Yun Qishen

Chapter 1501 Chapter 1501 Chapter of Murder

Chapter 1501 Chapter 11 The Chapter of Murder ([-])

Yun Qishen was very young at that time, and in his memory, he has been following his father in and out of the Asuka Research Institute since he was three or four years old.

The talent cultivation carried out there is the daily task that Yun Qishen has been carrying out.

When he first received the puzzle, Yun Qishen didn't understand what it was for.No matter how a child knows how to play that thing, he will play with it as a card.But as he grew older, Yun Qishen gradually realized that only the puzzles could accompany him all the time.

Looking at the white wall made of jigsaw puzzles in his own room, one layer is covered with one layer, the day after day is boring, but there are still puzzles.

If it weren't for that determination, and if the flames hadn't completely surrounded the room, neither he nor his family would have truly realized the meaning of life.

Yun Qishen will not realize that he is not a machine that only conducts experiments every day.

He also has his own ideas and what he wants to do.

It's just that childlike innocence may always stay at that time with the fire and the white puzzles in that room.

Then he did become a normal child. If he wanted to integrate into the public, he had to give up his original idea to make it easier for him to integrate, but he really wasn't really happy.

The paper god in front of her seemed to have seen these experiences of Yun Qishen, and she made the paper figure look like a child at that time.

"I'm ready, it's your turn to flop. Handsome little boy~"

The God of Paper Zha first pulled out a pair of pearls, and the pearls were waiting for the end of the game in midair.

Several single cards in the flower card game belong to the blessing ability of the scene environment. Under the influence of the single card effect, the two players who are fighting against each other will also have different reactions according to the mutual growth and restraint of their own attributes and the effect of the flower card ability.

The role of pearls is to absorb qi, not only the essence but also the spirit of the gods.The role of the opening pearl will continue until the end, after which the pearl will give the winner all the power it has absorbed.

The remaining unique cards are [Wind], [Food], [Star], [Shadow], and [Life].

The function of [Wind Wind] is to open the Wind Barrier on the periphery.

[Eclipse] is random, it will beat the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse immediately. In the solar eclipse state, the ability of the sun card will be weakened, and conversely, the ability of the night card will be weakened in the lunar eclipse state.

The appearance of [Star] will give guidance and hints to the flopper, and there is only one opportunity for guidance.But it will be affected by [Food], that is, when the card type of the flopper enters [Food], the guidance of [Star] will be hidden.

[Shadow] is also divided into two abilities. In the state of [Sun Shadow], the night card stops all actions, and in the state of [Moon Shadow], the sun card will also stop moving.

The [Fate] card is a decision card, and it also has the element of gambling. The appearance of the life card will also make a choice.The two pairs of cards choose a number between one and six, and the closest one can use the ability of life to choose cards at will to make a pair.

After Yun Qishen heard the words of Zhi Zha God, he calmly turned the cards.

The first one or two rounds went very smoothly, until Yun Qishen flopped the third time that the paper-piercing man came over from Yun Qishen's side.

"Not over there—it's this card!"

The paper man broke away from Yun Qishen's control and pointed to a flower card.

Yun Qishen and the others present were surprised.

This paper stickman actually got out of control and started to act.

Zhi Zharen chose the correct flower card for Yun Qishen, but Yun Qishen's hand stopped in mid-air.

"Ah la la la, don't make trouble, go and go, don't act suddenly!"

Zhizha God waved his hand towards the little Zhizha Ren, who smiled at Yun Qishen and stepped back to watch Yun Qishen play cards with Zhizha God.

"The little thing is not obedient, you have to teach him well in the future." Zhi Zha Shenming's little face smiled, "I really like you, handsome little boy, if you lose the flower card, do you want to? Thinking about being mine?"

Yun Qishen stopped in mid-air and picked up his hands. He then smiled lightly, "Then I can't lose this card. After all, I'm really afraid of paper figurines, sorry."

"Then I can also become what you like. As long as you are willing to follow me, your friends will naturally be blessed by me." The special nature of Zhizha gods made Yun Qishen unable to destroy her even if he was powerful.

At this moment, the wise man has already bowed and apologized to Ye Qi.

Ye Qi smiled like a fox, "This kind of protection is really terrifying, it's unbearable~ Isn't it, Lawren?"

"Yes, yes, what you said! Don't get angry! Don't get angry! Peace comes first, long live friendship!" Ritsuren hunched over and arched his hands, and he could sense the blame in his wicked tone.

Yun Qishen laughed even more, "Why don't we do this, if we all win you, after you remove the paper figurines for us, do you want to follow me into my plot? I think you should need to A better world, not stuck here."

"Hey! Yun Qishen! My family is not... you brought this thing back to me... I can't even tell!" The lawyer was excited when he heard that Yun Qishen came to "recruit" again.

Ye Qi didn't plan to agree to Yun Qishen's suggestion this time, but it was Yun Qishen's idea after all, so he had no choice but to agree.

Zhizha Shenming pouted and shook his head, "Yun Qishen, you can still be a good person and have the handsome appearance I like, but Murder is kind to me, I'm here to guard him on purpose."

"So you're not going to leave here with me?"

"No plan, my life is to be killed. But there are some things I don't agree to kill. I want you to stop him. Although I can't be with you, I will change this little guy after you win. Just take him away and replace me. He will also help you, I know your purpose, but I will not kill you, I can't do it for you. "

Zhizha God chose another pair of cards, "Now let's finish the duel between us, the paired [Hate·Love] can amplify the mood and emotion."

"This is... uh!" Yun Qishen grabbed his heart and leaned forward. At this time, a heat flow was acting in his body, and the memories of love and hate were mixed in his mind. He even hallucinated. The hands of several familiar people were touching him.

Yun Qi swallowed his throat deeply, his breathing became thicker, and then he gritted his teeth and turned the flower card with difficulty.

It may be because the emotions are too magnified, which caused Yun Qishen to turn over the wrong card and lose one of his leading opportunities.

"Ha..." Yun Qi let out a deep breath of heat, his heart was still in unbearable pain, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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