It won't be..." Duan Xi was not worried, he heard that there was a mysterious place in Lingshan that was trapped by several vicious beasts.But no one has seen it.

In case he heard the movement, he still grabbed Duan Xiwu's collar and didn't let go.

"Just that sound scared you! You're a coward!" In case he waved towards Duan Xiwu's face.

Duan Xiwu quickly dodged, "In case! Now is not the time to fight."

Duan Xiwu felt something running towards them.

"Apologize! Beg for mercy! Maybe I'll spare you, young master!" In case, his hand pinched Duan Xiwu's neck.

Bang! !Suddenly, something popped up out of nowhere, and if it hit it, it would be knocked out all the way.

"just in case!!!"

Duan Xiwu understands that now is not the time to quarrel, and at this moment is a beast in front of him.

It has a black-purple body, fat limbs, and sharp, silvery horns growing on its head.And made a strange roar, like a lion and an elephant.This monster is the beast rhino!

Duan Xi did not dare to move all the time, "Warcraft? How come there are monsters on Jingling Mountain?" This monster can't see anything that doesn't move.

If he got up slowly, there would be blood coming out of the place where he had just been hit.

very painful!In case of abuse in the heart.

"In case! Don't move! Be careful!" As Duan Xiwu shouted, the monster rhino attacked again in case.

"Warcraft?!" In case, he was also shocked.How can there be in Jingling Mountain!Something must be wrong!
In case, dragging the injured body, he got up and escaped the attack of the monster rhinoceros.

But the attack is not over yet, and it is very unfortunate that this monster rhino likes to rampage.

But in case it falls in front of Duan Xiwu.

In fact, in case people are kind, but for Duan Xi Wuyan looked at himself who would not have been attacked, and a vicious beast ran towards him, scared and ran into the dense fog not far away.

"Damn it!" In case of that anger, he wanted to use the observation technique of the Immortal Medicine Sect disciple to explore the weakness of this monster, but Duan Xiwu actually ran away.

But Duan Xi ran out of the fog on the other side without a blink of an eye.

"My God! There is one more!" Duan Xiwu, who ran out, had to find shelter in case.

At this moment, there was another monster chasing after Duan Xiwu's thick fog.

It's not the monster rhinoceros, but a monster with a head like a sheep, body like an ox, limbs like tigers - the monster monster.This beast is bloodthirsty, probably from the smell of blood if it smells.

"Duan Xiwu! You know the art of observation!" In case the disappointment just now disappeared gradually.

"Master taught me, but I didn't know how to..." Duan Xiwu didn't want to lie to him, so he had to tell the truth.

In case you get angry in your heart, scold this useless guy who only plays tricks.

"But I know that the monster rhinos over there won't attack people who can't move." Duan Xiwu looked at the monster rhinoceros rubbing his forelimbs.

"If that's the case, then I'll bother you!" In case he said that, he picked up Duan Xiwu and threw it out.

The monster rhino ran in the direction that Duan Xiwu flew out.

"In case you are a goddamn ****!!!" Duan Xi scolded hysterically from a distance.

Here is also reserved in case of confrontation with Warcraft Capricorn.

In case it is very skilled to pull out the fairy sword and attack the monster.

A gorgeous side slash not only dexterously evaded the attack of the monster, but also hurt it.

Immediately afterwards, he used a set of flying sword techniques taught by Xianjianzong.

The so-called flying flower is to move the immortal sword at high speed, and there are many afterimages in the air, forming a huge sword flower.

Warcraft Jie was madly attacking in case, although it avoided a few afterimages at the beginning, the closer it got to the case, the more it was slandered by the afterimage.

"It's time to end!" With a loud roar, the sword flowers behind him all spread out, heading straight for the demon beast.

Warcraft Jie was pierced by Wan Jian, and black blood spilled all over the place for a while.

In case he originally thought that this monster should be solved, he was about to find Duan Xiwushi, but the severely injured monster tried his last strength to shoot a poisonous wave from his mouth to attack Wanyi.

In case you are not careful, although you dodged most of the poisonous waves, you still hurt one arm. In the place where you were hit by the monster rhinoceros before, the toxins spread even faster.

In case he suddenly lost the calmness he had just fought, he took out a few talismans from his arms and swung it towards Warcraft Jie.

At the moment when the talisman paper was attached to the body of Warcraft Jie, several purple thunders gathered on the talisman paper, and the Warcraft Jie was electrocuted into a coke.

After being dizzy, he fainted.

Because of Zi Lei's relationship, Duan Xiwu felt that the surroundings were full of numbness.

The beast rhino still rammed into himself.

Just when Duan Xi had no choice but to take risks to fight against it, the figure of the big brother Qiu Shan appeared in front of him!

"Eldest brother!!!!" Duan Xiwu was very happy at first, but then he thought about it, the senior brother couldn't beat him, "Run!"

Qiu Shan noticed that Duan Xiwu was running towards him, followed by a monster rhinoceros.

"Well..." Qiu Shan was very puzzled, and he stood looking at Duan Xiwu's direction.

Duan Xi didn't think about how I have such a broken senior brother.

Just when Duan Xiwu was closest to Qiu Shan, he wanted to pull Qiu Shan to run.

But he didn't expect Qiu Shan to bounce off Duan Xiwu with a wave of his hand.

Duan Xiwu couldn't believe it at first, but he did see that the elder brother blocked the attack of the beast rhino with one hand.In turn, the monster rhino fell to the ground.

do you died?
Duan Xiwu was very surprised. I have never seen a master so powerful in the four years of my cultivation.

"Well..." Qiu Shan rushed to Duan Xiwu to look.

Duan Xi was entangled with Qiu Shan without any hesitation.

"Senior brother! How did you just do it! Teach me too~"

Qiu Shan didn't say anything but just said "um...", and after a long time he popped out two words, "No way."

This made Duan Xiwu very unwilling.

--split line--

This time, Qi Qi, who was the first to go to the fog, found a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect who did not participate in the competition.

"Seventh Master Uncle!" The disciple hurriedly greeted and wanted to leave quickly.

"It's not too late to leave things behind." Yan Qi no longer had the laziness smile of the past.

"My nephew doesn't understand what Uncle Seven said..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand it over!!"

Seeing that the disciple wanted to escape, he snorted angrily, and the disciple threw down Yun Qishen's jade pendant and left.

Ye Qi picked up the purple jade pendant and looked at it carefully.Yun Qishen's name was engraved on it, and there was a crack.

For some reason, Ji Qi held the jade pendant, and the black energy that always lingered around him disappeared for a while.

Ye Qi thought about the magic of this jade pendant, but then he thought of the black energy around Yun Qishen that shouldn't exist.

not good!

Ye Qing felt a little uneasy in her heart.

If this jade pendant is to suppress black qi, then Yun Qishen, who does not have this jade pendant now, will definitely be in danger.

Ji Qi then looked for Yun Qishen's figure in the mist.

Not long after the thunder and lightning were summoned, Xie Qi walked towards the direction of the thunder and lightning.

As soon as he came, he saw what if he was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Ye Qi had no choice but to walk through the fog with Wan Yi.

After walking a few steps, I saw a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect participating in the competition.

After entrusting the case to this disciple, he turned around and left without saying a word.

The disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect didn't care about the competition if they were seriously injured.

It's not a good thing to scold that Immortal Medicine Sect disciple secretly.

In the end, I took the case back to the Immortal Medicine Sect to heal the wound.

According to Mi Zixin, fortunately, he came back in time.The amount of bleeding and the degree of poisoning are not very serious.

In the mist, Ye Qi also encountered a monster rhinoceros.

But the beast didn't attack Ye Qi, on the contrary, when Ye Qi approached the beast rhino, he waved his hand and chopped off the beast's rhinoceros head.

The black energy in the monster's body was slowly flowing into Ye Qi's body.

But because of the role of the jade pendant that Ye Qi put in his arms, these black qi dissipated after touching Ye Qi.

This thing is also a good thing for me, otherwise I can control it by killing monsters and eating evil spirits.

Ye Qi thought like this, but the old man said that if these monsters are not eliminated, they will cause disaster again.

After killing the beast rhinoceros, Ye Qi realized that this place was still in Jingling Mountain.What is the purpose of this monster?
Why did the old man (spiritual realm) come back.

At this time, not far from Ye Qi, someone was slowly walking towards Ye Qi.

This man was wearing a red coat, and the patterns on his clothes were embroidered with gold threads.

His long hair like ink was pounding on his chest.

Ye Qi felt this person approaching, but didn't know how to deal with it.

So strong and vicious.

Even though Ye Qi was always surrounded by black qi, this person really gave him the feeling he had when he hadn't controlled these black qi a long time ago.

Today's self is not the opponent who comes.

But Qi Qi didn't run away, he walked in the direction where the person was coming.

I saw this young man in red.Walking lightly, like a man.

The man holds a blue lantern in his hand.The faint rays of light made it even more difficult to see his face in this fog.

Ye Qi didn't look at the man in red, nor did the man in red stop him.

The two passed by, just as Ye Qi passed by Hong Yi.

I only heard Hongyi say softly and slowly, "One day, I will come to ask you for what you want..."

Immediately, the red-clothed blue light disappeared into the fog.

This request, but it took root in Ye Qi's heart.

--split line--

It was the tenth time that Gu Choumian had wandered in the same dead end.

"Chou Mian!!" Chen Yueluo's voice was getting closer and closer to Gu Chou Mian.

Chen Yueluo thought of a way to tie the wrists of the two with magic.Once the two are separated, the spell finds itself.

Seeing Chen Yueluo, Gu Choumian said, "Yueluo, it's not good here either, have you found Fourth Junior Brother and the two of them?"

"No, but I think. It's better to let Duan Xiwu learn a lesson. It's better to take care of his mouth." Chen Yueluo supported Gu Choumian, "Choumian has been gone for so long, let's take a break."

"I don't know how little junior brother is now." Gu Choumian was helped by Chen Yueluo and sat down.

"You, you just love to worry... Take care of yourself first!" Chen Yueluo was smiling, but suddenly there was some movement around her.

"Be careful with worry..." Chen Yueluo became vigilant.

It sounds like a huge beast is running towards this side.

The sound disappeared for a while! ! !
Then I heard Duan Xiwu shouting, "Third Senior Brother! Third Senior Brother!"

"Fourth Junior Brother!" Gu Choumian's heart could be considered to have put down a stone.

Senior Brother Qiu Shan also followed along.

Duan Xiwu had just encountered a monster, and he was thrown into the air in case, and the elder brother saved him.

Gu Choumian listened with relish.

What Chen Yueluo thought was that this guy was talking nonsense!

The big brother just "um..."

"How did those monsters come to Lingshan?" Chen Yueluo asked.

Gu Choumian, who had been listening to the story with gusto, also began to wonder, "Beast Rhinoceros was born in the south of Xinjiang, while Demon Jie was in the north of Xinjiang. Demons from two different places will appear in Jingling Mountain at the same time, does that mean? What's going on with the demons from Jiangbang?"

"It's possible!" Duan Xi didn't interrupt, "The mountains are foggy these days, and the demons from Jiangbang might want to take advantage of this to attack us! But what are we afraid of when the master is back!"

Chen Yueluo fell into deep thought, Gu Choumian noticed that Chen Yueluo's expression was wrong, he asked him with concern, "Yueluo? What did you think of?"

"Aren't you surprised? Duan Xi didn't say that the master is back. In case he also said that the competition will be judged by the master. But these beasts took advantage of this opportunity to attack?" Chen Yueluo suddenly realized, "No way. It was arranged by Master!"

! ! !Everyone was surprised by this conclusion.

The reason Chen Yueluo said can be established. If this is the case, maybe the competition itself is a pretense.

Maybe it's for us to kill monsters and train us?
Duan Xiwu thought so.

Qiu Shan didn't think about it, he faintly felt that a huge force had just passed by them.

(End of this chapter)

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