Yun Qishen

Chapter 150 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 150 The Feast of the King of Kawara Kingdom ~ Part 2 ([-])
(God's perspective)
The country of Kawara is a relatively mysterious country, and there is a powerful enchantment left over from ancient times at the national border.It is impossible for those who have not been invited to enter the barrier and come to Kawara.

Besides, the King City of Kawon Kingdom, the King City City only appears on the day of the King's Feast in a year.The rest of the time is protected by a more powerful hidden enchantment.

It is said to be a king's feast, but no one of the kings of Kawon has ever seen it.I heard that he is a person who is very fond of money, beauties and rare things in the world.

On the day of the king's feast, even the interior of the building was shaken.

Everyone looked out of the window at the top of the building, and the crust was rising and falling, and their building was constantly sinking.

"This bead is disappearing!" Chen Yueluo said to Yun Qishen with a black and red bead in his hand.

Yun Qishen's wounds got better after a night of self-treatment, and it didn't hurt anymore.But the mana is a little weak.

"Since this is the case, then everyone will act according to the route we planned yesterday." Yun Qi's deep eyes glanced at Ye Qi again. I heard him singing last night, but I could hear it clearly... and learn from me... Really...

Chen Yueluo pulled Gu Choumian and called the dancer Xiaoya to summon counseling and take them away.

The dancer Xiaoya was a little reluctant to Yun Qishen, so she ran over and hugged him before leaving with Chen Yueluo.

Seeing Chen Yueluo and the three of them leave the building, Yun Qishen brought back the jade pendant that had been under the pursuit and killing spell in the hands of Chihua.

"If you want to tell me, what's worse than throwing the jade pendant here, Mo Junwazi? This is because we found out that there is a chasing and killing order, you can hide it. I think that Takizawa Mojun was put on his body once... ...then it was untied by a Taoist priest ... oh

The alcoholic old man was thinking about nagging for a while, but he saw Ye Qi hugging Yun Qishen.

"Why are you holding me?"

"It's obvious that the little girl was hugged just now~"

Yun Qishen wanted to break free, but Ye Qi hugged him even tighter.

"Don't be shy~ It's all men, why can't they touch you~"

"Are you touching!! Go away!"

"Four times~"

"[Beep-] You tell me what the hell are you counting!"

Ye Qi was originally looking at Yun Qishen's weak mana, and there was a lot of murderous aura around him after Chen Yueluo left just now.

The drunk old man's eyes also sharpened, and Chihua quickly turned into a wolf demon.

"Nie Qi! You let me go!" Yun Qishen struggled to break free, not knowing what to do.

Ye Qi and the alcoholic old man looked at each other and nodded. Then Ye Qi took Yun Qishen and jumped onto Chi Hua's back, and Chi Hua also jumped out from the window of the pavilion very quickly.

Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of hidden weapons and poison marks flew to the place where Yun Qishen was standing just now, and the old alcoholic took it all.

"Damn!!!! I'm afraid of heights!!!" Yun Qishen screamed, clutching Mo Qi's clothes tightly with both hands.

"...I'm also afraid of heights..." Ye Qi tightly grasped Chi Hua's Mao with one hand and covered his mouth with the other.

"Then you jumped down like this! Are you trying to scare me to death!!"

"..." Yan Qi covered her mouth and did not speak.

Then Yun Qishen also covered his mouth and felt uncomfortable.

Chihua activated a spell to turn the silver sword into silver threads and created a silver thread road in the air. It stepped on the silver threads and ran in the air, while the attic of the Daoji Building fell from a height. After the barrier disappeared, they all fled.

And the alcoholic old man who was slandered by a hidden weapon in the attic also became an alcoholic uncle.

Those orcs who were chasing and killing also appeared in the proud building.

The alcoholic uncle smashed the wall of the Deyi Building with one punch, and with the punch from the alcoholic uncle here, the cracks on the wall circled around the building.

The alcoholic uncle lifted the wall he had interrupted with his hand, and then he lifted the top wall of the entire Dazhi Building.

"What is the origin of this person?!" an orc asked.

"Whatever he is! Kill him and chase after him!" Another orc took the lead in attacking the alcoholic uncle.

The alcoholic uncle threw the wall far away with one hand, and smashed a group of orcs to the ground.

The more damage the orcs do to Uncle Drunk, the stronger Uncle Drunk is.

"How is this possible! There is no one who can't be killed by the curse!" An orc who successfully attacked the alcoholic uncle looked suspicious.

"What's impossible? Only what should happen to him can happen in the world!" The alcoholic uncle twisted the orc's neck with one hand, and then pulled out the hidden weapon around his waist, and the white smoke rose and the wound recovered.

"You... Who the hell are you!!!"

The orcs retreated on guard, and the alcoholic uncle pressed calmly.

"I remember it! The rumors that we used as a joke at the beginning... The elders said to be careful with the old man with the wine gourd..."

The other orcs also shouted, "Impossible! How can there be an old man here!!"

"But he has a wine gourd around his waist!"

"There are too many people with wine gourds! Rinse and kill him!!"

It's not that the orcs can't believe it, but they are not convinced. It's impossible for one person to beat a group of them.

The orcs surrounded the alcoholic uncle, and the alcoholic uncle turned a whirlwind.

"who are you!!!"

Uncle Drunk looked at these orcs with broken arms and broken hands and smiled complacently.

"Dolls, how can I tell you the name of the old man? Just remember, be gentle when you see the old man!!!"

Uncle Drunk put his hand into the ground and lifted the ground completely, and then he easily turned the orcs who fell to the ground into mud.

Then a large amount of white smoke was released from the alcoholic uncle, and the alcoholic uncle changed back to the alcoholic old man.

A look at the living orcs, old man!Wine gourd!
What are you doing, everyone, run away! ! !

When the old alcoholic took a sip of wine, he was about to continue fighting, but the surroundings were silent...

On the side of Kanyun Qishen, the effect of the pursuit and killing incantation led some orcs to attack them.

In a short while, the group of orcs caught up with Chihua. Just like the little orcs that Chihua had seen before, their orcs roared before the battle.

Chihua roared in disbelief, accompanied by a wave of air hitting these orcs' faces.

Omg!Better than roaring!

Ye Qi took Yun Qishen down from Chihua's body, Chihua grasped the essentials of killing the orc before, and surrounded the orc under thousands of silver cloth.

Chihua bit one of the silver wires with his mouth, and the silver wires quickly tightened.


Yun Qishen and Ye Qi looked at the bloody scene here, and they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, Yun Qishen saw Taki Qianye's shadow in Chihua's move... If he was still alive, he would definitely do this to these beastmen.

"I teach the light to live forever..."

There were still many orcs rushing over from behind, and Yun Qishen looked at the broken tower in the distance.

"We have to hurry up and go to King City, Chihua! Can I leave this to you!" Yun Qishen turned his head away from Chihua, afraid that he would miss Taki Qianye even more.

"Don't worry about the devil! Just leave it to the servants to deal with! Some miscellaneous soldiers don't have to get the devil's hands dirty!"

Yun Qi's nose was sour, this sentence is more like him...

Ye Qi saw Yun Qishen's expression in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

Yun Qishen then ran towards the King City, and Ye Qi followed closely...

(End of this chapter)

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