Yun Qishen

Chapter 1530 The Chapter of Killing and the Decisive Battle

Chapter 1530: The Chapter of Murder, the Decisive Battle (10)

People can go crazy for what they love, not only hurting others, but also hurting themselves.

To love but not more can exacerbate a person's madness.

There are so many idiots and haters in the world, how could it be so painful to come to you?

The wound opened by the ring continued to bleed, and Yun Qishen hurriedly used magic to heal it and found that it could not be cured at all.

Zhu Batian even lost his strength and barely fell to the ground with Yun Qishen's support.

Di Ming and Tong Qian quickly flashed behind Xiao Bi, E was just about to make a sound to stop them from killing indiscriminately, the next second Xiao Bi closed the ring and turned around and started attacking Di Ming and Tong Qian.

Tong Qiang recklessly underestimated the enemy and was scratched by Xiaobi, but the wound could not heal quickly.

Di Ming cautiously took Tong Qian back and used a spell to freeze Xiaobi, but the ring in Xiaobi's hand emitted a strange light and instantly broke Di Ming's spell.

"I have an artifact in hand, none of you can do anything to me! I will be immortal! I order you to give Zhu Batian to me! Quick!"

Xiaobi's personality has changed obviously. She no longer seems to be pretending to be a harmless girl. Now this strong and ferocious attitude is the child prodigy who broke the world in Dongcang.

Xiaobi hurriedly protected the ring in front of her. She exposed her weakness in this way. It seemed that the madness had swallowed her calm.

The lawyer looked at the crazy little Bi and there was no ups and downs in his heart, as if this was something he had foreseen and would definitely happen.

The top priority is to save Zhu Batian, otherwise he will lose too much blood and die.

"Spells are useless to Zhu Batian, and that crazy girl over there is clamoring to give Zhu Batian to her... Lawren... Forget it."

Yun Qishen had to find a bandage from the storage ring to stop the bleeding for Zhu Batian.

"Since the spell doesn't work, then use traditional surgery... Just hold on, I'll sew up your wound as soon as possible."

Yun Qishen sutured Zhu Batian's wound cautiously, Xiaobi over there was already impatient, she threw the ring again to go towards Yun Qishen and Zhu Batian.

Ye Qi came forward to resist the ring's attack with his sword. Since the ring would resist mana, it could only be suppressed by strength.

"It's useless!" Xiaobi gritted her teeth and tried to retract the ring. Tong Qian took the opportunity to stab Xiaobi's legs.


With Xiaobi's screams, the ring stopped attacking, and Xiaobi was pinned to the ground and couldn't move.

The ice of the earth broke out with Tong Qian's attack, and Xiaobi couldn't move.

Just when everyone thought the matter was resolved, Xiaobi suddenly burst into laughter.

"Liar to you! You disgusting bastards!"

The ring rotates again, this time the ring gradually enlarges, and the power it emits scratches everyone present like a gust of wind.

Even if Ritsuto hides behind Er, he cannot avoid being scratched.

"Hi--" Ritsuren looked at the bleeding wound, but he was only angry and irritable in his heart.

Ye Qi couldn't offset it with magic, he could only use his body to block the mana of the circle rushing towards Yun Qishen until Yun Qishen helped Zhu Batian to sew up the wound.

Over there, Xiaobi smiled grimly. She pulled out the spear on her leg, and the wound healed quickly.

When Xiaobi stood up, Di Ming and Tong Qian also flashed back to E's side.

"This ring is not easy to deal with. Since the magic power is not good, it is absolutely necessary to suppress it with strength, and destroying it is the best policy!"

Lingxin Ziqing leaned in Zhangyou's arms and suggested, "It's just that we lost mana, how can we get close to the ring?"

"I'll lead Xiaobi away..." Zhu Batian frowned, and the souls all looked at him together.

Zhu Batian stood up straight, clutching his wound, "I am the only one who can stop her now, I owe her."

"You don't owe anyone!" Lawren still hid behind Er, he clenched his fists and roared, "This is the path she insisted on taking, Xiaobi's feelings for you... are..."

"Whether her feelings for me are true or false, this is what I should do. The mission you gave me before is also what I should be responsible for now."

After Zhu Batian finished speaking, he ran towards the other side of Ji Qi's shelter.

Seeing this, Xiaobi quickly weakened the strength of the ring and pulled it back and flew towards Zhu Batian.

"Zhu Batian! Zhu Batian! Zhu Batian!"

Xiaobi frantically called Zhu Batian's name.

Zhu Batian also rushed towards Xiaobi quickly, and Xiaobihong greeted him with a ring of eyes.

"Ha!" Xiaobi's eyes opened wider and wider, and her smile became more and more ferocious, "Hahahaha!"

Just when Xiaobi thought that the ring would cut off Zhu Batian's head, Zhu Batian ducked sideways and dived to Xiaobi's side.

And behind Zhu Batian was following the figure of Yun Qishen. As soon as Yun Qishen's black golden sword came out, his flank cut off the ring. In the blink of an eye, the sword light flashed, and the ring turned into dust.

"No..." Xiaobi's pupils trembled, and she hurriedly turned to look at Zhu Batian.

Zhu Batian also took out his red long sword and pressed into Xiaobi's neck.


Xiaobi's head fell to the ground and there was no movement, and soon she turned into dust and dissipated in the wind.

With the disappearance of Xiaobi, a yellow gem appeared in front of Zhu Batian'e.

"Space Spirit Stone..."

Lu Ren was attracted by the gem's light, and Yun Qishen also stepped forward and Zhu Batian took the gem into his hand.

"Is this what you've been looking for? With it I can go to that ideal space, right?"

Zhu Batian's expression showed neither sadness nor joy.

Everything passed in plainness.

"Yes... an ideal space."

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he took the gem and turned his head to Luren's side.

The parts of the soul body and people who were injured by the ring just now also healed little by little.

Zhu Batian sighed and looked towards the direction where the sun was setting. A human figure vaguely appeared on the red sky and the dusty land.

"That's... Lao Xu?!"

Zhu Batian was worried that Lao Xu was here to blame himself, after all, he killed Xiaobi...

"Don't worry, he didn't come to blame you." Yun Qishen saw Zhu Batian's thoughts and gave him another look at Lao Xu's thoughts.

"Little God..." Lao Xu slammed into Zhu Batian's arms tiredly, clutching his heart.

At this time, Er also looked at Lao Xu in surprise, "You are..."

"Brother Er..."

The souls also seemed to understand something, and they all looked at Er with a worried look.

Eye approached Lao Xu and Zhu Batian.

The reunions and separations between friends are very fast. In Zai Luren's eyes, these were originally arranged by him, and now he is just a passerby.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected...

What the lawyer sees is nothing but the floating dust, and in the characters themselves, they often lose more.

"We should prepare to go back."

Lawren came to Yun Qishen and Ye Qi's side and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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